
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Films
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106 Chs

Chp. 53 Battle of the five or six armies? (1)

"Cousin, what is this talk about this Iron Lord? Quite a wee bit peculiar when I should be the one titles as such hehe… ahh, I remember the times when we were mere dwarflings running about these halls." Dain smiled as he walked inside the Halls of Erebor.


"This Iron Lord, cousin is the one that saved my life. If not for him I might have succumbed to the whispers of the gold within the treasure hoard. I have come to see how much the dragon sickness has corrupted our family." Thorin's words made Dain look at his cousin seriously.


"So it is true then, it seems our bloodline needs to stay careful then. But if he can take you from its influence why not keep him here cousin?" Dain looked over to the old forge of the dwarves where the fires still burn bright after the dragon's re-ignition of the forge's fires.


"He is not someone that could be ordered around Dain, if you had seen him lift large beams that needs at least a thousand hands to lift then you will realize he is a formidable warrior. A great leader even, I have so much to learn from him and we are totally indebted to his name as his aid proved crucial to our success." Thorin walked slowly with his cousin.


"I see, if I didn't know any better it seems he could now be considered as a friend of all dwarves then. But cousin, I seem to notice of all the places we've been through we have not yet gone down to the treasure hoard?" Dain's words made Thorin stop and look unsure.


"Dain, I'll be honest with you. I still fear the curse even now I am awake, I cannot tell if the sickness will come back and I do not want to figure it out yet before the upcoming battle will be over." Thorin looked at Dain who seemed understanding.


"I see, then let us go up Cousin. We'll need to plan ahead our actions if the Iron Lord says true, we have but one day and that is such a tight schedule to face hahaha!" Dain clapped Thorin's shoulders as he guided his cousin upwards.


"Now that I think about it, have you found it? The Arkenstone?" Dain asked as he looked at Thorin.


"Not yet cousin, you know how large the Treasure Hoard is. It'll take us more moons to find it if we want to look for it in every nook and cranny. Maybe Smaug has swallowed it but that is not important right now as it is more imperative we defend our homeland." Thorin's words mad Dain lighten his eyes as he paused a bit making Thorin look back at his cousin.


"Is something wrong cousin?" Thorin asked.


"It is nothing Thorin, just a bit tight around me trousers so let me air my arse for abit yeah? Hahaha!" Dain laughed as he seemed to adjust his pants under the armor.


"Then I'll go first cousin, dinner is near us and the Iron lord cooked the food. You would not want to miss out on his dishes." Thorin smiled as he walked ahead.


"Ah, cousin. Ya might just become the greatest king our kind will ever have." Dain whispered as he too followed ahead. "Ha! A great cook you say?! I'll be the judge of that!"


[Two hours later]


"Cousin if you do not give me that plate of meat then we will part ways here and then!!?" Thorin shouted at Dain who he was chasing around the halls.


"Ha! Bite me Thorin, I got the meat first myself! It is not like my fault you've gotten slow! Haha!!" Dain ran away weaving between the men and women who stood in line to get their food.


"In the name of your King stop that food thief!" Thorin smiled as he ran to catch his cousin.


"Hah! Iron foot stop them or I'll bash yah heads in!" Dain laughed as he chewed the food on his plate as he ran.


"Uncle forgive me!" Fili said as he pounced towards Dain. But the old dwarf was more nimble than he looks as he dodge his nephew while running away.


"Hah! You are too young and green yet nephew!" Dain then jumped over a table to run past the others that were going to him. The scene was pure chaos as the dwarves ate dinner while Paul was serving them while Bilbo was on his side smiling at the sight.


"I'm glad to see Thorin back to as what he was before." Bilbo said as he scooped up with a ladle then gave a bowlful of food to the person in line.


"He is an exemplary leader, he has faced the harshness of the world unlike his father as well as his father before him. But the sickness has not been cured, me being here is making sure the darkness does not creep in his mind again but I will not be here forever." Paul said as he too gave food to those in line.


"The curse is not gone?" Bilbo looked at Thorin as Paul said this.


