

Eight normal teenagers. One school field trip. One immortal. One witch. Eight magical stones. One great battle... Gabriella is a 16 year old normal high school teenager with two best friends, two younger siblings, one crush and one arch enemy. Her life is the best definition of a totally-boring. Her life is perfectly normal until she goes on her school's field trip without her mom's permission. Suddenly her life, her best friends and her siblings lives transforms in an extraordinary way by that one field trip. There they meet an immortal sorcerer named Amun, the ancient sorcerer of Egypt and they get this incredible amazing powers but the excitement is short lived; when a witch, Octhelia, who is an arch enemy of Amun; wants their powers for herself.... Will Ella, her friends and siblings give up their powers to the witch? Will Amun teach them how to battle for their powers and defeat Octhelia? Let's find out in this story series....

Emmanuella_Ibemba · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter Five

As we all panicked and became shocked at the same time of what was happening, we suddenly heard a loud rumbling behind us and as we turned, we all saw that the statue that was sitting on the golden chair a while ago had suddenly come to life and imagine my surprise when I heard a loud girly screams behind me, As I was watching the statue come to life and turns out the people who screamed were my siblings and friends, even making the statue even more angry.

"Shh!" I hissed, pissed off as well.

Didn't they realize that the statue might kill us if we dared make a noise?

The statue stood up; God, I'm scared right now. God, in case I die today, forgive me my sins and pls beg my mom to forgive me for disobeying her and going on this field trip and also make Derrick meet at the gate before I go into paradise.Amen.

"Who dares disturb my slumber?" The statue growled loudly, making us all shriek.

Out of nowhere, I heard myself say, "Sorry Mr. Pharaoh, we didn't mean to disturb your beauty sleep" I began, "please I and my friends saw a secret passage way which led us here to your throne room which is awesome by the way, but we lost our sister in here so we went to look for her and found this diamonds that led us all into your beautiful, wonderful throne room; we're so sorry that we woke you up" I said,

Hoping that I got him to listen and understand that we were in here by mistake, which was kinda working by the way, because he wasn't growling anymore, but instead he was thinking. I think maybe to let us go or not.

"What are you doing sis?" Eddie whispered, maybe thinking my idea was lame.

"Saving our butts that's what" I whispered back

"You think he's gonna let us go Ella? I want mommy" Flow cried out.

"Shh, Shh, Shh, Flow, I promise I'll get us all back home, I can't let me get us all into trouble again because of my stupid instinct" I said to her, feeling bad for my stupidity.

"You said it sis, this is the most stupidest idea you've ever had_like you set a real record this time" Eddie said

Clearly blaming me for this huge mess; way to go to ruin my self-pity party.

I glared at him. I did tell you he was a jerk, right?

"Eddie, it's not your sister's fault we're all in here, we all agreed to check it out remember?" Gab said, backing me up.

I smiled at him and mouthed a Thank you to him and he mouthed a You're welcome back at me.

"Yea Eddie, don't be such a jerk at a time like this" Flow said.

I looked at Anne and frowned, why was she suddenly so silent?

"Anne, why are you so quiet and_"

"I have decided to forgive you children for disturbing my sleep" The statue said.

Phew! That's a relief at least we're sure we'll get home safe and sound.

"Children?! Did he just say children Ella?" Anne growled, after a long minute of silence.

"Uh oh" Gab and I said in unison.

There's something about Anne that you need to know, She hates when someone calls her a child, she and I have that in common; but I was more worried about being alive than to be angry that the statue guy called me a child. Clearly Anne didn't care about that and nope! We're not sure we're leaving here alive. Oh God.

"Anne, shut up! He's letting us go and you're angry he called us children?! Do you wanna die? Cos I don't wanna die, I'm still too young to die but if you wanna die, you're welcome to" Gab growled through gritted teeth.

Jeez, I've never seen him that angry before.

"Mr. Pharaoh? your royal highness? great king of Egypt? What my friend here is tryin'a say is..." I began, glaring at Anne, "...thank you, right Anne?" I asked her through gritted teeth.

She glared at me and then smiled at the statue, "Right. Thanks your highness" Anne said, clearly angry with me .

Suddenly my phone began to ring, I took it out of my back pocket of my blue jeans. The caller ID was...

"Mom?!" I yelped.

"What?!" The guys all shrieked

"No screaming and shouting in the treasury room!" The statue yelled, making everywhere shake, we fell to our feet.

My phone continued to ring.

"What is that noise?!" The statue growled.

"Ouch! Sorry your highness" I said to him, I put the phone on silent.

I faced the guys as we stood up. "Guys, what am I gonna do?! What if_what if she finds out I'm not at home but in Cairo?" I asked, feeling scared.

"Just answer the phone Ella, I'm sure she won't find out , it's not like she's a psychic or something" Anne said, encouraging me to answer the call.

"Mom! How are you? How was your flight? How's London? And the show?" I said, trying to feel care free.

"Oh honey, London's great! How are you guys? Everything good?" Mom asked

"Of course! Everything's great! Why wouldn't it be?Though now isn't a really good time to talk" I said, wishing she doesn't find out a thing.

"Okay? ...put Eddie on the phone" She said

"Eddie?" I asked

"Yea, put him on the phone" She said.

"Okay" I said, put the call on silent

"Eddie!" I whispered, "mom wants to talk to you, please don't say a thing, okay? I promise I'll give you ten bucks when we get back to the hotel, deal?" I said, offering my hand.

"Deal, with ice cream and hamburgers for a year" Eddie said

I arched a brow and frowned, "Not gonna happen" I said,

" A month then?" He offered

"Two weeks" I said

"Three weeks?"

"Two weeks only"

"Fine, deal" He said relunctantly, before shaking my hand.

I put the call on speaker.

"What's taking so long? I'm waiting" Mom said.

"Hi mom" Eddie said

"Hey sweetie, everything okay there?" Mom asked

"Yeah, sure. Everything's great" Eddie said

"Okay, what's going on there?!" Mom asked, clearly suspecting that something was wrong.

I froze.

"Nothing, I swear!" Eddie said

"Uh huh...put Flow on the phone" Mom ordered

"Flow?!" Eddie and I exclaimed

You must be wondering why we're that way, I did tell you before I began to talk about my adventure, that Flora (Flow), my little sister was a parrot and by that, I mean she's a real gossip_even more than Anne.

I glared at her as Eddie gave her my phone.

"Hello mommy" Flow said

"How are you angel?" Mom asked

I rolled my eyes, 'Angel? More like devil' I thought to myself

"Great!" Flow began, "I ate hamburgers, ice cream and French fries. Mom, we even saw some diamonds that has magical powers and we're standing in front of a statue that's alive and_"

I freaked out and snatched my phone from Flow.

"Okay" I drawled, "clearly maybe she ate too much food and is now talking nonsense mom" I said, glaring at Flow for talking too much and she looked away from my murderous glare.

I swear if looks could kill, then mine would've definitely killed Flow.

"What's going on there Ella? Did you_"

"Can't talk right now mom, love you!" I said and hung up on her; "Okay, that's a first" I said, relieved.

I looked at the guys, then at the pharaoh statue.

"Thank you Mr. Pharaoh for not killing us; now we'll have to be on our way_come.on guys" I said and we began to leave.

"Wait!" The pharaoh statue said

We froze in our tracks.

Oh boy. What now?!

"Has he changed his mind?" Anne asked, whispering

"Let's hope not" Gab said.

"Yes Mr. Pharaoh?" I answered

"Did you say you saw some diamonds in the hallway before you came in here?"He asked

"Yes" I replied

He walked towards us and we stepped backwards.

"Let me see them if I'm not wrong, those diamonds you saw might be the same diamonds our ancestors used to defeat our enemies in those days or world war II as you kids might say"

Whaaat?! You didn't see that coming, did you?