
The God-King of Saiyans

The Deleted Universes within Dragon Ball Super, a topic that remains untouched within the Community. Conspiracy theories revolve around these Universes trying to ascertain what happened to them and why? What would happen if the Deleted Universes had made a return, if the beings of the Deleted Universes came back? There's a reason why they were taken out and deleted, and the Omniverse is going to figure out that very reason... for the King and God of Saiyans has returned, no... the Saiyan Empire has returned! But the God of Saiyans may not be what you expected... [AN: To be completely honest, don't expect much. Though each and every single chapter will be quality and good, that doesn't mean that I'm going to update relatively fast or on a schedule in general. I work on my own time, there's other great FF's on this website anyway to keep you entertained. What I expect is that each and every single time I post a chapter that you'd tune in and enjoy it; but a man can only wish for so much. I do hope you enjoy whatever limited chapters I produce and give out! This is completely for my own enjoyment, creativity, and mind. Cover Image is not mine, if you want me to take it down fine,]

IngeniousBoneKing · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 10: New Reality | Alien Man-Monkey!

A man with huge technological benefits and an iron suit was slowly falling out of the sky, but he wasn't the only one.

"Son of a gun!" a human male on the ground yelled out as he looked at Iron-Man,

But then the man frowned as he saw a group of individuals that were obviously unconscious falling right behind Iron-Man in the air,

Thor confusedly looked from the group of people and then towards Stark, "He's not stopping!" he suddenly realized as he swung his hammer in preparation to fly towards Stark.

The Hulk suddenly came flying by as he caught Stark and slid across one of the buildings,

Thor looked at Hulk and then toward the group of people,

"Someone get them!" Captain America yelled out into the comms as he looked around frantically looking for a way to save them,

"I got it!" Black Widow yelled out into the comms as she tapped on her wrist,

Suddenly a ship came flying as it positioned itself vertically to where the ramp could open and catch the people.

The ramp opened and the bodies fell into the ship harshly and uncomfortably,

There was what appeared to be a padded floor where they landed,

This was in reality a kind of emergency precaution in case a situation like this would've happened where someone would have to get caught like that,

As the Hulk came back down with Stark, all attention was redirected back at him.

Captain America quickly pulled off the face mask with minor difficulty before putting his ears to Stark's mouth and trying to listen to see if there was any breathing.

He didn't hear anything and looked to anyone else for help,

Hulk roared as he smashed into Stark's breastplate making him come back alive as he took a long inhale of air before exhaling it,

Whilst they were having small dialogue,

Tons of agents swarmed the ship per orders and grabbed the individuals and put them in cuffs,

Nick Fury squinted his eyes as he looked at the individuals on the ship,

He had no clue who they were or where they came from,

"Unidentified individuals that came flying out of that rupture in space following right behind Stark," Fury muttered to himself as he looked back into the streets of New York to see bodies and destruction everywhere.

Fury watched as his Shield Agents took the unidentified individuals to the headquarters into an interrogation room, they looked human but obviously weren't considering the tails on their backs.

Most of them were bloodied and tired as if they went through a war,

No, they probably did go through some sort of fight considering one of the individuals had a missing right arm.

Fury shook his head getting out of his thoughts, "Put them all in a cell and when they wake up we'll interrogate them, for now, we've got another issue at hand" he said as he looked towards the Avengers going to the tower to confront Loki.


Zarrion woke up to tapping on his chest and opened his eyes groggily,

The first thing Zarrion saw was the little Emperor pulling on his shirt and looking worriedly at him,

Zarrion chuckled as he coughed and grabbed the little Emperor with a smile as he hugged him tightly, "I got you bud, I got you" he said with a little smile as he leaned his head back onto the padded walls.

He sat there in silence for a few moments before he widened his eyes as he looked around,

Zarrion frowned deeply and tried to reel in his breathing to calm down,

Zarrion felt like something was wrong and looked back down at the little Emperor,

The little Emperor was staring at Zarrion's side with a sad expression and he frowned once more.

Zarrion quickly looked towards his right arm and found it missing, but patched up.

Similarly in that aspect, was that everyone was patched up and healed properly.

Wherever they were, or whoever took them made sure to properly take care of them, and for that he's thankful.

Zarrion sighed as he reached towards his stump of an arm,

He winced as he hurriedly pulled his hands back quickly,

Zarrion looked at the exiles then back outside,

It'd seem that they were trapped within a cell, most likely for interrogation.

Everyone but Zarrion and the kid were unconscious and knocked out, most likely because they couldn't handle the power emitted from the spatial rupture?

Zarrion internally had known that they had crossed into different realities, they had to!

