
CHAPTER 1: A not so bad day

"Good morning sir..."Xavier saw his therapist secretary at the reception area. He was already in a bad mood and all he wanted was to see his therapist. "Is Jayden in?"he asked her

"Sir do you have an appointment with him?"she asked

"Is Jayden in?"Xavier asked again not caring about the question she asked

"Sir you must have an appointment before you can see him sir"

"I'm going to ask for the last time and i need a simple answer, is...Jayden...in" Xavier asked with a scowl

"Yes sir...but..."not letting her finish Xavier headed towards his therapist office.

Walking in he saw Jayden talking to a lady whom he assumed was a patient. "I need to talk to youJayden" Xavier said as he sat down on an empty chair "Xavier as you can see I'm with someone"Jayden said.

"Well then hurry up.....I dont have all day"Xavier said staring at the Lady who was dumbfounded

"Ummm....Mam can you give us like.....ten minutes.."Jayden asked the lady

"Yeah sure..."she said as she stood up and walked away.

"What is it Xavier?....this is the fourth time you're coming to my office without an appointment, you always barge in like you own the place"Jayden said.

"It happened again last night...,but this time I had trouble breathing like I was gonna faint"Xavier said

"Do you perhaps have anemia?"Jayden asked

" Dude.....I don't have any sickness or disease of any kind"

"You're always traumatized by your past Xavier and it's affecting your mental health, I told you when you.....when you become anxious about your trauma, distract yourself from those thoughts, meditate,take a long bath..."

" It's not working...,the more I try to meditate or rest the more i keep hearing their voices and...it...it makes me act crazy, last night i tried taking a long bath and then....I became anxious and slowly...I...I....had trouble breathing and when I turned off the shower I heard their voices echoing "

"Xavier...you haven't moved on from your past that's why your anxiety is getting worse, try letting go of the past and..."

"How the fuck should I do that!"Xavier cuts in. "Go to the hospital and tell the doctor to wipe my memory.....shit!!!!! this is frustrating"Xavier said and stood up.

"Thanks for the therapy that isn't helping, have a nice day"he said before walking away leaving Jayden dumbfounded.

Away from that was Hailey Larson the only daughter and last child of Dominic Larson the chairman of the biggest law firm in the city. Hailey had three brothers who were lawyers as her parents but she wasn't one.

She worked at a game company where she worked as a project manager and lived as an independent woman.

That morning she was late to work which made has boss angry because she had a presentation that morning but it had to be moved to the next day.

"I am so sorry for coming late sir..." Hailey said to her manager in his office

"This isn't the first nor second time you're being tardy to an important meeting Hailey" he said

"I know and it won't happen again sir I promise"

"You promised the last time...,no excuses tomorrow Hailey this is your last chance"

"Yes sir, thank you" she said, with that she walked away.

She went to a nearby Cafe that morning to go get something to eat.

"Hi..... good morning, welcome....what can I get you today?" A guy behind the counter asked.

"Medium size cheese burger to go"Hailey said. After wrapping it up he placed it on the counter

"Youre really lucky, you just bought the last one, would you like anything else?"he asked

"Yeah..... milkshake"she said

"Hiiiiii"she heard a guy behind her. He was tall with long brown hair and brown eyes

"I'd like medium size cheese burger and espresso to go"she heard him say to the counter guy

"Sorry sir but she just bought the last burger , we can get you something else, there's cake, waffles, donuts, pancakes, bread....."

"No worries, the burger isn't actually mine, it's for a friend and he's gonna be disappointed because cheese burger is his favorite burger"he said. Hearing that Hailey felt a little sad that she was buying it.

"Umm he can have mine"she said to the counter guy

"Oh.....thank you"the guy said

"It's just burger... I'll take brownies with the milkshake"she said.

Outside the restaurant Hailey took a bite from her cake while walking back."Excuse me....."she heard, she turned around to see the guy walking towards her.

"I.....I just wanted to say thank you, you also paid for it, you're really kindhearted"he said with a smile

"Stop thanking me, it's just burger"she said and sipped from her milkshake.

"I'm Cole by the way"he said. Knowing he was trying to start a conversation between them which she wasn't cut out for, she smiled back

"Nice name...."she said and continued eating her cake

"What's your name?"

"Not relevant ....bye...."she said and walked away.