

Hailey got home that night angry at her dad, she didn't bother to change her clothes, she just threw her purse on the floor and lay on the sofa.

Few minutes later she heard the doorbell, lazily she yelled "come in....it's open!" . The door opened and her brothers came in

"Hey bee..." Jace said as they walked towards her, so she sat up

"I'm sorry I left that way, I was..."

"We know...angry!" Dean cuts in

"How about we go and have fun at a club..."Jace said as he sat close to her

"Are lawyers allowed to have fun in clubs.. isn't there a rule against that?"

"No silly!,let's go..."Aryan said. She smiled and stood up. "I'll go get ready"she said and hurried to her room.

That night they all walked in, the place was loud that they barely could hear anyone's voice only music. "I'll be at the VIP"Aryan yelled "I'll come with you, don't drink too much bumble bee" Dean yelled too as he walked away with Aryan.

Hailey headed towards the bar while Jace walked into the crowd. "Hi..." She said to the bartender

"Hello, welcome..... I'm Chris, what can I get you" he said

"Ahhhhhhh I'd like whiskey sour" she said


"We meet again" Hailey heard beside her. It was Cole from the Cafe, she recognized his long hair but decided to act fool. "Do I know you?" She asked staring at him awkwardly

"Yeah you do" he said

"From where exactly?"

"Come on now.....this is childish, we're too old for that" he said and she sighed

"Okay fine...we met like nine hours ago, what is it?" She asked as she took her drink from the bartender

"I'm surprised seeing you here, with the way you spoke to me this morning, I thought you were anti social, but this proves me wrong"

"I'm not an introvert if that's what you implying "

"I figured.....,what are you doing here alone drinking whiskey sour?"

"Is there any other reason people come to clubs except for fun, I'm not a whore if that's what you're thinking, neither am I searching for a one night stand, I didn't come here alone" she said and drank her full glass of whiskey

"Oh...you came with your boyfriend?"

"I came with my brothers"

"Wow....you have brothers?"

"Dude...don't you think this conversation is becoming too much now?"

"That's how friendship starts, we're friends" he said with a smile

"This is the second time I'm seeing you, how are we friends?"

"Because we've been conversing"he said with a smirk making her chuckle lightly

"Wow....you are unbelievable...,Okay friend are you here with anyone, perhaps a friend?

"Yeah, I came with a friend, he's at the VIP watching the strippers"

"You should go join him then"

"I will...if you tell me your name"

"I don't tell strangers my name mister Cole"

" Okay.....I'll just guess since you don't want to...uhmm....Hailey Larson"he said surprising her

"What the...how the hell did you guess that"

"I already knew you, basically half of the city knows you Hailey, it's actually not bad to tell someone your name remember...YOLO" he said, with that he walked away smiling

"Bee...who was that?"Jace asked walking towards Hailey who was still confused

"I don't know him.....uhm quick question what's YOLO?"

"YOLO.....you only live once..., Why did you ask?

"Nothing....."she said.

Two hours gone, Hailey was fully drunk and dancing in the crowd.

"Why did you let her drink so much Jace?" Dean asked

"I didn't...I just couldn't stop her from drinking" he said

"Go tell her we're leaving...." Dean said. Jace approached her screaming and dancing alone so he held her arm "We're leaving...." He yelled. "Nooooo not now" she yelled back

"Let's go bee....you have work tomorrow"

"But I'm not done having fun.....leave me alone you jerk"she yelled

"Wha...jerk!!.....me!....hell no, come with me"he said and pulled her away. "Let me go!!!!!!!!" She Said.

"She called me a jerk.....how rude...." Jace said to Dean and Aryan who chuckled

"We're leaving bee..... Aryan you're driving, you're the only one who didn't drink" Dean said

"Fine!...but I need to use the restroom first I'll meet you guys outside" they heard Hailey say

"Hurry up" Aryan said while she walked away.

At the restroom, Hailey washed her hands twice then her face but she still felt tipsy. "What the hell!" She heard a guy's voice. Looking at the entrance, she saw a tall guy he had black hair and was dressed in all black baggy clothes. "Wow...are you a greek God?" She asked as he walked towards her with his hands in his pocket.

"What the hell are you doing in here?"he asked but she was quietly staring

"Are...you a slut?" She heard him say now bringing her back to her senses

"Excuse me....."

"You're well excused out of here because I'm not interested...I don't associate myself with women dressed like...you...., well except you're a stripper but your job isn't done here" he said and she scoffed

"And who the fuck are you to insult me in so many ways?"

"Oh!...you smell drunk, I guess that's the reason you're confused"

"You're the confused asshole!!" She said poking his chest making him smirk.

"Please do well to excuse yourself from the male's restroom"he said

"Male's restroo.....oh shit!" She said after realizing she was in the wrong restroom

"Okay! Fine! I'm in the wrong disgusting restroom, that shouldn't give you the guts to insult me, calling me a slut"

"You're dressed like a slut"he said coldly. She was about replying but she gagged. 'oh no was she gonna throw up' she thought

"What was that?" He asked. And suprisenly she threw up on his pants and shoe.

Outside the club Jace was about going to go call Hailey when he saw her coming out in a hurry. "What took you so long ?"Jace asked

"Let's go....hurry.....get in" she said as she got into the car. On their way to her place, Dean saw how restless she was. "What is it here?" He asked


"Why are you looking so..... restless"

"I'm not, I'm fine"

"She did something.... obviously" Jace said

"Alright fine! I.....I.....I threw up on a guy"she said

"You did what?" Aryan asked

"I threw up... I puked.... I barfed, what ever it's called"

"Ewwwwwwwww, that's disgusting...., what was a guy doing in a female restroom? "Jace asked

"I.....was at the male's restroom..... Accidentally" she said

"And what did you do? Did you say sorry and wipe it off" Dean asked

"No....I ran away" she said

"You don't have to scared about that.....it's a club, you ain't seeing him again, so relax" Aryan assured her and she smiled.