"No, but I am looking into it. And I will need the help of someone knowledgeable in studying this curse or sickness." Paul said this as he felt the presence of a person arriving within the gates of Dale.


"And who would that person be?" Bilbo was curious but all he got was Paul leaving the serving to the other dwarves as he carried two bowls with some mashed potatoes as well as stew and walked towards the great hall where Dain and Thorin were wrestling each other for a roasted lamb leg.


"This is treason cousin!*Chomp* Aish shall haf U nosh*Chew* eash fudsh fiirrr daysh *Chew* for ur acksyuns*Gulp*!!" Thorin said as he stole a bite on the Lamb Leg while choke holding Dain who tries to push him away.

(This is treason cousin! I shall have you not eat food for days for your actions.)


"Ha, ya'll have to *chomp* shry besher zhan zat cuzshin! *chew* Shims ya geshing shlow fur ya aidsh*gulp*" Dain was in trying hard to take Thorin off his back and tries to eat more of the roast lamb.

(Ha, ya'll have to try better than that cousin! Seems ya getting slow for ya age!)


"Hahaha!! That's our king!!" Dwalin cheered on the side as he watched and Balin was taking bets from other dwarves taking note of their money while Bofur carried a helmet filled with coins.


"Get him uncle!" Kili shouted.


"Which uncle?" Fili asked looking at his brother.


"Go uncle Dain!" "Go uncle Thorin!" both the brothers cheered together but the difference in their words made them also wrestle for fun.


"What is going? Isn't there enough roast lamb to go on?" Bilbo asked but he pulled out a few coins in his pockets and placed a bet on Thorin as Balin passed by making Paul raise his brows looking at the hobbit.


"What? A good few coins is always welcome." Bilbo said but Paul just shook his head and waited while the dwarves are having their fun.


And just as predicted the guest he has been waiting arrived on time. Gandalf was surprised at the information he heard from Bard, who guided him towards Erebor.


The Dwarves stationed outside let him in since he seemed to be their ally. He was happy that Smaug has been captured and would not be a tool of the enemy but another worry sprouted in his mind.


Paul had shown to be a very strong and dangerous man and he wanted to meet the man again to see what he really is. And just like that he rushed to Erebor but what greeted him eased his worries away.


"Hmm? Dain, I should have known." Gandalf murmured as he walked besides Bard towards the Great Hall.


"Gandalf?" Gloin was the first to notice him.

"It's Gandalf!" the others were happy as well as they saw the wizard.

"He's back! I thought he would have been hurt bad going to the enemy thank Durin he is safe!" Balin smiled as he walked towards Gandalf.


"Gandalf?" Thorin lost concentration for a moment making Dain use it to his advantage and twist his body to throw his cousin away.


"Ha! You're getting distracted cousin! The Leg is mine now!" Dain ran away making Thorin irked but he chased after nonetheless.


"What's the odds?" Gandalf first question as he saw what was happening.


"6:4, Thorin gets in more bites on the roast leg than Dain, which will it be?" Balin asked.


"Ten on Dain." Gandalf said as he pulled a few coins from his robes then walked towards Bilbo.


"Master Bilbo! I am so glad to see you here!" Gandalf went and kneeled to hug his burglar.


"I too feel the same, I had prayed you to be safe and glad I did." Bilbo hugged back the tall wizard.


"And I am glad that you did…" Gandalf said as he looked towards the hobbit he had chosen. Then his eyes looked at the tall man within the large group of dwarves making him stand up and dust himself up a bit.


"Iron Lord, I think I owe you quite a bit for taking care of my companions." Gandalf stood up and looked towards Paul.


"There is no need for thanks ring bearer, it is but a convenience for me to help. Since if the dark lord rules then I would have no peaceful life, I don't like that." Paul smiled as he handed a steaming bowl of food towards the wizard.


"You ate dinner yet?" Paul asked making the wizard realized he hasn't eaten a proper meal for day he rode to Erebor.


"Hmm, I haven't yet, thank you." Gandalf took the bowl and found himself a seat nearby Bilbo as the Dwarves celebrated in festivities celebrating their reclaimed home.


