
The flashes op twin brother.

SUPREME GODDESS :What do you desire? Money and wealth? Glory? Honour and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends all of them? Whatever you desire I CAN GIVE. Now mortal what do you wish for. Mc:can you give me a drill. SUPREME GODDESS :???????,IM SORRY I DONT THINK YOU HEARD CORECTLY LET ME REAPEAT MY SLE.... mc:I heard you the first time and I said I want a my drill. SUPRRME GODDESS :'what's wrong with this stupid mortal.'"wh,why do you want a drill." mc looks at the supreme being and then at his transparent self.The mc was looking at something that the supreme being couldn't.In the middle of his chest there was the tiniest of swirls tho negliable to some it wasent to the him. The mc smiles And looks to the supreme godess with a smile so genuine even the supreme godess can't help but be mesmerized. Mc:ah ha ha hehe hahahaha,why I chose a drill over all others things I could have. well it's pretty simple really, it's because...it's because...I believe ... ........................MY DRILL IS MY SOUL..................... (AN"will anyone get the reference to what sort of powers he will have.")

Etiger789 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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37 Chs

Nice to meet you sister in law...

To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first, you need to believe in the impossible. Can you do that? Good. Do you see that red blur? That's me. That too.

There I am again, well anyway.

My name is Barry Allen. I am the fastest man alive. My story is pretty simple. My whole life, I've been running. Usually from bullies. Sometimes I escaped sometimes I did not.

Flashback 14 Years

Nora" Tell me what happened." Nora asks in a concerned voice.

Barry" Those guys were picking on kids. Just cause they thought they weren't cool. It wasn't right. It wasn't right."

Nora" I know honey."

Barry" I guess I wasn't fast enough."

Nora" No. You have such a good heart, Barry. And it's better to have a good heart than fast legs."

Henry" Hello. I'm home." Henry came in while taking off his jacket.

Nora" Barry got into a fight." she said to her husband.

Henry "Oh yeah.who won"

Nora" Of course my little barry won." saying so while puffing out her chest.

Henry" Ah, way to go, Slugger. Oh, and no more

fighting, ok."


But after that night, I was running from something much scarier.


Something I could never explain. Something impossible.


Nora" Barry, go, run baby"

Barry" Mom, Mom, Mom!

Henry"Nora, Nora, Run, Barry, run."

Barry"Mom Dad? where are you."

flashback end.

pov change Kais pov 11 years old.

7 years have passed since the grand opening of my paintings.

A lot has occurred since then but none of that really mattered as right now on my eleventh year of being alive I had to watch the woman I loved and saw as a mother get stabbed to death by that bastard eobard thawne.

I would do something about it and erase thawne out of existence. But I had an empathy, so I had let what was about to happen, happen. I watched how a future barry saved little barry. How my father was accused the murderer of mom and how barry saw our mum dead, how he called out her name yet wouldn't respond.

How I wanted to just hug him and say everything was going to be ok. But I couldn't as currently I'm supposed to be in another country. I know Barry's gonna cause a lot of problems in the timeline and go through a lot of shit. But I won't stop it. But what I can do is give barry the thing he at least always wanted to save.

Standing over my mother's corpse, I start to make hand seals as fast as possible while also activating my luck to level 4 extreme luck. I don't activate it to 5 as there's no need to. I actually don't need to use my luck either, but there are no 100%s. so just to be safe I activated it.



At the moment the Jutsu was released time seemed to have stopped and right then the body of Nora seemed to have shed a blue transparent light before a figure that looked just like Nora but without a physical body and more ghost-like turned into a ball of light and entered Kai's chest.

The phenomenon disappeared and time resumed as if nothing happened. But there were some powerful beings that felt time and space stop for just 0.000000000001 seconds. sadly it disappeared before anyone could try and track where the phenomenon started.

Kai' And now that I'm done with mom, next would be you thawne. Don't think for a second that just because you successfully killed my mother that you can get away without feeling the pain my brother and family would and will have to go through because of your damnable existence.'

Finishing his inner monologue, Kai looks up to the sky before materialising a bow that looked similar to archers bow from fate stay knight and aimed upwards.

Gathering an unknown energy kai transformed it into a lance-like sword before speaking in an unknown language. well, that is, unknown to this universe.

Kai" NgiyithamNgiyithambobo lenkemba yami\r\n\r\nInsimbi ingumzimba wami futhi umlilo uyigazi lami\r\n\r\nNgidale amabala angaphezu kwenkulungwane\r\n\r\nAkwaziwa Ukufa,\r\n\r\nAkwaziwa ngokuPhila.\r\n\r\nUnqande ubuhlungu ukudala izikhali eziningi\r\n\r\nNoma kunjalo, lezo zandla azisoze zabamba lutho.\r\n\r\nIkakhulu lena\r\n\r\nNgakho-ke njengoba ngithandaza, umcibisholo ongenamkhawulo usebenza.


