
Chapter 15 Destroying the League

"Hahaha! We made big dough!" Jin laughed as they left the building. "Indeed, I'll be taking a billion due to me putting up the money, you can have the rest." Kai said before handing Jin the money. "With this, I won't need to work for a long time!" Jin said in joy before putting it away.

After that, they left the alleyway. "Don't forget in 4 days at 11 pm." Kai said before walking off. "Don't worry, I will never forget." Jin said as his expression turned cold and he began to walk home.

'Maybe I should buy Eri some toys actually, a brush too, actually there's a lot of things I need to buy.' Jin thought as he went to the nearby stores. It was still quite early being only 2 pm, Jin had finished much earlier than he anticipated, but that was because he expected too much from his opponents.

Once Jin had done the shopping he arrived at his flat with 5 bags full of items. "I am back." He said as he opened the door before putting the bags down. "I brought you a ton of fun stuff, you can check them out later." Jin said as he saw Eri in front of him.

"Mhm." Eri mumbled before hugging his leg. "Aww, you missed me?" Jin joked as he crouched down and hugged her. "Don't worry I'll never leave you." Jin said as he picked her up. "Now why don't we try out your new toys? But first, let's eat lunch if you haven't already." Jin said while grabbing the bag full of toys.

"Okay, I'd like that." She said and after that, they played for the rest of the day till Eri stopped abruptly and made him go watch a film with her. 'A child is so much effort.' Jin thought while sighing a bit, but a smile still showed on his face.

After putting her to bed, Jin did not sleep this time. "I am not truly safe, All Might could access beyond 100% of his power, and although it's visibly obvious that my OFA is stronger than All Might's it would still be best to train more." Jin mumbled before heading out.

He walked for 5 minutes till he reached a nearby secluded location and he began to activate percentages of OFA beyond 100%. 'Let's start small, 110%!' Jin thought as he activated 110% of OFA.

Immediately a golden aura encapsulated his body and immense strength filled Jin's body. Due to this though Jin was strained, it wasn't too bad though. After an hour of training, with Jin using various methods, he went back home and slept.

The next day was just like the day before, except this time he didn't go to the fighting ring. He spent all day with Eri again and in the evening he trained.

Like this the days past and eventually the day arrived, the day of reckoning. Jin dressed in the most inconspicuous clothing possible and checked up on Eri before leaving. "Don't worry, I'll be back." Jin said resolutely before closing the door.

'All For One, you tried to take from me what I hold most dear, so now I'll take what you hold most dear.' Jin thought as he left the flat and jumped at full strength.

Jin flew into the air and he boomed through the air he continued to punch behind himself to propel himself further and further. 'In the battle against Overhaul Izuku had practically flown so of course with my stronger variant of One For All I could do this.' Jin thought as he soon reached the base of Shie Hassaikai.

As soon as he used the intercom, the door opened and Jin entered. He immediately walked into the house and activated the hidden passageway system. After that, he went down a specific route and eventually came up from one tunnel.

"You've finally arrived." Kai said while dressed up in his complete villain gear. Along with him, there were the 8 Bullets and his 2 right-hand men Chronostasis (Hari Kurono) and Mimic (Joi Irinaka).

"So he's the one who knows the location?" Kendo Rappa asked as he hit his fists. "Yes, now shut up. Lead the way Demon." Kai said as Jin nodded and led the way. They had agreed earlier that Jin would be using the name Demon as Jahan could easily be linked back to him, so he amongst the others Kai now referred to him as Demon.

They continued walking and walking and walking. Eventually, they arrived at Kamino Ward Yokohama city. "Where are we headed anyway?" Kai asked as he had grown tired of walking and now they had entered a bright populated area.

"Don't worry you blend in and besides that, it's not like we're doing anything illegal, yet." Jin said as they continued walking. "That doesn't answer the question." Kai said as he got a bit ticked off.

"Fine, we're looking for a bar next to a sauna and mahjong building next to a karaoke district. If we spread out we should find it in a few minutes." Jin explained as he recalled some scenes from the series.

"You got that?" Kai asked as he tilted his head back. "Yes, boss." They said. "Then fan out." Kai said before they dispersed and began to look for the building. After about 20 minutes one of them had found it and they went there to check.

"This should be it." Jin said before walking towards the door. He then busted the lock with one finger and pushed the door slightly. "Follow me." Jin said before walking into the building.

Kai and the rest of Shie Hassaikai followed after him and eventually after going up numerous steps, they arrived in front of a door.

