
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

7Virtues · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Eve learns the truth

after zero finished speaking to Gale and Evangeline. He turns off the the runic comm and heads to his house to check on eve the X clan has a base of operations an HQ and a city called Mirrage City this city was made as a Moving fortress. with HQ acting as a satellite of sorts using the X clans latest and most advance runic tech and research it wad truly a site to behold mirrage city had metal walls with surroundin its city with a unique barrier that forms a dome aroun the walls and its sky allowing fresh clean air to be filteres through it also is able to block abd filter out chemicals that are harmful in the air if one wanted access to the city they would need to wait til it stopped moving the building's themselfs where made of a stone with wooden

roofs on the surface while inside the structure of walls where reinforced with runic tech giving all the buildings the the same extreme defense's as the wall's the city and HQ both generate they're own energy and are able to take energy from the which make them self effecient and sustainable however the generators would need a cool down period hense why the city and HQ between different kindoms and the clan would switch over to that kingdoms respective currency weather it be bronze silver gold or some of the more advance kingdoms such as the tettrarouge would use a credit currency and because the different kindoms there is also an exchange (ratio just like USD to Yen or Pounds etc). would constantly move around it would constantly be positioned in those places and would stop in the evening for 12 hours mirrage city also doubled as a transport of sorts. it has garnered the name the convoy city as every citizen is a X clan member or some one who has married into the clan which has combat experience from adventurers to former soldiers of different kingdoms Mirrage city and the X clan could be called one of the most Diverse city's and organizations in existence. a air transport would be used to go from HQ to Mirrage city as zero decended in his private transport he couldn't helo but marvel though he constantly saw this scene many times it never got old to him seeing the vast sky land scape and mirrage city with its massive walls and dome along with the bustling of the people which barely to him looked like dots or ants but as he got closer with zero's enhanced site he could pick out a few x clan memebers some elfs and tettrarouge and even a few beaskin and Dreadnauts he couldn't beleive what his father had accomplished in one life time he had built the x clan in another he had built mirrage city and brought about the end of the great conflic which was a war between all the race's thst was instigated by a demon. named Reido who wanted nothing more than to get his hands on living spirits known as esperians these esperians where unique spirits that are born with physical bodies. and represent an element when they're physical bodies finally die they Ascend into Grand spirits which become Administrators of Gaia directly representing a god or high Admin of Gaia in order to maintain gaia's balance and growth this is necessary all the race's Are aware of this and hold esperians in high respect and should one be in danger no matter who you are or what conflict arises all would drop what they where doing to Aide an Esperian thus when Reido went after the esperians to try and absorb they're essence behind the scenes Doctor X Zeros father cought wind of this and made all the various kingdoms and clans aware of this and they all joined together to stop Reido's. Madness. after that thw kindoms made an alliances and pact that no matter who or what esperians safety takes priority over

anything else some thats why even if a war broke out it wouldn't be a surprise for it to be dropped or cancelled due to this reason. as Reido nearly hunted esperians down to a few hundred. zero thinking about his clans history and how much it has grown finally landed on a landing zone sgut his transports system's down cleared all the security check points and headed to his house upon entering he could smell something was wrong immediately.... he rushed to the kitchen to find eve trying the one thing he hoped she wouldn't do while he was gone since she was still learning cooking.... she had attempted to make scrambled eggs pancakes and Bacon and sausage links ... but it seems she tried to do it all at once.... the eggs although a bit runny where ok the bacon noooo not the bacon !!!!!! such Blasphemy was burnt black while the sausage was salvageable the pancakes where actually ok just needs a few more minutes same with the eggs zero couldnt figure wether to be proud of Eve's improvement or to mourn the bacon ..... and eve was distressed about what to do so he opted to help her taking off his lab coat to he replaced said coat with an white apron that said chef trainer which matched Eve's white and purple apron that said Chef Trainee on hers, his reveal a black t shirt and Blue Jeans he that revealed his toned muscles and Athletic physique along with his Runic cybernetic arms it and his hansome face and white hair it gave him

a young father vibe Eve sees zero and realizes she is busted and explains i just wanted to suprise you with a good breakfast and i i tried to do too much zero smiled and told her although she burnt the bacon she did a good job that eggs abd pancakes just need to cook longer and the sausage is fine just alittle more on the crispy side he chuckled and said i appreciate the thought and effort just lets practice when im home until you get the hang of it and try not to do everything at once do one dishe at a time and put something over the finished dishes to keep them warm ok kiddo eve blushed alittle embareased but gave a small nod. they sat down and ate zero looked at Eve thinking of how to tell her everything he first decided to tell her about Felhiem and Soma ... Eve so.. Granpa is alive and gramma she really is gone eve sniffed un able to hold back her tears she was happy grandpa was alive but both sad by the confirmed death of her gramma and her heart ached for her grandpa she was happy to know Mr Soma is alive and well .. aparently a group of travelers from Velhiem found granpa and took him to a special tree called a world tree to heal him and its a delicate and long process and no one but the elfs are allowed to enter zero apparently had a message sent to a friend who knows Felhiem to inform him about Eve as soon as he wakes up as for the other bit of news zero explained about how he found all this out about debriefing the other nations and talking to Alstairs royal family the Alistairs he told her all about his talk with gale about the little girl Mirra who looked just like eve except her hair was purple with white streaks where Eve's was white with purple streaks .... Eve's eyes widened hearing thid but seeing zero wasn't done he told her about Evangeline and explained everything about why they had to send eve away and why she was kept in the dark and about her test stone core and the V shape mark that sometimes appears on her forhead around her tear stone.... eve processed all of this she took a deep calming breath and let it out ok so for right now i can't see granpa but he is doing ok right?. zero that's right. Eve ok i understand. so i have a family other than granpa anf gramma but i can't see them because the dreadnauts all think im going to be a calamity of sorts so mom and dad sent me away to protect me and had Mr soma keep an eye on me ... and teach me some basics

that i needed to know... zero yes thats right ... my question is do you still want to do what we previously agreed to ir would you like to go back to your granpa... when he recovers. eve no ... i still want what we agreed to previously though i would likebto see grandpa later on .. also i cant do nothing about my parents i would like to eventually meet them and my sister but as things are now its not possible zero very well im glad to hear this and to know i wasn't wrong your parents where afraid knowing the truth about yourself and them would hurt you more than help.. eve i see one part of me cant believe this another part is upset at how stupid it all is and another part of me is greatful i learned some things i might not have learned there and also this might have been what prevented me from becoming a calamity in the first play if i was raised in royalty i would probably be rich spoiled abd power hungry in a really bad way the way i was raised was both humble abd more down to earth thats allowed me to be more flexible even with the stuff with Helix society ... plus i got to meet you zero..... eve blushed alittle at this last part as it was really embarrassing to say . zero alright then starting next week we will go through the adoption process and you will have a chance get used to things around here after that studying and combat practice

will be in the moring til noon breakfast wil of course be before studies.