
The power of control

A young man far from home finds himself in a world of heroes and villains, and is granted the power to control all...

DaoOfPusy · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

chapter 4: delusions of grandeur

Quirks. A superhuman ability possessed by around 80% of the world population. Each quirk is solely unique to its user, though variations of similar powers exist. The public use of these quirks is forbidden, though, with the proper education, one can use their powers to uphold public order, to become a hero. As I used my telekinesis to bend a spoon into all kinds of impossible shapes, I pondered over this reality, A reality I would previously label as fiction. A fiction that has now become my reality.

Life was still the same, even with the addition of superpowers. I still had to go to school, even though I did not want to go through it all over again. I still had to interact with kids I had nothing in common with, not even our age. And I still had to take care of a little brother, who was born mere minutes after me and still had less emotional maturity than I had even at his age.

Life was not all bad, though. I found out my powers were leagues beyond those of my peers after making short work of a kid that dared bully Izuku for still not manifesting his quirk at the age of six. While the kid was not raised right and deserved a proper spanking from his parents, he was still correct. The average age of quirk manifestation is four years old, and Izuku was way past that point. His visit to the doctor had confirmed everyone's thoughts. He was a minority, born according to god's image, and cursed to forever be an outcast. He was, without a doubt, quirkless.

Izuku had a wish that seemed so impossible it was almost funny. He wished to stand amongst the strongest of quirk users to protect the safety and prosperity of the citizens. He wanted to become a hero. To him, however, it was less of a wish and more of a goal, one that he had strange confidence in being able to achieve. The most infuriating thing about his delusions, though, was that he did absolutely nothing to make them a reality. All he did was sit behind our family computer, watching videos of heroes doing their thing. He did not even try to train his body, or at least his pathetic social skills. It was pitiful, in my professional opinion, even for a six-year-old. Alas, cursed to be his slightly older brother, all I could do was support his delusions and hope he would grow out of them.

Youth was, after all, a scarce resource. One moment, you are on top of the world, thinking you have all the time to do whatever you want. The next moment, you become a sad adult, as all your hopes and dreams become a sand of regret slipping through your fingers. One can only hope they made use of all the time they had, for, at any moment, a meteor could descend upon you and take it all away.

A.N./// guess this world and it's people are all quite "quirky"..... I'm not sorry. also, i know the world is (sadly) full of weird ass mha fanfics, let me know how you like my take on it. love y'all