You don't just go through a black hole and survive, and considering the number of times he's been in a fight and has caused cracks, in reality, has been more than once.

Zarrion sighed as he pushed off the ground with what limited movement he had due to the bandages around his body.

Once Zarrion got up, he used the wall as leverage and leaned on it.

Zarrion stood up at his full height at 6'8 with his head almost touching the top of the cell.

Zarrion cracked his neck left and right as he squinted his eyes and frowned,

He put his hand down so that the little Emperor could climb on it whilst taking small glances towards the windowed area of the cell and towards the upper corners of the room.

Groans were soon heard as people started waking up,

Fury squinted his eyes with his hands behind his back as he looked in the cell,

Fury shook his head as he leaned back on a desk behind him, "They just look like they're strong" he said as he scoffed,

He then reached towards his head as he looked at their hair, "How is that even logically possible" he muttered aloud as he looked at Zarrion, Broly, and Goku's hair.

"Why are we here again?" Dr. Banner said from the side as he looked at the Avengers then at Fury he said as he was fixing his glasses,

"Because they fell out of a portal, bloodied and beaten right behind Stark," Fury started off as he looked at Banner than at everyone else,

"Now they're obviously not human considering the tails they have," Fury said as he looked back into the cell,

Iron-Man stepped up to the plate as he walked close to the screen and looked at them and then back at Fury, "Do you know what they are?" his robotic voice sounded out.

Fuy shook his head as he shrugged and motioned towards Thor, "I was going to ask him that considering he knows more about alien civilizations than I do." he said.

Thor not even giving anyone in the room a glance stared at Zarrion and everyone within that room,

Thor shook his head as he came out of his thoughts, "They're not normal by any means, if anything I'd say they were Gods of some sort, but from what pantheon? I couldn't tell you" Thor said as he looked from Fury and Stark and back to the cell.

"What makes you think that?" Steve chipped in from the back as he was grabbing a cup of coffee and stared back at Fury with his uniform still on.

Thor shook his head, "The feelings unmistakable, their auras are all similar to my father Odin's" Thor said as he looked at all of them seriously.

Fury had a look of surprise before he quickly changed his facial expression, "You're telling me that they're all on a power level similar to Odin?" Fury asked with mild confusion,

Thor nodded, "If anything I'd say they're most likely stronger-" but he then pointed at Zarrion, "-but he's different," Thor said as Zarrion turned around and looked him in the eye.

"I can't tell if that's good or bad," Fury said as he looked back at Zarrion,

"I know you're there," Zarrion said aloud as he looked at the outside of the cells,

Somehow, they'd cloaked themselves but the feeling was unmistakable.

They were being watched...

Soon enough, the outside of the cell's background changed as multiple figures appeared outside of it just staring inside of the cell.

Nick walked up closer to the cell as he looked Zarrion in the eye, "Wish I could've met you on better terms but I'm Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D" Fury said as he looked at Zarrion then towards the team as he pointed at all of them,

"Iron Man, Thor, Dr. Banner, Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow," Fury said as he then looked back towards the cell as the Avengers nodded at the people within the cell.

"Cut to the point, why am I imprisoned within this cell mortal," Zarrion said as he frowned looking at Fury,

Zarrion was almost itching to destroy this entire place, a mere mortal had thought that they could imprison him? The Main General of the Saiyan Empire?

If this human male named Fury didn't provide him with the answer that he wanted, it's safe to say that the entire place would get nuked.

Fury frowned at the way he said mortal but internally ignored it, "You're not necessarily imprisoned, we're just doing this for our safety considering we just fought a war with aliens and you come flying out of a portal with injuries and a tail on your ass" Fury said as he shrugged looking at Zarrion,

Zarrion clenched his fists but forgot that his right arm was missing and sighed as he calmed down,

"Then let us get out of your way," Zarrion said as he looked at Fury,

"Now you know I can't let you do that" Fury said as he shook his head with closed eyes,

"Your all a bunch of unidentified individuals that flew onto our planet, we healed you and helped nurture you to the best and most optimal health we could, did you really think it'd be that easy?" Fury said with a frown as he looked at Zarrion,

Captain America frowned as he was walking up to the team, "Are you trying to manip-" and Fury cut him off as he rose his hand,

"So what are you trying to say?" Zarrion said as his eyes flashed red for a second,

"What I'm trying to say is, let's try to work out something, let's try to figure out what's going on here-" and then he paused, "-but... I can't do that if I can literally tell that you're almost about to blow up in rage" Fury said with a straight face as he put his hands behind his back waiting for Zarrion's response.

