
The Promised King, "Red Haired " SHANKS

"Red-Haired" Shanks and his wild adventures.

Uncreative66 · Jeux vidéo
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45 Chs

Start of the 3rd Month of training

Shank's Pov:  I woke up to the sound of roosters' cry which was coincidentally at the crack of dawn. The sun was coming back up and it was windy at the moment although the temperature was steadily rising. I did my morning deeds before I started to stretch. After ten minutes of stretching I started to walk to the primitive arena. As I was walking down the forest, the animals seemed to all wake up and I occasionally saw animals that hunted in the night. I tipped my straw hat in greeting to them as some actually nodded as if they could understand the gesture which made me smile . I was walking and greeting some animals that were friendly when my haki flared to warning and I tilted my head to the right in time to dodge a silver arrow coated in armament haki . The arrow hit a tree and the tree shook for a second and fell down the next. My haki flared up again the next second after the tree fell down  and I tilted my head to the right this time to dodge a similar arrow but the shooter seemed to have predicted that and shot another arrow to the right which caused me to dodge to the left. My haki flared up again as I jumped backwards from a rain of haki coated arrows that would have skewered me had I stayed in the spot. I waited for another rain of arrows that never came. I breathed a sigh of relief and let my guard down for a second. Luckily, even though I didn't have future sight yet,my haki was exceptional as it warned me of four  arrows coming at me at crazy speeds . I coated both my hands and caught the arrows like black panther did in civil war when Hawkeye shot explosive arrows at him. I was still on guard. Even after five minutes nothing happened. I expanded my sensing range of observation haki which was currently limited to five kilometers from my current location and couldn't find anything. This means Rayleigh can either hide his presence very well through conquerors or with a stealth technique or he was at least ten  kilometers from current position which is wild. For him to be five more kilometers from me would mean his observation is very acute and he has a larger sensing range than me which is actually very possible if you think about it. People like Shanks and Fujitora who are masters at the sensing aspect of observation haki can sense someone's specific  presence in an entire country of people. Shanks sensed Greenbull in Wano and was able to attack him while he was at the coast  of Wano while Greenbull was near udon. Fujitora on the other hand was able to sense the emotions of all the people on the island of Dressrosa and even tell their true feelings. That kind of range is something that requires extreme mastery in the sensing aspect of observation haki and I'm sure Rayleigh it with his knowledge on haki. I also wouldn't put it past him to know how to kill his presence from observation haki users using conqueror's haki. I mean if original shanks could kill someone's future sight,although its not confirmed since he's just called "The killer of observation", using a advanced conquerors technique, i don't see why Rayleigh, a haki expert and master,wouldn't know how to kill the sensing aspect of observation haki by also using advanced conquerors haki. As I was in thoughts speculating but still on guard, my observation haki flared and I caught an arrow with a blindfold on it along with a small note. I read the note for a minute before I threw it away and put on the blind fold. As soon as I felt comfortable and ready,my observation haki flared as I felt a group of arrows coming at me at top speed. I dodged each one like I had awakened ultra instinct. After a full minute of dodging like crazy using the excellent body control I had acquired and built up  through training the Rokushiki, I stopped. A minute later I had to dodge a volley of arrows. I jumped to the left,dodged to the right,tilted my head from left to right,right to left and so on. This continued as the colly arrows continued to rain for thirty minutes. I had a one minute break to catch my mental break before another volly of arrows was on its way. I started to move around, jump on trees to escape the volly of arrows. The attacker seemed to be more determined as I had to up my game when he started to use his better advanced observation haki attack predicting abilities to predict where I would dodge and strike the moment I thought I was safe. This forced me to constantly be on alert to dodge even when to have dodged to the right place which was never safe for more than one second. This trend continued and my first and very effective observation haki training continued until three in the evening. And Constantly using observation for that long has its effects. I was bleeding from my nose and ears. And I was breathing heavily. I have never used any form of haki for that long non-stop. I took ten minutes to catch my breath and employ semi-keiken to stop the bleeding. I sat down on the nearest boulder to get some mental rest. Twenty minutes later, I stood up and picked up my saber and its guard along with my gun and started walking to the place I knew I would find Rayleigh for our spar for today. I reached the primitive arena and found Rayleigh sitting on top of a boulder sipping some like usual. The moment he saw , he took his last sip for the moment before he jumped down from the boulder and landed perfectly on the ground.  He looked at me from up and down in approval before his face became serious,extremely serious. He took a deep breath before I felt an indescribable pressure pressing up on me. That pressure kept increasing and that didn't seem like it was enough for him as mixed with his conquerors and killing intent which was a chilling combo tha almost had me buckling to my knees. I was struggling to stay awake at this point as his silver haki was pressing down on me as if to assert his dominance and control over me. I slowly raised my head and looked straight at him. And I grinned,a demonic grin before I let out my conqueror's haki at its full potential. The pressure on me slowly eased up enough for me to stand back up and slowly unsheath my saber from its guard ,although my hands were shaking, and point it at Rayleigh without saying anything.. He grinned as he took back his conqueror's haki while a smile graced his face. He then said while unsheathing his cutlass from its sheath ," Impressive of will and determination shanks.Now lets see if you can back it up in combat.'" With that statement,we both vanished from our positions and clashed in the air which created a great shockwave as we were both pushed back. We both looked at each other before we once again ran at each other at fast speeds to begin our first spar for this month.