
The Path to New Era

The current era of the universe is coming to an end and to begin a new prosperous era and stabilize the current dangers faced by the universe there is a need of a unparalleled genius to be a lead to initiate the new era. Watch the battle between heavenly geniuses of many factions fighting to be a top figure of the generation and start a new era. But will the journey of such top figure end there.... let's see

Daoist_Nothingness · Fantaisie
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45 Chs

Returing Home

A small sized space ship is moving in the space, with in the ship Tyche is recollecting and pondering over his experience over the past year and st the same time he is excited to reunite with is family and other clan members.

After the final battle between the Crimtons and Demon Tigers with Crimtons ultimately winning the war Tyche didn't want to stay behind to see the aftermath as he had already seen enough and whatever happens next doesn't concern him.

Now after a year of Mental Tempering he is about nine years old and when he reaches home he will have to participate in awakening ceremony to awaken his talents a year later so that he can begin cultivating. He is very excited about his awakening not for his talents but because he can finally start training.

As a member of the Ashborn clan Tyche isn't very concerned about the talents and it's grades he will awaken. The Ashborn clan never particularly cared about their descendants talent grades rather what the care about is temperment and will power of them, this is because of their unique cultivation systems invented by thileir ancestors - Dao Path Cultivation system and Nature Spirit cultivation system.

But all those are for later, now Tyche is relaxing himself by reading the biography of his ancestors and how they along with the ancestors of other supreme clans started the Golden Era of the universe which brought prosperity to the universe.

As he is reading the book Grey came to Tyche's caabin and asked, "Young master, do you want to stop any where during our travel or should we go straight to Amethyst Planet".

Tyche raised his head from the book and thought about Planet Skarr and Green Python space pirates who they have encountered during the journey, 'Should I take revenge on them for offending me'. Eventually Tyche shook his head as he doesn't want to be petty over complete strangers who doesn't even know his name and he didn't want to bully anyone with his background.

"No need to stop any where, we can go straight to Amethyst Planet", Tyche paused and said, "If anyone interferes with our journey do as you please with them there is no need to report".

When Grey heard Tyche's orders he smiled and felt happy for his young master to have matured just within a year but this maturity comes with a price of nine year old innocent child experiencing the dark side of the world.

Actually during their stay in Red Emperor World he could have saved the Green Wood City if he wished to and with his cultivation he had already detected the army approaching the city long ago but he let city fall because it would help his young master see the cruel nature of the world. During the massacre when faced with death people reacted in different ways and the Demon Tigers done many more cruel things to Crimtons than just killing all these helped Tyche to mature and see the dark side of the world.

After getting his order Grey returned to the control room to monitor their journey and Tyche once again started reading the book.

As they are traveling in the space, in a asteroid belt some distance away from them a group of ships are hovering and all the ships have the emblem of a green python. They are the Green Python space pirates who Tyche once met during his journey to Red Emperor World.

In the main ship the captain and other top individuals of the pirate crew are discussing about their next operation, "Captain, I think we should move to a different area as we have looted enough from the space crafts of this region".

For this person's suggestion no one opposed since he was just speaking the fact. Seeing that everyone having same thought Captain Kai said, "Hmm, we have already offended people like Captain Ross so it's is indeed a good idea to move to different area as we don't know when they will decide strike back".

As they were discussing suddenly there was a alert from the ship's mainframe, 'BEEB! BEEB! UNKNOWN SHIP DETECTED!'.

Immidiately the Captain and others arrived before the projection and they saw the small space craft which was still some distance away from them and immidiately everyone was astonished because this small ship was a Grade 7 space craft but after knowing this they became wary and has thoughts of avoiding whoever in it.

Seeing his subordinates being afraid Captain Kai scoffed and said, "Hmph, what are you guys afraid of don't you see the life signature shone in the projection".

With Kai's remainder others carefully observed only then did they clearly see the information shown, 'DETECTED TWO LIFE SIGNATURES - ONE MORTAL, ONE VOID BREAKING EXPERT'.