
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter 10 - Hitting The Stride

As he opened his eyes, he noticed something very different, as he looked around, he noticed he was at home, he could see Lemony, Amersa and Bluementrith already up.

He looked at his own hands, he noticed that his hands were actually the hands of a 5 year old but his height was already 5'2, questionable how his appearance was different.

He got up from the bed.

He looked at Lemony.

"We finally hit the same level, huh" Lemony responded as Dakota nodded.

"Strange enough but yeah, was it all just a dream?" He asked as he was looking at Lemony directly at her eyes with a calm expression, he was smiling a bit, he was feeling a bit energetic today.

"We are back at our younger selves" Lemony said as she was looking at Dakota's eyes calmly, she soon got up from the bed and looked at the mirror to see their own appearance in the reflection.

Her height was just 2 inches shorter than Dakota's height.

Dakota chuckled as he sees their height differences which made Lemony feel annoyed by it because of him being the tallest as always.

"It's unfair" Lemony pouted as she was clearly annoyed of being shorter by 2 inches as she kept looking at the mirror.

They could hear their mother calling them for breakfast so they could eat but before they walked downstairs, Dakota and Lemony noticed that the outside seeing the sky were much clearer than before, Bluementrith thought it might be because they are in their younger years and in the older years instead of being in the year 2010 which sounded logical.

As they walk down the stairs, they found their mother preparing their breakfast, Dakota and Lemony could see how young their mother was, her appearance was actually a fair-maiden and Dakota couldn't really believe what he was seeing.

He blinked as he looked at the other three.

Bluementrith shrugged and they all got to take their breakfasts then again they noticed that the house was neater than being inside the Neutral timeline which all of them saw and have their knowledge and experience increased because of them.




"So how was the food I prepared for you four?" The mother asked as she was looking at them, with her calm expression and calm atmosphere which would make them feel welcomed 'always'.

"It was great" Dakota responded with full confidence but the tone of his voice remained calm, he was confident yet smart enough for him not to go overboard and go overconfident.

"I mean... wow... has mom became more beautiful?" He thought in his mind as he was looking at his mother, he couldn't really tell, he could hear their father bidding them goodbye since he was going to work.

"Huh..." he became speechless, he blinked as he got confused if he ever see his father having a muscular body like it was very well toned before he saw him left.

Lemony and the other 2 were also speechless, Dakota looked at them, he chuckled.

"You four have been staring at your father for awhile, is there something wrong with his clothing?" the mother asked as she was a bit worried if ever the father forgot to fix his clothing or something.

"Ah nothing... we are just speechless... his body is a lot more toned and balanced" Dakota responded which made the mother smile.

"Ah I see, well he's actually charming and handsome in my sight, i feel so much safer when he's with us" the mother responded.

"Although yeah, i actually enjoyed being with him last night, let's just say *alone time*" the mother responded as added it after stating about him.

"..." The four then realizes what their mother was talking about.

Dakota had in his mind remembering something way much newer than what he knows.

"Is that the reason why I hear some kind of noise last night..." Dakota thought in his mind, they just stared at the mother.

"Well I guess, father is truly a lover and a husband" Dakota responded which made the mother nodded in agreement.

"Well then, why don't you four go outside to go get along and make some friends?" She asked.

"Sure mom, but we could help you clean the used plates" Dakota responded which made the mother feel the burden lighter than being alone at cleaning the plates.




They bid their mother as they got out from their home after helping her with the household chores.

"I now really wonder if we could visit the park" Amersa said.

"We can but how do we suppose to find it?" Lemony asked.

"I don't think we ever need to go to that place" Dakota responded as the three girls looked at him of what does he mean by that.

"What do you mean?" Bluementrith asked.

Dakota pointed at the certain direction where they could see tree with golden stamps, silver stamps and bronze stamps.

"I could remember exactly that we got engulfed in a light" Amersa said.

"True, besides what does 'A^1' mean?" Lemony asked as Dakota looked at her.

"...I could give out a theory but it would stay as a theory" Dakota responded as the other three girls nodded.

They walked around to find a place for the topic to be talked about.

They found a place where there was a sand and a stick, the place was quite huge, Dakota could probably tell he could draw a huge circle that has the size of 50 meters in circumference.

"This could be useful" Dakota says as the girls nodded at what he said.

Dakota draws a perfect circle with stars and drawn galaxies as the center, he puts the infinity symbol which meant as the infinite space then he draws a bigger circle which is 4 times larger, the size of the first circle was 2 meters in circumference, the larger circle that containing the first circle was 8 meters in circumference.

He puts 0s inside the larger circle and not inside the first circle where the stars and galaxies he drawn however he draws the stars and galaxies inside the larger circle as well since that was from his own perspective of what he sees before, he draws another larger circle which is 4 times larger than the second circle that is larger than the first circle, the third larger circle contained the second and the first circle, he also draw the stars and galaxies then he draws the fourth larger circle which where he puts the "A^1" inside there.

"From my perspective, this is how it goes, specially I could not tell how large each area is" he says.

"This first circle I have drawn is basically from my perspective, the Universe that I have seen is infinite as far as i remember those stars and galaxies kept multiplying at an extreme rate so I could not tell how big it was so i assume it is infinite, the second larger circle is basically all the Zeros we see, they are the Neutral timelines, in explanation, the good and bad results or the consequences and actions always ended up balanced, the third one is basically where we start seeing the endless amount of Zeros that are scattered abroad the whole second circle, then the fourth one is where we saw the A^1 symbol, I could not tell what it is..." he explained it.

The other three girls were atleast satisfied with the answer.

"I really wonder... what does it indicate?" Amersa asked.

Dakota looked at Amersa before he would speak.

"I cannot really tell, some would say it's just another possibility, others will say it's a greater and stronger reality but I cannot really tell however I'll side with the one who would say greater and stronger realities since we are not sure" Dakota responded.

"Who knows, it can get us to the point where it can answer our question if ever perfection is truly possible or not" Bluementrith said.




The day continues, the four continued on their journey to find more answers, each and everyday they went and chose right actions to act as the consequences was still good however the reality is still reality, some of them will hate the four, some will love them.

It continued, year by year, they develop more into the good side, they strive to become better in personality, morality and physicality.

In their elementary years, the four stood out from all the sections.

In their high-school years, it was simple for them like it was a walk in the park, it was questionable of how they were able to do it as the others were simply questioning it.

Same as their college years until it ended, they were still on top, it seems that they knew a lot but not everything.

The same year 2010 where they eventually kept on working on the same job but surprisingly the money they earn from there was better than the Neutral timeline.

They visited the park once again, and again, year by year however there was still a question.

Is there anything above A^1?

If there is, who knows what will it be, Dakota and his 3 sisters visited the park once again, they made the same choice to check on the trees with the golden stamps, silver stamps and bronze stamps.

The light engulfs them again as if all they see was a dream however those dreams they see are real and are realities.