Zarrion stared at Fury for a couple of seconds as his eyes twitched,

He then nodded as he sat back down against the wall, "Fair enough, I did intrude upon your planet, so ask away... I owe that enough to you" he said as he looked towards his bandaged arm and the exiles that'd gotten patched up.

Zarrion looked at all of the unconscious exiles still internally wondering when they'd wake up, though it shouldn't be that long.

Once Captain America had made it to the team, he looked inside the cell and the first thing he saw was the child upon Zarrion's shoulders and he had a look of surprise, no... he was flabbergasted.

He put the cup of coffee down as he assumed one of the meanest 'dad' postures ever and pointed at the child, "Can someone explain to me why the hell there's a child in there on that man's shoulders?" Captain America said with pure astonishment,

Iron-Man looked at Captain America and then back inside the cell as he zoomed in within the suit at the child, "Jarvis, has that child been there the entire time?" Stark said with mild confusion,

"Affirmative, Mr. Stark" Jarvis replied back to Stark within the suit,

Stark frowned within the suit as he outwardly turned towards Fury, "Did you knowingly let a child into that cell?" Iron-Man said as he looked at Fury,

All eyes fell on Fury whilst Zarrion merely chuckled under his breath,

Fury chuckled as he snapped his fingers, "I'd prepared this just in case something like this happened,"

A screen then popped up effectively coming from the ceiling showcasing multiple attempts people made trying to take the baby from Zarrion's hands, then the video shut off,

"It had been simply impossible to take the child out of the man's hands, as you can tell... multiple attempts were made," Fury said as he looked at the screen and then back towards the Avengers.

Dr. Banner rose his brow as he looked at Fury with quite the comical expression, "You failed to take a literal child out of a one-armed man?" he said as he failed to hold in his laugh,

Thor merely let out a little smile and you hear Hawkeye coughing trying to cover his laughter,

Fury merely looked at Banner before looking back towards the cell, "Anyways, where are you from?"

Zarrion merely shook his head as he relaxed against the wall, "Enough with the pointless questions, I doubt you'd know where I hail from considering this Universes nature" he said as he closed his eyes,

Thor frowned as he looked at Zarrion's arrogance,

"Answer the question would you please," Thor said as he stepped closer as looked at Zarrion,

Zarrion peaked open his eyes a little as he looked at Thor and merely smiled and closed his eyes again,

Thor gripped his hammer in his hands as he was about to step towards the glass but Iron-Man put his palm on Thor's chest,

Fury looked at Thor's encounter and then back towards Zarrion, "What's your name, could you tell us that at least?" he said as he looked at him,

"Zarrion, the Head General of the Saiyan Empire," Zarrion said with his eyes closed still,

"The Saiyan Empire?" Thor repeated to himself trying to figure out if he'd known any Empire by that name,

Thor shook his head, not knowing any Empire by that name.

"See? Should've listened to me you idiot" Zarrion said with a laugh as he then coughed and was about to cover it with his right hand but forgot...

Zarrion sighed as he mentally kept himself up from raging and screaming due to his lost arm,

Thor gripped his hammer once more as he tilted his head trying to contain his anger as he smiled, "Really? Two can play that game you one-armed man-monkey!" Thor said as he clenched his teeth in slight anger,

Zarrion chuckled as he lifted his head and red eyes glowed through the darkness, "And this one-armed man monkey could kick your ass" Zarrion said as he grinned through the cell as he relaxed his head back on the wall.

Thor chuckled and laughed as he gripped the hammer in hand,

"Tho-" Fury was about to say something but Thor had already thrown his hammer through the cell and towards Zarrion's head,

Zarrion tilted his head to the left as the hammer came smashing into his previous spot,

The hammer then retreated back to Thor's hands as he looked at Zarrion with a grin,

"Bring it, one-armed man-ape!" Thor said as he swung his hammer in preparation,

"Let's calm down here!" Stark said as he put his hands up to both people,

Hawkeye shook his head seeing both of the men's expressions, "They're not going to stop!" he yelled out as he turned and sprinted,

Iron-Man quickly grabbed Banner as he shot one of his beams at a window and flew out,

Black Widow quickly sprinted and jumped out of the windows as she threw a grappling hook back onto the floor and quickly climbed down the building.

Captain America looked at Zarrion and Thor and internally debated whether or not to interfere between two God-like buildings,

Steve then shook his head as he quickly took his shield off his back and sprinted out of the window as he curled up into a ball and put the shield in front of his shoulders to land on,

Zarrion slowly got up with a smile as he looked down at his left arm and then back to Thor,

"Backing out you cowa-" Thor's speech got interrupted as a fist landed on his chin sending him flying backward into a wall,

Zarrion smiled at Thor as he knelt down, "Let's have some fun!" he said as he grinned.