
The power of control

A young man far from home finds himself in a world of heroes and villains, and is granted the power to control all...

DaoOfPusy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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45 Chs

chapter 3: (ab)normality

"Oh my god! Izuku, come quick! Your brother has manifested his quirk!"

'My what now?'

My thoughts were in utter disarray.

'Never mind the fact that I almost got killed by furniture. I was about to rejoice at my awakening into a superior being, a freak of nature no science could answer, a superhuman, a god among men! And you're telling me that's normal?! Since when? How did I not notice that? Granted, I've never actually experienced the outside world, but still! Shouldn't there have been some clue from this woman that having superpowers is normal? Also, I almost died just now. How is she fine with that?'

My rapid thoughts left as quickly as they came when my twin-brother Izuku, a short, green-haired boy with more freckles than face, left his post in front of the TV to see what was going on. Like our mother, he was shocked to see the cupboard in pieces, but he quickly noticed the strangest part of this situation.

"Wah! The cookies are flying!"

As I looked to my right, I noticed that the box of cookies I was longing for was indeed floating, clad in a mysterious kaleidoscopic hue. I guess my desire to obtain them paid off in the best and worst way possible.

"Mom, what kind of quirk does brother have?" So even the little twerp knew. It makes sense, though. Anything a child hears and sees is true to them until proven otherwise. With all the superhero shows he watched (if they were even shows), it would seem he believed superpowers (or 'quirks' as mother called them) to exist in the real world, rightfully so.

"It looks like your brother's quirk is kind of like my own," She said as she performed a pulling motion with her hand. A broken piece of wood crudely flew towards her hand, very much unlike the smooth telekinesis I seemed to be able to do.

"But I can only attract small objects towards me. Your brother can already make cookie boxes fly."

She began to tear up.

"My son is so capable, to have already surpassed me at three years old. I'm so proud!" The tears began to flow uncontrollably. This woman, Inko Midoriya, was a massive wimp, who cried on almost any occasion, be it happy or sad. In fact, my first memory in this new world was her crying of happiness shortly after mine and Izuku's birth. Thank god I was not conscious for what happened before. I am not good with crying women.

As I looked around the warzone I had accidentally created, I noticed that the box of cookies was still floating beside me. Trying to control my newfound power, I tried making the box fly through the air, which proved shockingly easy, as I made the box do all kinds of stunts and maneuvers. Izuku seemed to love this, and as he chased after the flying box like a puppy, I felt a happiness I hadn't felt ever since my awakening in this strange world. It seemed my suffering was slowly but surely starting to become worth it.

A.N./// guess the cats out the bag now. yes, this is one of those fanfic things you've heard about before, and it's a mha one to boot(i know, ew). i feel sorry for subjecting you all to such torture. if you for some reason like this kind of stuff, leave a comment. if you don't, also leave a comment I guess. anyways, love y'all.