
Settling In

When Caroline had finished setting up her moms bed in the bedroom she went to the living room. She had started setting up her own bed when her mom came back inside. Caroline finally spoke "Mom you should go rest it has been a long day."

Her mother reluctantly nodded then went into her bedroom. Caroline was in fact exhausted too. She knew that her mom had already had one mental breakdown over this situation and was concerned for her. Caroline turned towards the sliding glass door taking a long look outside. This was a noisy city filled with buildings and cars. She had never really liked citys. For a brief moment Caroline envisioned she was back in her garden watching her pond. She then Closed the curtain on the glass door and settled in her bed. It was a long night and she spent many hours of it staring at the ceiling.

Early the next morning Caroline was awoken to garbage trucks flipping dumpsters in the parking lot. Her eyes flashed open and stared up at the ceiling. All night when she looked up she could see patterns in the rough paint job. Slowly she rolled out of bed and got dressed out of her unpacked box. Although she wanted to skip work today she knew that she couldn't otherwise they would be homeless. She peeked her head into her moms bedroom and she was relieved when she saw her mom sleeping. Caroline then left a note to her mom that she was going to work and put it on her moms nightstand. She then grabbed her moms keys to the car and her purse before sneaking out the door.

When she got into the car she said a silent prayer that it would start. Sure enough the second time she went to start it she could hear the engine going. She slowly pulled it out of the parking spot and headed to work. Caroline had been working at a florist shop and as a garden center cashier since she entered high school. The pay was decent and she really loved plants. When she entered the shop she felt completely relaxed. Caroline realized that she was the first one at the florist shop so she quickly unlocked the place and turned on the lights. Soon she noticed her phone ringing, so she picked it up. Before she could talk to the person on the phone they had already started speaking. "Heyyyy girl I'm so sorry I know I should have been there this morning but can you open up the shop for me, my two little brats are sick today."

Caroline: "Sure Katie I already am here and getting things started, dont worry about it."

Katie: "Thanks sweetie I really owe you one, oh yeah didnt you move yesterday how did all that go?"

Caroline: "Everything went fine it's a really nice place."

Katie: "That's good sweetie, ok I gotta let you go my kids are calling me, bye bye."

beep beep beep

Before Caroline could even say goodbye Katie had already hung up. Caroline was thankful to Katie because she gave her a job. Sometimes tho Katie's over the top personality was hard for Caroline to handle. She never told Katie that she had moved into one of the worst neighborhoods. Caroline didnt trust people even though Katie was both her boss and friend.