
Chapter 16 Before the Sports Festival

While Jin was running around everywhere acting crazy, things at U.A and for the people in his life weren't so simple.

"Where did he run off to?" Inko asked in worry. She knew there was no answer to this question though as Izuku just shook his head. "He'll be back when he wants to, I hope." Izuku muttered as he continued to eat his breakfast.

After that Izuku went to U.A, as although Jin had disappeared classes still continued. Once he neared the school and police officer came out. "Please show your identification card." The policeman said as he reached out his hand.

"Here." Izuku said as he handed the man his id card. "Clear, you may enter." The policeman said before stepping to the side and allowing Izuku to pass. After the U.S.J incident the security measures in U.A were put up to the highest degree even if you wanted to get within 2-3 meters of the school you now needed a student id card, a staff id card or a special pass.

Once they finished the check Izuku entered the school and went to his class, classroom 1-A. "Bakugo stop using your explosions in class." Tenya said as he scowled at Bakugo. "What're you gonna do about it, nerd!" Bakugo said as he continued to set off explosions.

As soon as Izuku entered the class though, they all shut up. Some felt pity for Izuku, because of what he had to go through, others felt responsible as they could have helped and others *cough* Bakugo *cough* didn't know how to feel.

'Its been like this ever since my recovery.' Izuku thought as he took his place and said: "Hi guys." Immediately Tenya responded: "Hi how are you Izuku, are you doing well?" He asked as he walked towards Izuku with his hands in their usual weird position.

"Ya, I am fine." Izuku said, and with that, the class went back to normal. Soon Uraraka entered the class too and all 3 began to chat. "By the way, where's Jin? I thought you 2 were brothers or something?" Uraraka said as she looked at Izuku inquisitively.

"... I don't know where he is." Izuku said after looking a bit downcast. 'I won't let him or All Might down!' Izuku thought as he clenched his fist. Although he was ecstatic to now have a quirk, he didn't know if the price he paid was worth it.

Soon Aizawa entered the class and they carried on with regular school activities, in fact, at one point the sports festival was brought up and Aizawa said that it would continue because the "show must go on".

At the end of the day, Izuku went home, he did his homework ate his dinner worked out a bit and slept. The days past like this for him.

All Might, on the other hand, was in a much worse state. "W-What have I done." He said while in his regular form. "I am meant to be the symbol of peace, but look what I let happen." He continued as he looked depressed.

"It's not your fault Toshinori no one could have foreseen this." Gran Torino said while pacing around the room. "What's weird is what's been going on lately, firstly your successor passes on One For All after having it for less than a few months, after that he disappears and suddenly all hell's breaking loose. Businessmen around Night Eye's agency have lost most if not all their money and now suddenly a building was destroyed in the Kamino ward. Something just doesn't add up." Gran Torino said as he continued walking around the room.

"Yes, I feel a storm's brewing and this storm may either make or break society." All Might said as he got up. "Jin entrusted me with taking over his successor, so I must give it my all!" All Might said while going into his buff form.

"Indeed and think about it this way, he might as well be your successor considering Jin never mastered the quirk." Gran Torino said as he plopped himself onto the sofa and began to drink his tea. "Yes, I'll now go meet young Midoriya." All Might said as he grabbed his coat and left the room.

'Even you still have a lot to learn, Toshinori.' Gran Torino thought as he continued sipping his tea. "I wonder what's on the tv today." Gran Torino said as he grabbed the remote and began to see what was on tv.

"Hahaha, I am the great dragon king Zord." Jin said as he played with a dragon action figure. "And we're the magical girl alliance." Eri said as she used her 5 magical girl dolls. "Oh, no they're too strong." Jin said as he made it look like the dragon was dying.

"Hehehe, I won!" Eri laughed as they finished playing the game. After that, they had lunch and went to watch tv. "So when are we leaving for that mystical land?" Eri asked curiously. "Oh in about a month, just before we leave I'll be taking you to the Sports Festival so you can see all the up and coming heroes." Jin said.

"Cool!" She said in response before they continued watching tv. After they had dinner and Jin read Eri a book before she fell asleep and he left the house. 'I only have a month, a month to get ready to kick that guy's ass!' Jin thought as he continued training.

Like this, the days passed and then the weeks, and finally, a month had passed. It was the day of the Sports Festival and Jin, Eri and Kai were walking among the crowd. Kai had worn a less conspicuous face mask today and Jin was in his usual hoodie and sunglasses.

Eri was in regular clothes and she ran around the area as she looked at the various stalls. "Remember if shit goes bad you protect her and the civilians." Jin said as he looked at Kai. "Don't worry as long as you can still fulfill the deal I'll do it." Kai said as they continued walking.

"Can we buy that teddy bear?" Eri asked as she pulled Jin's hand. "...Ehhh ya sure, how much does it cost?" Jin asked as he was dragged along to the stall owner. "Oh this, it's only 1500 yen." The stall owner said. "I'll take it." Jin said before handing him the money and taking the teddy bear.

"Now make sure to take care of it." Jin said as he handed her the teddy bear and patted her head. "Mhm." Eri nodded as she hugged the teddy bear. "We should go in now, no?" Kai said as Jin nodded and they walked into the 1st year's arena.

After showing their tickets they entered and sat down at a good vantage point, and after a while, the sports festival finally commenced. "Get ready viewers because it's about to begin!" Midnight said as the screens flashed.

Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and soon we will be going to the next world, I am sure you're all hyped about this as am I. Although I am not sure how long we'll be in the next world it's probably not going to be long unless I find a few ass pulls I can do.

Anyway till next time, bye.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts