
Understanding Caroline

The day past bye slowly and she had finished working at the florist shop. She then worked a shift at the garden center before she was finally free. When Caroline's shift was over she walked out of the building before leaning against the brick outside. Caroline pulled a cigarette out of her pocket that had become bent from her walking around with it. After the cigarette was lit she took a long inhale before walking over to her car in the parking lot. She sat on the bumper of her car watching the sun slowly descend. Caroline had been smoking off and on since she was 14 it was a secret no one knew. She was 17 turning 18 soon and she wondered when she would ever stop. Her mom would have killed her if she knew.

Caroline had always acted perfect for everyone and only when she was alone could she show her true self. She smoked three cigarettes before she felt relaxed. She let out a long sigh and then got into her car, although she was reluctant to go to her new so called home.

When she got home she saw her mom, "hey mom what's up why aren't you unpacking?"

Mom: "Caroline can you sit down so we can talk? you know your aunt hasn't been doing well so I think I should go live with her for awhile until she gets better."

Caroline: "What do you mean you want us to move all the way to Maine we just moved here, what about the lease."

Mom: "No, you see I'm just going to go, you can stay here you are old enough to take care of yourself. It's not like I can work anyway with all of my health issues. If anything I am a burden on you, go live your life I dont want to hold you back."

Caroline: "If that's what you really think then go, your right I can take care of myself."

Caroline was so hurt that her mom would say something like that they were teammates trying to survive together. Yet here she was going off without her. Caroline regretted being so harsh she knew her mom was thinking about her. She knew that, yet Caroline also wished her mom could understand that she was the last person she trusted. On the other hand Caroline felt a huge weight lift off of her shoulders, she knew in some ways her mom was a burden. When Caroline thought about this she felt sick that she would think of her mom like that.

After they were done talking Her mom had went to sleep leaving Caroline with her own thoughts. Caroline thought to herself that it would be a long, long night.


Hey guys so I just wanted to ask your thoughts about the chapters so far and what you like. I would love to hear suggestions or any comments you have. I am just starting out so my writing is a little rough, so I really appreciate you reading!!!