
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

7Virtues · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Eve Trains

after eating a hearty Breakfast Eve helps zero clean up the dishe she then goes to brush her teath and checks what she needs for learning. after getting what she will need for her studies she got her training gear for later ... which is a black tank top and black shorts with some leather padding built into them she also placed the arm gards and legg gards where she can have easy access along with a Shinai (wooden training sword shaped like a katana) as well as some leather gloves and sneakers. eve then went down for her studies that morning. she learned stuff like reading and literature math and the history of the X clan/Mirrage city and Gaia's history as well as about her skills the reason she was able to learn so much was due to her accelerated learning it boosts her cognitive and comprehensive skills allowing her to learn at an accelerated rating as if she was a sponge absorbing water this was due to her tettra rouge heritage however she can nly handle up to absorbing 4 subjects at a time which her and zero learned the hard way as when she tried to learn about runic tech and its programming using accelerated learning she got a massive headache and her mind became alittle muddled it was now 10:00 am. ok eve i think thats all for studying today why don't i get you a light snack while you get ready for physical training we will do this for a few weeks then start combat training Zero said eve said ok before getting up pushing in her chair and running upstairs she went to her room and got dressed into her traing gear which fit like a second skin after fastening her arm gards and leg gards eve put on her training shoes which where made out of a special fiber called astral thread which was made from strands of energy and leather that where mixed together to reinforce not just her shoes but all her gear. after words eve git her gloves pulled them on and smiled alittle she was extremely ecstatic this something she has been looking forward to. because eve always loves to learn and even though she was allowed to read in the lab due to zero being kind and given her some she was restricted from any learning material the other scientist's didn't want any of the test subjects getting any bright idea's as Zero had said. eve wasn't really able to get much excercise except when she had to do a physical exam with garcai augh she hated that cuz he would make her where this outfit that she didn't like and instead of telling her to repeat the excercise the bastard would hit her with a stun rod and tell her she was a waste her physique and enhanced body shouldn't have any issues with these exercises he then would make her do stress exercises and hook her up to machines and do shock treatments to see how much stress her body could handle of course he couldn't go over board otherwise Zero would kill him. eve smiled at that she didn't know why but she got some sort of joy and thrill she learned that zero in fact beat the crap out if Bercai after he learned about the stress test. she also didn't know to do about these feelings she see's zero as both her benifactor and father atleast if she was going to have a father she would have it be him that's why when she got the chance to spend time with him she relished the time spent together and gave 110% ... she let out a sigh thinking about the first night she stayed here in her new home with zero .... eve whom after a few years of being in that room wasn't used to being free and she never had anyone comfort her when she had nightmares or was feeling uneasy she would be left to deal with it on her own she woke up with a start sweating in the middle of the night she got up and was standin outside zero's bedroom door she wasn't sure whether she should go in or not she didn't want to upset Zero or be a bother... after a bit she shook her head and turned to leave when Zero said come in Eve if somethings bothering you please let me know eve was startled she didn't know she had made any noise she figured zero might have some sort of security system set up in the hallways or he has enhanced senses .... she turned back around and slowly opened his door she said in a liw voice i i had a nightmare im sorry if i woke you up ... zero who was sitting in his bed looked like he was reading got up eve was blushing alittle bit because zero was not wearing a shirt simply a black pair sweat pants she eve was a bit shocked his arms she knew about being coated in runic tech metal that contuered to his muscles and physique zero who was built like a martial artist was slim and athletic his shoulders where broad his torso long and muscular is that.... a six pack !... and his face was already handsome and well defined but his eyes where very stunning to eve they are beautiful pearl black and sparkled like crystals in the depths you could see the intelligence and compassion of this wonderful man combine that with his white hair and tanned skin his appearance was unique and oddly beautiful one could say zero smiled and asked would you like to stay with me until you fall asleep ... eve nodded with more vigor than she had meant to zero just laughed alittle and thought this is part of how kids should be although eve was a bit older than most at her age most kids wouldn't have this problem. then again most kids don't go through the shit she had o go through zero was glad she was able to retain some of her child likeness, it meant she could grow and there was still hope for her to have some normal every day life well as normal as it could get, he got the other side of the bed ready for eve made sure the pillows where fluffed he got her an extra blanket incase his wasn't enough he tucked her and said is that better now. eve nodded and gathered her courage she quickly took zero's left hand with both hers his hands where big and although covered in runic tech metal they where still somehow warm his palms where smooth and yet there was a softness almost like fiber but soft and smooth not rough and itchy ..... eve snuggled with zero abd shortly after she fell asleep to him stroking the left side of her face .zero couldn't help but smile gently at how peaceful eve was sleeping as warmth spread through his heart he couldn't believe how his world went upside down to right side up but something about eve called to him almost like he would do anything to comfort or protect her .... before zero knew it he himself yawned and fell asleep even though he had gone through endurance training he could stay up for days on end and not be any worse for wear he couldn't help himself looking at Eve's peaceful sleeping face there was just something comforting and relaxing... the next day Elise had come to check on zero because he had missed a meeting with they're clan leader Doctor X his father asked her to check on him and she had knocked and waited for a full 15 minutes with no answer she was a bit worried now because zero was a genuise in and outside of the clan many would target him now to top it off he decided to adopt that lil girl he looked after from the Helix base and lab ...to topnit have zero's security system us insane makes any burglar or would be assasin seem like a kitten in comparison eve a master assasin or master thief would think twice it would take atleast ten squads of the X clans espenoge and strike force combined to storm his house and we are talking about the Elite of The freaken Elite here. luckily for Elise she has a specially encrypted and protected access key to zero's Residence she smiled wondering what he could be doing that he missed such an important meeting.... she swiped the card a doll like voice said from a speaker access granted its nice of you to visit Elise i assume you are here to check on zero Elise smiled Why hello there Len hows my favorite Cyber Fairy doing Len is a rare fairy that evolved using Runic tech she can manipulate most tech and turn her body into electricity usually she looks like a fairy (fairies elfs spirits are all fey with a blue dress white skin and runic and ciruit symbols all over body which is the size of a child once she is fully grown her hight will be around 4"6 her wings where pure electric energy in the shape of butterfly wing's. she simply looked at Elise and said all my systems are normal and i am fine thank you for asking .. Elise said no problem and yes i am checking on my cousin since he missed a major meeting with the clan Head.. ok then cya later Len .. Len Catch you later Elise ❤ .... Elise couldnt stop laughing ever since Elise when she was a kid had found out about Len and had a. more than excited reaction from her cuteness this had become they're routine... when Elise used to try and catch len to snuggle her and would ultimately get caught by len and snuggled instead.. Erise made her way through zero's house and up the stairs she opened zero's door and was shocked by what she saw while zero wasn't one of those cold to he core types he wasn't exactly socialable ever since he went through his runic attunement and awakening he alwayd kept others at a distance only those close to him like Elise would get an occassional smile but very rarely .... Eve was in Zero's bed completely cuddling and snuggling with zero completely content while zero was sleeping peacefully and had himself positioned where he could let eve cuddle with hims with his left arm under her and his right arm protectively over her in away that would be safe and cofortable and the most content and warm expression on his face ... Elise just leaned against the doorway took out her runic phone and snapped a picture labeled it as evidence of fatherly affection plus possible blackmail Elise snickered alittle at how defenseless the fierce and none sociable zero could be and what a contrast this picture is as if he sensed her Presence Zero opened his eyes and seeing Eve asleep still he carefull extracted himself from eve as not to disturb her he got up and flexed his left arm carefully as it was somewhat numb he frowned as that shouldnt be possible with his runic coat and yet it was ..... hmm he looked at Elise and said i hope you burned that image into your mind and delete that picture you took .... Erise caugh caugh i uh don't know what you are talking about Zero... Erise said you have 10 seconds before you need a new phone Erise zero said... Eris knowing zero never minced his words, immediately deleted her new picture and made sure there are no backups there. you are brutal zero.