
New Home

As they drove to their new place Caroline's mind wandered. She thought about how she felt when they first saw the small one bedroom apartment that they both had to share. It wasn't fair that they were in this situation and that they had to put up with everything. Closing her eyes she thought maybe when she opened them it would all be a bad dream. However when opening her eyes the only thing that changed was the landscape flashing by as they drove. She was all to well aware that her cruel father had put them in this situation and that her cowardly brother moved in with her Father. Deep into her thoughts she noticed the car had stopped. As she stepped out of the car she stared at the horribly poor and crime filled neighborhood. Walking forward looking at the rundown apartment building she tripped on the upheaved pavement. Caroline almost turned around to get back in the car, she wanted to go home. She knew that the house was foreclosed, and she knew that she couldn't return but still she had really wanted to. Her mother had already started unloading boxes, "Caroline help me with these boxes already and stop gawking, I dont want to stay out here for to long." Caroline begrudgingly walked forward and started to lift the boxes. She started climbing the stairs before stopping at the fifth floor. As she turned the knob and opened the door smoke hit her nose causing her to sneeze. She brought the box into the small apartment and then left in a hurry. Both Caroline and her mom made trips back and forth before the car was empty and the boxes were all inside. "Caroline I'm going to park the car go inside and start setting everything up so we have a bed to sleep on tonight." Caroline then turned to March up the stairs the umpteenth time that day and walked into the apartment. It was a small place with one bedroom that had a small closet and across from the bedroom was th bathroom. As Caroline looked at the bathroom she moved her hand to peel some of the paint that was coming off the wall. Then she sighed before turning to look at the meger living room that had a double sliding glass door that led to a little pitiful balcony. The last room was the kitchen that almost felt like it was too small to be called a kitchen the appliances made the room even smaller. She tried to open the refrigerator and found it wouldnt open all the way before hitting the stove. Vice versa when she tried to open the stove it could only open so much before hitting the refrigerator. Caroline had always loved cooking but this seemed as if she couldn't even move in here let alone cook.