

Eight normal teenagers. One school field trip. One immortal. One witch. Eight magical stones. One great battle... Gabriella is a 16 year old normal high school teenager with two best friends, two younger siblings, one crush and one arch enemy. Her life is the best definition of a totally-boring. Her life is perfectly normal until she goes on her school's field trip without her mom's permission. Suddenly her life, her best friends and her siblings lives transforms in an extraordinary way by that one field trip. There they meet an immortal sorcerer named Amun, the ancient sorcerer of Egypt and they get this incredible amazing powers but the excitement is short lived; when a witch, Octhelia, who is an arch enemy of Amun; wants their powers for herself.... Will Ella, her friends and siblings give up their powers to the witch? Will Amun teach them how to battle for their powers and defeat Octhelia? Let's find out in this story series....

Emmanuella_Ibemba · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter Four

Ms. Phillips was going to take us to see the ancient Egyptian's palace and most of all Pharaoh's statue. So I and the guys planned to wait behind to check out the statue properly while the whole class left us; while... Hold on! Wait! Where's Derrick and Susan?

"Students, Coy and Haynes won't be joining us on this experience, they both have a cold...which is weird when I think about it" Ms. Phillips said and shrugged, "but I guess that's what love does to us all" she said and ushered us into the tour bus.

I smirked, cause I knew they both didn't have a cold, instead Derrick took my advice.

The bus took us to see the Egyptian palace and then pharaoh's statue in the slums of Cairo. It's funny how this once beautiful kingdom was now a slum in the present world.

"Ella, come on!" Flow called out to me

"Coming!" I yelled running towards them, as they all stood in front of the statue.

When I got to the statue, Man! It was BIG; fascinated by it, I walked over to it and touched one of the brick, and suddenly, the whole ground shook and the mouth of pharaoh opened up like a stair case leading to a dark passage way.

"Oh. My. God" I said slowly, still suprised.

The guys gasped in shock. Suddenly I felt like we needed to go down there_or so my instinct thought.

"Come on, let's go check it out" I said smiling.

"What?!" The guys exclaimed, looking at me like I was crazy.

"I'm not going down there" Anne said.

"Me neither" Flow, Eddie and Gab said.

"Come on guys, don't be chickens" I teased.

"Ella, don't do something stupid. Again" Gab said.

I scoffed.

"Something stupid? When have I ever done something stupid?" I asked.

"Remember when you wore mom's clothes, shoes, bought a blonde wig and makeup and went for Flow's P.T.M cause mom traveled and couldn't make it on time to be there? But you got caught" Eddie asked

I blushed.

"Or that time when you wanted to learn how to kiss and you began to practice it on a tree and Derrick caught you doing that?" Gab asked.

Double blush.

"Or the time you said you wanted to try a new cupcake recipe and you nearly burnt the whole kitchen down?" Flow said

"Or that time at the school radio recording room and you were telling me how you wanted to tell Derrick about your feelings and you accidentally pressed the entire school speaker butt_"

"Okay! So? I may have done a few stupid and embarrassing things those times but this... This is different, I can feel it" I said "look guys, we'll just take a quick look and come back out immediately nothing bad is gonna happen" I promised hoping they'd buy into it.

"Yea right. I'm still not going" Anne said.

Ugh! Anne can be such a pain in the neck especially when she's scared and I think I've got the right thing to get her going down that stairs.

I walked over to her and put my arm round her shoulders and made her face the stairs.

"Anne, sweet beautiful Anne, look at it this way" I talked to her in a soothing voice like she was a child, "if we go down that stairs you might find something for your big story that could even get you connected to your big break with New York daily" I said

She smiled, "Really?"

"Yea, just think about your name on your very own article, Anne Blackwell of Sky Level High on the news" I whispered in her ear and she grinned.

With the look on her face, I knew I had her. So I finally convinced the others and down the stairs we went.

"Gab, switch on your phone flashlight_you too guys...it's pretty dark in here" I said.

As I switched on my phone flashlight, I saw the drawing of the slavery of the Israelites and how the Egyptians maltreated them; I was looking at other drawings of gods and goddesses, demons and spirit guides and other mythical creatures. Then I saw something underneath a clay dust so I dust it off and what I saw scared the shit out of me

"Jeez!" I shrieked

"What is it?" Gab asked and came behind me.

"Yo! Come check this out?" Gab called out to the others, as they began to take pictures of the scary looking witch.

"Alright now that's what I'm talking about"Eddie said, standing beside the drawing and taking a picture of himself standing there.

"Man! This is going to get me so much likes and comments on social media" Flow said nervously, as she took a picture, "Ella that thing looks like it's looking at me" She said standing behind me, even though she's getting a bit taller than me. A bit. Just a tiny bit.

There's something you should know as you're reading my story, Flow's scared of the dark and Eddie loves to scare her whenever it's dark.

"No, it's not looking at you Flow, it's just a drawing you know, okay?" I said, even though I was scared myself.

"It's not going to jump out and eat you Flow" Anne said.

"Really?" Flow asked,

Sometimes, she just likes to ask the dumbest questions.

"Not yet though" Eddie teased, flashing his flashlight on his face in a scary way.

Flow shivered and held onto her phone tightly.

So I waited for Anne and Eddie to finish taking their pictures so we leave or explore the underground passage some more, when I heard a crack. I turned and looked around, Flow was gone?! No, no, no, no! God please, let this not be happening, please!

"Guys, where's Flow?" I asked them

"What? I thought she was with you?!" Eddie said

"Come on! Let's spread out and look out for her" Gab said

"Yea, she could be anywhere" Anne said.

We finally spread out taking different passage ways. I walked and walked and walked until I finally saw something, it was shining like a bright light.

'Maybe it's a jewel' I thought to myself.

So I walked towards it, as I got closer, it suddenly flew up into the air_literally! Like it was a bird, like it was literally floating on air. I raced towards it but it flew away further; so I decided to follow it. I followed it until it led me to what looked like a large beautiful looking room, filled with gold and jewels and diamonds_I kinda think it's the treasury room of Egypt.

There was a golden chair where a pure gold sculptured statue sat was glowing. Suddenly the glowing stone or should I just say jewel if you might say so yourself, landed right on my palm. The guys came into the room and Flow came in later on and we all looked confused, as to why these glowing diamonds_glowing ones actually were in our hands.

As I saw Flow, I ran and hugged her, Eddie joined in on the hug.

"Don't ever leave like that again" I scolded her.

"Yea, I was already going out of my mind, just thinking of the things_oh, the terrible things mom would've done to Ella and I if we'd lost you" Eddie said.

"I'm sorry guys, I just saw this stone that was glowing, it was also disappearing and appearing, so I followed it till I got here" Flow said.

I arched a brow.

"That's strange, cause mine was a actually flying_literally! Like a bird" I said

"Mine was running fast like flash fast" Eddie said

"Mine made it rain in here" Gab said

"Mine, made the water in my root beer float_like it was controlling it. Seriously Ella, what the hell is going on?" Anne asked.

Man, truth be told, I had no freaking idea but we were about to find out.