
The Merc with a Mouth in DC (Rewriting)

This is a book about Deadpool in DC Universe. Want to know what would happen? Come and read at your own risk! Note: I am not that adept with the happenings in either DC or Marvel Comic Series as I have never read the comics continuously before. But this book would have a combination of what I know in DCEU and comics that I found in youtube. So it's a little bit of an AU, but still DC... With Deadpool that is. Tags: Action, Wade x Harley, R-18, Mature, Comedy, Drama, DCEU x Comics, No Harém, Romance, MCU x Comics The love interest is on the Cover. Aren't they lovely? Disclaimer: I do not own DC or Marvel in any ways, obviously. This is but a fanfiction about them. I also do not own the cover, so if you're the owner and want it down, just tell me. Join my Discord Server so we could talk about various ideas for the fic. [[https://discord.gg/tvXhVAepMT]]

FanfictionLover2 · Films
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18 Chs

Chapter 12

"What are you congratulating me for again? On becoming your entertainment?

Well I have to break it onto you, but I have been always an entertainment my entire life.

My whole purpose was to entertain, I was created for entertainment!!! Now. I'll ask you. Why did I laugh again?"

Deadpool laughingly asked, but his voice clearly has a tinge of rage in it.

Being aware that him and other people who he have met so far were nothing but just fictional characters must have really put a strain in Deadpool's mind for him to react like that.

The letters remained stationary for a while, as though the being behind it was deep in thought.

A couple of seconds later, the letters finally moved again and reassembled themselves into another sentence.

[[I see, so that's where you're going. Well then, how about we consider this as a deal?]]

"A deal?" Deadpool confusingly asked after he read the sentence.

The letters once again disassembled and rearranged themselves into another sentence.

[[Yes. A deal, you provide me entertainment and I'll give you a new life]]

Deadpool raised his brows while looking at the hovering letters.

[[I'll give you a new life, a new world, far from those "friends" of yours. In exchange, become my, no, our entertainment. Because just as you said, you are created for the sole purpose of entertaining our kind, so what's the difference between living back to your world and accepting my proposal?]]

Deadpool contemplated what he had just read from those letters. It was kind of an enticing proposal for him.

After all, he had lived until now knowing that he's a fictional character created for entertainment.

So what's the difference between his world and the new world the being just mentioned?

"New life huh. What, you'll turn me into a baby or something?" Deadpool asked with his eyebrows raised.

[[No. I'll transport you instead and you would remain as you are. That way, you could live just fine. So? Is it a deal?]]

The being already expected Deadpool to agree, who wouldn't? He was treated badly back in his world, so why would he not agree going to another world? It's much better than staying in a place where people who you consider as friends could just abandon you anytime just because they were busy or was simply not in the mood, right?

But far from the being's expectations, he neglected the part that Deadpool is always unpredictable.

"No". Deadpool refused without hesitation with his arms crossed.

The letters that were hovering in the air seems to have been frozen as they all stopped moving.

The being behind that hovering letters was surprised by Deadpool's answer. 'Why would he refuse?' The being thought.

As though knowing what the being was thinking, Deadpool seriously spoke while pushing the bridge of his nose, as though he was wearing glasses. "Three reasons. First, how the fuck would you know that I would really like this world you were talking about? Second, can you even update everyday? Third... Ok, only two reasons". Deadpool gave up thinking about the third reason in no time.

[[I see. Well then, to answer your question. I'll send you to DC Universe]]

Reading that, Deadpool couldn't help but widen his eyes. "DC?! That shit's too dark!"

The letters once again rearranged themselves.

[[Still no?]]

Deadpool took his time to think deeply about his decision, he's not just going to another planet this time, he's basically changing studios!

[[Think about it. You have tried everything there, but still, no one accepts the real you. No one could. Aside from that indian guy, no one cares about you. If no one accepts you in Marvel, how about in DC?]]

Deadpool's interest was piqued. Indeed, if no one likes him in Marvel, how about in DC? Also, this could be another thing that he could cross out in his bucket list!

As though he had made up his decision, Deadpool then nodded his head.

"Fine, just don't fuck this up". Deadpool smilingly said. His mood could really change fast, from being all angry and dramatic earlier, and now back to his usual personality in no time.

[[Good. Well then, we'll be expecting to see something interesting so be sure to entertain us well]]

"Do you really have to write those lines?" Deadpool asked, that was too cringe to say even to him.


"Whatever. Send me off now! Let's see what these people in pajamas got". Deadpool excitedly said. Just thinking about meeting new people to hangout with or make fun off was enough to make Deadpool happy.

[[One more thing]]

The letters once again rearranged themselves.

"Hmm? What now?" Deadpool confusingly asked.

[[Since you'll be going to DC. I couldn't let you die so easily right?]]

Seeing that, Deadpool could not help but laugh.

"You really expect me to die? Haha!"

[[Yes. The place where I'm sending you off isn't the place where you really belong. So the odds may not fare well to you. So to fix that, I'll have you possess all the powers that you had once wield]]

"Even the Infinity Stones?" Deadpool asked.


The being expected Deadpool to thank him for his generosity, but what he got from him in return was just.

"Boring". Deadpool flatly said.

Who was he kidding? When he once possessed the infinity gauntlet back then, he immediately gave it back to Thanos after playing with it. Why? Cause it's too powerful, which simply make it more boring.


"Come on! Get me the fuck out of here!" Deadpool complainingly yelled to the letters without care about more powers.

He was still not over from his break-up, so he wanted to let all of those remaining feelings out, the solution for that? Thrill!

He wanted to go wild in DC for him to heal!

The being seems to have lost his patience in Deadpool as the same dreadful looking portal earlier suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Wait. You couldn't be thinking abou- SSSSHHHIIIIITTTTT". Deadpool cursed out loud as he was once again sucked into the portal to experience all the things he went through earlier.


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