"The alert went off Tomura we should leave now." Kurogiri said as he got ready to warp away. "No, let's see who dares attack the League Of Villains, and let them have a test of my new power!" Tomura said as he clenched his metal-like hand appendages.

"Hmph! It's your funeral!" Jin said as he busted the door. "It's, it's you!!" Tomura said in disbelief as he gazed at Jin before his fist hit his gut. "Don't worry that was only 10%." Jin said as Tomura fell back on his butt.

"I told you we should leave." Kurogiri said as he got a warp ready to warp Tomura and himself away. "Not so fast." Kai said as he grabbed Kurogiri's neck armor. "Hmph? What do you think you are going to do me?" Kurogiri asked arrogantly as he gazed at Kai in disgust.

"This." Kai said as Kurogiri was immediately disassembled and reassembled. "GAHHH!" Kurogiri screamed after feeling the immense pain. Because of this Kurogiri's warp gates immediately receeded and he was completely supressed.

"Was that it? I was expecting more." Kai said as he looked at Jin. "Just you wait, "he" will soon make contact." Jin said and as if he had planned it all a voice was transmitted.

"Child what do you think you are doing with my disciple? Do you think you can just go around and do whatever you want with your strength?" All For One said through the communication device.

"No but I can definitely murder this man child." Jin said as he crouched down and moved his hand on Tomura's neck. "L-Let go of me!" Tomura screamed as Jin pulled him up and began to choke him.

"You! Do you think I am some chicken? You dare, touch I, All For One's disciple!" All For One said in immense fury over the communication device. "Well if you wanted to you could just warp to me, oh wait, that would mean the end of you." Jin said as he chuckled.

"You!" All For One said in rage. "Don't worry, if you have any balls attack at the Sports Festival, and bring all your guys I wouldn't mind starting a war." Jin as he flicked towards the communication device. It was immediately shattered upon impact with the wind Jin propelled.

"That lawless bastard!" All For One said as he clenched his fists. "It's not time yet master." The doctor by his side said as he calmed him down. "Wait I can use warping!" All For One said as he began to focus.

"So, what do we do with these 2?" Kai asked. "We'll immediately take them to your base before that old bastard gets any bright ideas." Jin said as he hit Tomura forcefully and knocked him out.

"How do we detain this guy though?" Kai asked. "Oh it's very simple, if you ever escape Kurogiri I promise you that if Tomura is still within our custody I will kill him." Jin said as Kurogiri visibly trembled.

"You, you are not a hero, you are more like a villain!" Kurogiri said before quietly complying. After that, they left the building but Jin headed for the roof with Tomura. 'I have to be quick before All For One uses warping.' Jin thought as he immediately leaped off the roof at full speed.

He used the same tactic as last time to practically fly and eventually he arrived at the base of Shie Hassaikai.

While this was occurring Kai and the rest also hurried up. "He wouldn't be in such a rush unless something bad might happen." Kai said as he began to run. "So we're just gonna run it?" Mimic asked. "No call the car, after that we'll away drive at full speed." Kai said as they continued to run.

Little did they know that nothing was going to happen as All For One started raging again. "He already left my range dammit!" He shouted in annoyance as he slammed his fist.

Twenty minutes later Shie Hassaikai arrived at their base. "I let you guys keep him, make sure to be careful around him and only feed him minimal food and water, and make sure that his location is the highest of secrets." Jin said before handing Tomura over to the gang of Yakuza.

"Okay. I also assume that you want us to attend the sports festival?" Kai asked. "No, just you." Jin replied as he walked off. "Then I'll be there." Kai said before turning around and entering the base.

After that, they chucked Tomura in one cell and Kurogiri in another and left to do their usual activities. 'That man is crazy though.' Kai thought as he sat down on his sofa and thought about what happened today.

Note: Sorry for the delay (although I don't have a schedule) I got this chapter done right before going to bed but my publish button wasn't working and I didn't feel like waiting so I am now publishing this 10 or so hours later. Anyway sorry again for the delay.

Well hello again. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and obviously, the League of Villains was nuked on sadly, as Jin is really too op for them at this point. Not only that but it was just Kurogiri and (crippled) Tomura so anyway they were hella weak.

Apart from that thank you evilpanda279 and Ryuus for the power stones. I appreciate all of you who give me and you have now exceeded my expectations by a lot.

Besides that, I will probably stop personally saying who donated stones (like you care(you don't obviously)) and just make the author's note actually useful instead of me stone begging.

Well till next time, bye.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts