
The Legend of Wendonia

Based on People i’m in a Server With, I’ll try to get a chapter out every week In a World with Magic and Swords, Zae and Spec try their best to just live normal lives as adventures, But when the Demon King Strikes, they can’t just sit back and take it I hope you enjoy the series

YaBoyZae_64 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

The Legend of Wendonia Episode 20

A Master and Student Reunited! Countdown Til the Wendonia Games!

Zae traveled throughout the mountain, Fighting (but not killing) all the different wild animals and monsters he finds. None of them were really big threats. Although Zae's clothes were insanely Dirty, He needed a Shower. Any who, Zae was damn near to the top of the Mountain, but he had ONE more obstacle to fight before he could go back home.

"Thank God, I'm finally here" Zae Said at the top of the Snow Mountain.

At the Top of the Snow Mountain, before Zae's eyes was a Small Dojo, the one where he used to train before he left to Wendonia.

Zae rested in the snow before he actually went in, Admiring the soft white snow, it was a nostalgic feeling, the feeling that everything was gonna be okay, almost like a mother's warm tender hug.

Zae, after his small break, walks into the Dojo.

"Wow it hasn't changed a bit!" Zae Says. There were a handful of people training with Bamboo Practice Swords, and a few were training in hand to hand combat, just like how Him and Spec used to.

Zae walks through the Dojo, other people in the Dojo glaring at him.

When Zae walks to his master's room, one of the Students stop him. He was a Large Muscular guy but he didn't have a single trace of magic energy.

"This place isn't for kids get lost!" He Yells trying to grab Zae.

Zae smiles and punches him in his ribs, knocking the wind out of him putting him on the ground.

"You got a long way to go big guy" Zae says opening the sliding door.

There lies his master, a Old, Bald Man with a long white beard. He was dressed in a black robe and has his black and blue Katana, Wando, by his side.

Zae kneeled immediately.

"It's been awhile Sensei" Zae Says.

"Yes my Son it has, how have you been" Sensei says.

Zae looks up, Sensei was smiling, he was actually happy to see Zae back. Zae gets up and explains everything.

Zae told his Master everything, His The Wendonia invasion, The Village Protection, Pure, Jovon, Muffin, Diro and all his other friends, even his fight with Randy a few days ago. Sensei was laughing the whole way, happy that Zae found his place.

The Sensei gets up, and looks at Zae with a serious face all of a sudden.

"My Son, I know you didn't come here just to see your old master" The Sensei says.

"Oh yeah!" Zae Says. He Pulls out his sword.

The Sensei observed it, all the Chipped Edges and and overall terrible condition of the Blade.

"Can you fix it?" Zae Says.

"Yes I can, it should be very simple and fast, about a Day" The Sensei says.

"Great sensei that's perfect!" Zae goes in for a hug.

"Not so fast my son" The Sensei says, cutting Zae's Celebration.

"Huh what do you mean Sensei?" Zae Asks.

"My Son every task comes with a cost, everything you do will need a price good or bad" The Sensei says quietly.

"Not really getting what you're trying to say Gramps…" Zae Says confused.

"What I mean is, if you want this Sword repaired you're gonna have to defeat me in battle" The Sensei says getting up and looking straight into Zae's eyes.

Zae was shocked and a little worried, the last time he challenged his master to a fight he lost pretty badly. But Zae doesn't show it at all.

Zae smiles, "Alright fine Sensei, I accept, but you're gonna know, I am NOT the same litte kid I was last time" Zae says with confidence

Zae and his Master fight outside the Dojo as to not do any damage to the interior, All the students ran out to see their fight, trying to observe their techniques and possibly learn Magic Energy they fought in the soft snow Zae rested in earlier, perfect for a brawl, nobody can possibly slip and it provided a soft landing for the loser.

Zae walks out first with his Sensei behind him. They walk apart from each other on the battlefield, about 50 Yards apart.

Without saying a word, they both get into their stances.

"This feels so bizarre, Does Sensei even have magic, won't this be unfair?" These were all thoughts in Zae's head as he glared at his opponent, his Master.

Zae and His Master watch each other in their stances waiting for one to make the first move.

Zae, became impatient and rushed in to the old man first.

Zae throws a Punch, but it gets parry by the old man, he does another and the same happens. Everything he does he does an attack it gets countered easily by the old man, almost as if he was toying with Him.

Zae jumps back, he needed to change his strategy, FAST.

"How is he doing this with no magic energy???" Zae Thinks to himself.

Zae rushes back in this time with a different strategy, Boxing clearly wasn't working so he had to switch to MMA since it would most likely be more effective.

Zae goes in for a punch, and The Sensei predictably blocks, but Zae knew this, he shifted his body and nailed his master with a Elbow to the face.

Sensei is stunned but quickly recovers, be realized that he needed to lock in.

For the first time this fight Sensei goes on the offensive.

Sensei tries to sweep Zae's leg but Zae jumps up.

Sensei was two steps ahead however and jumped up along with Zae and Kicks Zae in his stomach. Zae coughs up spit and the wind is knocked outta him.

He gets kicked again, this time in the face and sent flying into a Boulder.

The Boulder was shattered into pebbles but Zae had felt way worse by now.

He Jumped up with a few scratches and some ripped parts of his clothes.

"Is that all you got Old Man!?" Zae Yells.

"Don't get Cocky Child" The Sensei said. Both Zae and his Master charge at each other.

Zae switches to boxing and clashes with his Masters Kicks.

His Masters Kicks were like Clubs to his skin, has he been training in secret?

Both Zae and His Master Simultaneously Kick and Punch each other in their faces after the barrage. Zae uses this opportunity to grab his masters leg and throw him away. His master lands on his feet, however.

His Master wipes his lips and he finds blood on his hands.

The Sensei Smiles, he realizes he's at his end.

"Well it seems like you've gotten stronger my son" The Sensei announces.

"Well kinda, I couldn't tell tho you've been kicking my ass" Zae Says tired and beaten.

"Well then it seems you aren't ready for my secret technique!" The Sensei Says.

"You're kidding" Zae says defeated.

The Sensei's Magic Energy Rises exponentially, what does he do with it? Clones is what. He uses his Magic Energy to clone himself into hundreds.

All the Senseis run at Zae, With full intentions to jump him.

"Looks like i'm gonna have to mow down these bastards!" Zae yells coating Magic Energy into his fist.

Zae throws a barrage of punches all of them destroying the clones in one punch, but each time he destroys one it seens like two more spawn after.

"Damn it Zae think THINK, what the hell else can you do with this magic bullshit" Zae thought to himself.

He remembered that one conversation he had to Pure over dinner, how could he forget.

"Zae there's more to Magic then just coating it in your fist or weapons" Pure Said.

"Huh what do ya mean?" Zae says eating his meat on the bone.

"You can Put Magic to your eyes, you can even release your magic for one big attack Zae! Remember there's more to magic then just brute force, strategy and control is important too." Pure Explains.

Zae is blocking all the attacks from the clones, then he remembers, the advice from a friend that's vital to his situation.

Zae punches the clones off of him, eyes coated in Magic Energy.

"Thank you Pure" Zae whispers.

He sensed it, his Sensei, the real one, was in the back commanding them.

Zae jumps off all the clones heads and jumps from one to another heading to the master.

"Not So Fast Son!" The Master yells using w flying kick to Zae.

But Using one of the clones, he jumps, dodging the kick.

Zae throws a punch but it misses? Yeah on purpose. Zae release all the pent up energy from his arm for one big attack.

"Magic BURST!" Zae yells. A huge explosion comes out of his fist landing a clean hit on his Sensei's Chest.

His Sensei was sent flying, Zae had won.

"Sensei are you alright!" Zae says running to him.

The Sensei coughed up some blood. "I'll be okay son, you won, your sword will be fixed in no time" The Sensei says getting inside looking like everything was perfectly fine.

Zae was happy, his sword was repaired and he had learned some new techniques. He want inside, he figured he should crash here for the day wait for the sword, but one thing was on Zae's mind, he NEEDS a shower.

Meanwhile in the Cafe.

Duck, KayC, and Aston along with other members are relaxing until the door crashed open.

"I'm back" Diro said. His training was complete, and Pete was also with him. "Diro, you're back where the hell were you" Duck said.

"I was training for the Wendonia Games, like you guys should be doing?" Diro Said.

The Cafe was quiet for a bit but they continued.

"Where is Zae and his party?" Diro Said.

"We haven't seen Zae all week, The Rest are sleeping in the mansion" Duck Said. Aston and KayC nodded in agreement.

"I see, well, Triggered and His Goons are participating in the games this year" Diro Said.

"You're Kidding!" Aston Says.

"I wish I was, that's why we NEED practice" Diro Said turning around going home.

"Wait Diro, do you know how strong Trigger and his Goons are? Would you Lose!?" Duck Said getting up.

Diro Smiles, "Nah I'd Win" He said walking out.

The Stage was set the Wendonia Games, will commence soon.

Time until Wendonia Games, 2 Days, 4 Hours, 55 Minutes and 32 Seconds

Thank you for 10k Views, Thanks to everyone who has supported me and my journey and I’m proud to be the writer of this series!

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