
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

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25 Chs

Aftermath part 2

after the Helix society was taken care of most of the survivors wher relocated to they're repected kindoms and the villages they where taken from after the x clan got a head count and names they compiled a list and registered unique I.D's that react to they're unique energy signature's and was matched up to the list of those that had gone missing in there national Registry. as proof of identification as some times energy changes however. one's enegy signature does not change . as for those who's villages where destroyed and lost they're loved ones they wherw relocated and rehabilitated to other towns villages or kindoms to try and start a new life under new a new name changing ones name on paper was easy however they're status menu could only be changed by a priest, ruler or a higher authority such as a Sovereign.. and some survivors decided to join the X clan as they're bodies had undergone some sort of modifications or Augmentation for those that under went some sort of mechanical modifications they where simply converted using the x clans Runic Cyber tech which gave unique quick silver and the bulky machine and met parts slimmed down and compressed to contour to they're humanoid bodies they all also gained the circuit runic patterns ranging from black purple and orange. this suprised zero and showed how close and yet far away the helix society had been to making a major break through since those thwt had the machine mods on they're bodies had extremely high compatibility and success to the Runic tech of the x clan. as for eve there where a handful of survivors from num village. including a boy of 11 years old named Gareth who was actually Acquainted with Eve and a group of boy's abd girls who where 12- 15 years old they had gone through a similar aumentation as eve however Garci had used a less potent and more unstable variant of that black purple syrum on them some had succeeded in being augmented and only needed a stabilizer agent injected into they're bodies while a few of the kids had lost the use of they're legs, but had they're minds enhanced. Zero had made sure to inject the stabilizer into those it could help which allowed they're bodies to fully adapt to they're augmentations while the rest where the stabilizer couldn't fix the damage that was done however it was able to keep them from deteriorating for those whose condition couldnt be completely healed they ran some tests to see if they where compatible with the runic tech mods some where others werent so for those that where they received the renewed use of they're crippled limbs while those that weren't able to where put in area's they're minds could be put to use in. such as research. and development and strategy OPs.. there was no such thing as a useless person in the X clan everyone has a purpose and where taken care of as for eve she agreed to stay with the X clan. until she was atleast 14 she agreed by then to enroll in the adventurers academy that way she would have a foundation in the meantime she would be educated and recieve training so she. could defend herself. since num village turns out was reduced to rublle most travellers abd a combination of adventurers and militia had initially investigated what happened to num village even though it was a remote village it was a hub and rest area between three major kingdom's once the X clan had finished they're investigaton and had infiltrated the Helix society they had compiled a list and record of every detail and crime the society had committed and released kt to all the kindoms who had a village or town that was attacked in the past with a list of perspective survivors as well as a. separate list of the diseased. .. as the X clan was a research and Mercenary group they had been initially contacted by each empire in the past when those empires own investigations proved fruitless or couldn't find a trail leading to the Helix society once the kingdoms where informed that the X clan was investigating a coop alliance was proposed however this was rejected due to the fact it would compromise the X clan infliltration and investigation as well as exposing they're operatives such as Zero abd Berclai. ... as Zero finished his report and debriefing to the Various kindoms rulers he spoke directly to Gale Alistair and Evangeline Alistair Both where part of a Royal bloodline and had a Daughter named Mirra her and Evangeline had a very striking resemblance to Eve if not for the difference in hair color they would be mirror image's of eachother. zero looked at these three through a specialized technology using Runic tech and using magic and energy particles in the air one could transmit a mirror/portait image of another person Zero's own invention thst quickly cought the attention of all the kingdoms in Gaia just about every major power has one or a few for there information net works ... Zero already found out about Eve's hidden identity a long tine ago he was furious he hit a sound proof switch in his office and in a cold tone he asked. them why ... why the fuck where the Dreadnauts so f**ckin stupid that a child would have to be sent away as a baby and kept in a remote village seperated from her own family especially with so little protection... Gale looked into zero's eyes he said nothing can excuse this but he also agreed. with zero's observation and words i have no excuses nor would i offer any you know full well the history and superstition/Taboo of Dreadnaut twins... we have been working tirelessly to change this we had a Royal Knight Assigned to Eve a few years ago when the Raid happened Soma made it back to us with the news of Evangeline's mothers passing and Felhiems greevious wounds that forced him to have to be taken to the world tree for healing in Veilhiem the Elven Capitals... we believed Eve was Alive somewhere and did everything we could to find her but our efforts proved fruitless Felhiem couldn't stop blaming himself and Soma as well now that knews of Eve's survival has been confirmed and she is in safe hands we would like to ask you can please look after eve she still can't come back to the the Alstair kindom and i doubt she would forgive us or be understanding to know she had a family this whole time...Zero looked at Gale with mixed feelings of understanding anger and irritation he said i have already made the arrangments with Eve she will be fully welcomed with the X clan as my Adopted Daughter and i wont spare any resources for her protection education nor will i lie to her i will tell her about her identity and will fully explain to her i assure you she will be upset but she will understand she is resilient and very smart had you made it a point to explain to her who she is from the beginning she wouldn't of cared or been upset as much as she is going to be i understand the circumstances behind your decision and don't fault you for it. but to leave her in ignorance was a huge mistake on your part thats all i have to say what Eve has chosen i have faith she will make tge right choices after all she could have killed garci but chose to beat him into submission and only killed the augmented soldiers in self defense no one would have blamed her had she decided to kill garci for his part in what happened in num village or what he did to her family or fellows. she knew everything from the start and didn't let her anger take hold or cloud her judgment in my experience hiding important information when its not necessary tends to cause more problems than solving. .. gale we didn't tell her because we wanted to wait until she was of awakening age she would of been informed and known on her tenth birthday if not for this incident. now with the passing of her grandmother and her grandfather's condition .. when Felhiem fully recovers he will atleast know she is alive. if eve wants to meet with Felhiem or if in the future the situation changes in Alstair then the choice will be up to her. for now she will be safe i promise you this now if you will excuse me.... Zero was about to switch the comms off when Evangeline spoke up by any chance did a round pearl type gem appear on eves third eye ... zero looked at lady Evangeline who was the one to contact zero directly and instantly knew how and why she knew to contact him and smiled she and mirra would be the only ones he wouldn't blame or direct his anger towards he zero yes however it wasn't pearl shaped but tear shaped and a strange V shaped blue electric symbol appeared with it it was almost

as if she was wearing a tiara or crown without the top or sides to hold in in place Evangeline's eyes widened and she smiled and started to laugh fuhehehe is that so Gale do you hear that eve has the mark and its a unique one. she then looked at zero you must be careful eve will develop an ability that allows her to over charge her photons and enegy when she does the result will cause extreme fatique that can become dangerous if she does it repeatedly warn her that it will be a last resort she will develop a rulers mark later on. this will enbance her photon arts and should also enhance her other energy based abilities she will also be able to use rulers command. i know it will allow her to command machine type monsters and sentient being with a machine affinity im warning ahead of time so you will be prepared on how to deal with Eve so she can understand and will not freak out.i gave her my core which fuses with hers as a counter measure and to protect her from mind control and so her body would be ready to handle large amounts of energy its also why she wasnt severly injured when garci overwhelmed her aura when he unleashed his augmented aura. and her high compatibility with the augmentation syrums besides her unique physique..