
The Path to New Era

The current era of the universe is coming to an end and to begin a new prosperous era and stabilize the current dangers faced by the universe there is a need of a unparalleled genius to be a lead to initiate the new era. Watch the battle between heavenly geniuses of many factions fighting to be a top figure of the generation and start a new era. But will the journey of such top figure end there.... let's see

Daoist_Nothingness · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Final Battle(3)

'Formation', when the ancestor of Demon Tigers thought of this his expression became ugly and this formation seemed to help his opponents gather their strength through it.

He quickly sent sound transmission to the first elder to bring all the Divine Transformation Realm experts to assist him seeing his disadvantage in the battle, but too bad he didn't receive any response which made him curse angrily.

The three kings of Crimtons didn't let their advantage slip they with King Alwin as the center started to attack him with all their might.

On the other side of the battle, the Divine Transformation Realm experts the Demon Tiger Race already lost half of their members with the remaining being heavily injured. Now the remaining Demon Tigers are surrounded by the Crimtons.

The condition of the First and Third Elders are worst among the group with their existing wounds from the space storm and after the First Elder received the sound transmission from their ancestor he knew that the situation on the other side was also not in their favour. Knowing all this the expression of the First Elder became ruthless and he shouted,

"Everyone stop holding back and start using your demonic qi to fight, let's deal with the consequences later".

Hering the First Elder's command the Demon Tigers expressed their hesitation but the still decided to follow the order since they don't see and other option to fight back given their current situation. As they decided everyone from Demon Tiger Race released their Demon qi to fight.

Seeing the Demon Tigers using their Demon qi the Crimton's expression became dignified but they were secretly felt relieved because using their Demon qi means that they are in their last leg and as long as they defeat them now they can go and assist their Kings to fight against the Semi Essence Soul Realm Expert.

But they didn't dare to underestimate their opponents as they all have heard that using Demon qi will bring boost to your battle powers but that comes with consequence of loosing your mind and possibly of falling one or two minor realms. Unless they have Demon blood running through their vines they can't avoid their downsides of using Demon qi since these Demon Tiger Race are just spiritual tigers who were corrupted by Demonic qi leaked from Abyss.

After using Demon qi the Demon Tigers were able to somewhat fight back against the Crimtons but as time goes by the Demon qi they have released invaded their own consciousness and made them enter berserk state in the fight and seeing the situation the Crimtons became more cautious of the Demon qi and never let it enter their body.

As the battle entering deadlock the Crimtons all took out a Spears from their space rings and started to attack with all their might to end this fight as soon as possible to avoid any further surprises.

On the side of the three Kings and the ancestor, this fight was also went in favour to the Crimtons as they cornered the ancestor of Demon Tiger Race with the help of the formation to attack. As the Kings were excited about their advantage in the battle, the tiger ancestor's eyes shone with killing intent and shouted and released a black coloured fog which is locked in his daitian.

As he released this black fog it burst out and radiated as an energy from him and looked at the trio and said murderesly , "Good, now that you guys have pushed me this far let's see how you handle me now".

When the three Kings saw him emitting the black energy one thing came to their mind in unison, 'Demon qi'. Now that their opponent has used the Demon qi they knew that he has brought out all he can but knowing doesn't change their existing danger of facing a demonised Semi Essence Soul Realm Expert.

Knowing that the battle has to end soon before their opponent entered berserk state the trio took out Profound Grade Spear from their space ring and started to execute their ultimate moves.

Above the battle field in a space ship Tyche is watching battle between Crimtons and Demon Tigers as he is seeing the battle that will determine the fate of two races his feelings were rather complicated but he knew that this is inevitable in the cultivation world, to improve you have to learn, fight and win.

As Tyche was observing, the group battle between the Crimtons and Demon Tigers came to an end with Crimtons killing all the Demon Tigers and by loosing two low and one mid Divine Transformation Realm Experts. With them winning they didn't stop to rest, they hurried to assist their Kings.

When the three Kings saw their support has arrived they immediately ordered, "Surround him and attack with all your might".

The tiger ancestor seemed to go crazy when he saw the Crimtons arrival as he knew that this means his companions has fallen, "Hahaha... Good, Good, Good since we are going to fall like this then you guys accompany us".

Then without minding the attacks from all sides he started to gather the remaining Demon qi into his daitian which made it to swell.

Seeing his action King Alwin shouted, "Not good, Defend! Defend! it's self destruction!".

Everyone realised it even before his remainder and they all activated their exo skeleton Armor to their full limit and the took all defensive tools they have wile retreating as fast as they can.


The tiger ancestor exploded making energy waves spread in all direction. Lucky the Crimtons took necessary means so they avoided casualties, at most they were injured but these weren't lethal so they can recover with some pills.

"Battle ships Attack, leave no one behind", seeing their top experts winning this battle the commander of the ships executed the order to attack the remaining troops.

The rest of the battle was in the favour to Crimtons as with the assistance of Divine Transformation Realm experts their ships were able to massacre their opponents now all left is to collect the spoils of war and take control of Demon Tiger Planet and other strong holds.

But these are nothing to do with Tyche since he already accomplished his goal of avenging the Green Wood City he felt relieved and relaxed but soon his eyes eyes shone determination as this may as well happen to him and his clan if they were week.

Now that his Mental Tempering Exercise is completed it is time to depart from Red Emperor Planet and return to his home.

"Uncle Grey, let's return to home"