

After work that day, Hailey was home resting when she got a call from her best friend who has been away for weeks, that she was back from Mexico. She got ready to leave the house when she got a call from her cell phone rang. It was her mum calling so she answered."What is it?"Hailey asked, she wasn't in good terms with her parents that's why she had to answer rude

"Good evening to you too Hailey"Sonia her mum said

"If it isn't important I'm hanging up"Hailey said

"Your brothers just arrived from England and your dad wants you to come over for dinner"Sonia said

"Okay..."Hailey said, with that she hung up not wanting to hear anything else. Sadly her plan of go seeing her best friend Cassy were ruined but in a good way because her brothers were back. She took her bag and car keys and left the house.

Getting to her parents place she walked to the door and rang the doorbell, moments later her mum opened the door. "You could have just come in, why ringing the doorbell" her mum said.

"It's not my place anymore...." She said as she walked in.

"No one chased you out, you left willingly"

"Interesting..."Hailey said. Getting to the living room she saw her brother Jace. He was blonde like her, tall with brown eyes and was a year older than her, seeing her he stood up from the sofa. "If it isn't our little bumble bee..." He said as he went to embrace her

"Welcome back....,you should quit calling me bumble bee, it's childish" she said as she broke the hug

"I won't....., You don't look bad, a little chubby but still short"he said making her chuckle


"Bumble bee....."Hailey heard her big brother Dean. He was also tall with brown hair and brown eyes and was the eldest. Walking towards Hailey he lifted her up like a child and twirled her. "Put me down"Hailey yelled while Jace laughed.

"I missed you so much bumble bee, it's been a year and there's no change"Dean said after placing her on the floor.

"She's a little chubby, take a good look at her" Jace said

"I am not chubby Jace, and I missed you too big brother, ummm where's Aryan?" Hailey asked

"He is upstairs probably taking a nap, you know he doesn't do well with height" Dean said as he sat down

"Oh yeah...I'll go see him" she said, with that she ran upstairs.

She walked into Aryan's room her second brother. Just like Dean he was tall with brown hair but had green eyes like her and he was her favorite. She saw him on the bed sleeping,so she quietly took a pillow close to him and hit him on his head. "What the... who's that?" She heard him say as he sat up

"Hi Aryan"she said as she threw herself at him giving him a big hug


"I missed you so much, you hardly called me, your only sister"she said with a pout.

"I missed you too silly, look at you..... you're stunning, my guess is that you have a boyfriend now"

"Hell no....., I just have perfect skin plus I work out...., What about you though, how's Britney your girlfriend?,I thought you were gonna propose to her?" She asked as she sat close to him

"We broke up....., I was gonna propose bit she broke up with me a month ago"


"According to her I'm always busy with work and never have time for her, so she sent me a break up text and blocked me"

"Ouch!.....,so sorry dear brother, don't worry....there are lots of girls out there who would love to date a good looking Lawyer like you"

"Enough about me.....dinner should be served, let's go have dinner" Aryan said.

Downstairs everyone was sitting round the table while the food was been served by the chef. "I'm surprised you honoured our invite today Hailey.....you usually don't" Dominic, her dad said.

"I'm always busy with work"Hailey said

"You are busy today or it's because your brothers are back"

"Why all this questions for just one dinner....am I no longer welcome to the larson's mansion?"

"Dinner is served" they heard the chef say interrupting Hailey and her dad. So they all began eating quietly

"How was work at England Dean?" Dominic asked Dean

""Not that bad.....a little stressful though" Dean said

"It was really stressful for me.....,there was hardly time to sleep" Jace said

"Plus.....there was too much english for me"Aryan said making his mum chuckle.

"What about you Hailey?, how is your..... Job at that company" Dominic asked. Hailey knew her dad was going to question her about her life that's why she had always refused to come to the house since she moved out.

"Why do you suddenly care about my job?"Hailey asked

"So you preferred working at a...company than being an attorney at our law firm?"

"Let's just say I didn't want to continue you dumb legacy of everyone being a lawyer and living under same roof"

" Hailey...don't speak to you father like that" Sonia said while her brother quietly watched

"Your stubborn character is the one reason i let you leave this house Hailey, you are woman, you think being independent will make achieve a huge goal in life!" Dominic asked with a smirk

"Being your child doesn't mean you can make choices for us till we grow old...., I choosed to be independent not because I do not like the fact of being a lawyer but because I want to live a free life...."

"And how's that going?

"Perfectly well.....and I will keep on being an independent woman till I decided not to" Hailey said, with that she stood up.

"Thanks for having me, I'll leave now"She said

"But bee you haven't touched your food" Jace said

"I lost my appetite" she said and walked away.