[Four hours later]




"Everyone listen!" Thorin shouted to the top of his lungs while looking over the dwarves as well as some people with Bard watching over him as he stood in the newly repaired gates of Erebor.


"As you may have heard, tens of thousands of orcs that hail from the fell keeps of Dol Guldur is marching towards our home with blades sharpened and spears ready…" Thorin looked around the faces of the thousands of dwarves that came to his aid.


"…they come thinking the riches of our ancestors and our people are theirs for the taking! They march towards our home fearless because of their numbers…" Thorin then pointed towards the outside of the Gates in the direction of the Elves.


"…then these people out there, the men, the elves and every other life outside beside the foul creatures of darkness. They will not be what we will face tomorrow, tomorrow we will face our kind's true enemies! We will be there in the fields to show them that we are not afraid!


We are sons of Durin! This is our home and we will welcome those who seeks to take it from us with our Hammers and Axes!! Ere the day Erebor is taken from us again we will stay and not run anymore!


So shout my kin and let our enemies know our blades have been sharpened and shields are here ready!! Let dwarven Iron bleed our enemies! For our people! For our home! For EREBOR!!" Thorin then drew his sword and raised it high.






The dwarves shouted and made their voice heard for miles away as Erebor once more risen with Life. Paul, Bilbo, Bard and Gandalf watched this in the sides.


"So even now the sickness is still there, you have just given Thorin clarity of mind. But for how long will it stay?" Gandalf asked as he smoked his pipe.


"A month, maybe less." Paul said as he could feel the dark part of the gold in the hoard of treasures seeping out slowly into the ones that hold the royal bloodline.


"A month, that will not be enough time for me to find a cure. If there is indeed one, maybe something to slow down the corruption would be possible." Gandalf looked at Paul who was standing with crossed arms.


"I can stay for a few months but after that I will leave. But for now I'll have to meet the other King outside." Paul walked out as he said this.


"Other king?" Bilbo looked at Gandalf curiously.


"Thranduil." Gandalf sighed as he looked at Paul's back as he walked out. "Let's go, we too could at least give his highness a warning."


Bilbo and Bard followed behind the wizard as they left the festive group of dwarves.


Thorin saw them leaving but he already knew where they were going to go, Paul had already mentioned to him about his plans and even if he does not like the smug elf he will have to think about his people too.


He can't fight this war alone, so as he celebrated with his friends he talked with Dain and the others in whispers.


Dain was a bit stubborn at first but hearing that there were at least 30,000+ orcs and hundreds of Trolls coming then they would need all the help they could get.


[Outside Dale]


"Your Majesty, the grey wizard Gandalf is seeking your audience along with three others." An Elf reported to Thranduil who was sitting on a finely carve large wooden chair.


"Oh he has time to come now does he? I thought he was with the dwarves for the few hours he was inside Erebor." Thranduil sipped a few in his cup as he looked at the entrance of the tent.


"Your Highness." Gandalf walked in and gave a slight curtsy towards the elven King.


"Mithrandir." Thranduil nodded as he looked at the wizard then saw the three that accompanied him.


"Let me guess, you are the one that stole the keys from my guards aren't you." Thranduil looked towards Bilbo who was suddenly silent and fidgeted a bit.


"…yish…" Bilbo looked a bit around the ground as he felt a bit guilty about it being asked by the king of the palace they had escaped from.


"You, are the descendant of Girion. You look almost exactly like him now that you are wearing his armor, who would have thought the bargeman that delivers my wine to be of noble descent." Thranduil looked at Bard with a slight interest.


"You Majesty." Bard bowed slightly too as he looked at the elven king.


"And lastly, the famous Iron Lord of Ettenmoors. You reputation do no justice to how large you are, but many do tell that you were a half man half troll. Seems some rumors could not be trusted." Thranduil looked straight towards Paul who still seemed menacing even when he is doing nothing.


The hair of his wolf Clone really makes him look more wild-like as well as the bushy grey brows he has.


"You Majesty." Paul gave a small nod towards the Elven king.