Finishing the incantation he releases the arrow, where it flies off to the direction thawne is.

pov change

Police officer"Sir are you alright, can you tell me your name"

thawne/Harrison" Harrison, Harrison wells is my name."As the police go through the potacal and get an ambulance for the deceased wife of Harrison Wells, and thawne cooks up schemes in his mind. None of them noticed a star-like light heading straight down towards Harrison/thawne.

When it finally hits him he blanks for a second before resuming like nothing ever happened. And nothing will. well, for now, that is.

Back to mc pov

Kai'Now that he's taken care of I still have a lot of work to do. Sigh, so much work yet so little time. But in the end, it will all be worth it.' And just like that 14 years past.

Tailed beast valley

Near the edge of central city before the mountains, a place where you would think have very few people living. If that's what you think you would be right if you guessed 14 years ago. Let's just give you the shortened story.

You see 14 years ago an unknown guy uploaded a supposed medicine for smallpox. At first, no one paid attention until one famous scientist had his little daughter sick and remembered that post.

He didn't really believe in it but tried it out anyway as it might have made things a bit better or easier for his daughter. But the next day he would be in for a surprise of his life. The next day he woke up his baby daughter was all healed up.

And so 3 months after that incident most scientists went on to prove that the medicine worked. It got people wondering who the person was. But sadly the one who posted it never claimed it as his own.

And so after another 3 months, the commotion died down until someone who hadn't given up and kept updated to see if the mystery man would show saw activity on the mystery man's account.

He quickly posted it and the world news was abuzz as this time he hadn't posted to claim the pox medicine. But posted a patreon and his target was 200,000,000 and he would post the cure the whole cure for malaria.

At first, people ridiculed and laughed at this until the government of Africa sent a global announcement that the part he did send really worked and alleviated the disease but didn't cure it. once news got out that it worked government's and people all around the world didn't laugh any more and started donating and from just having 1000 dollars in 2 months to 100,000,000 in just a week. This continued until after the third week the goal was met and the cure was posted.

This continued over the 5 years where the mystery man would ask for a certain donation, and once it's met he would post the cure.

All different types of governments tried to find the identity but they just couldn't especially hackers. The hackers that did try to get the mystery guys identity would have his identity blown. so after that, no one dared to try as they were afraid.

But everything changed in the on the sixth year as the mystery man said that with all the money he had accumulated he would build the best medical centre in the world. And that it was already in the works of being built in the central city. After that announcement, all the world was abuzz once again.

It took 5 years to complete construction. But once it was done and shown to the world, it could be nothing but described as beautiful. overall, there were 9 buildings, all shaped like a foxtail. They were all lined up in a semi-circle, and in the middle of the buildings was a beautiful garden with the rarest of species and in the middle was a massive 50 metre or 164-foot Japanese wisteria tree.

In the first year after it was open all the people around the world wanted to work there so the mystery man made a website called medical.co where you can apply for a job. There were around 20 thousand jobs available and they were all taken really fast. But the job everyone really wanted was the manager of one of the 9 tails.

You see, each building or tail represents a department you would learn and work at. And being the manager of one of the tails means you would be the second-highest authority of the company besides the CEO.

And so the final 2 years go by and the now tailed beast valley is still as popular as the first day that it opened. Tho there were spies and threats over the years they were taken all taken care of by the company's security that was now ranked in the top ten most secure and safe buildings in the world.

But to this day no one besides the Secretary and 9 managers knows of who the mystery man is.

Central city Airport 7:am

Iris west pov

Barry had work in the morning but also had to pick up his brother. so he had asked me if I could pick him up which I agreed to.

Now it was around half past 7 but there was still no sign of his brother. In fact, she had never seen Barry's brother. For some odd reason, there were never any photos of him. I had asked barry why that was but he would always divert the question. The same situation with my dad, he just wouldn't answer.

Getting a bit thirsty I head downstairs to where the vending machines are but just as I was going to take the first step, I miss took a step and was about to fall down headfirst. I was about to embrace for a world of hurting but it never came. what did come was a warmth that embraced my whole body?

I couldn't help but think it was similar to Barry's warmth when he hugged me in our childhood. Finally looking up I see I'm on top of a man who had in the last second twisted me around and took me in his embrace taking the full force off the fall plus my weight on top.

I was just about to get off him and apologize while also thanking him until I got a clear view of his face. My breath was taken for a second at how handsome he was. I noticed his beautiful silky black hair with dark blue highlights at the tips of his hair. His probably perfect skin tone with no pimple marks or blemishes. But what attracted me the most was his eyes. Those sharp authoritative blue and green eyes that would make anyone feel nervous yet mesmerized at the same time. Finally gathering up her courage, she asks.

iris" Are you ok, are you hurt anywhere."

Kai"hahaha, I'm alright, but seriously you need to be more careful next time sister in law."He says in a raspy but sexy tone.

Iris"Yes I will wait what sister in law, who me ???"

kai" ahh sorry for not introducing myself. Names kai, Kai Allen, it's nice to finally meet you iris west."

I didn't respond as I was taken in the bombshell that was just dropped on top of me.

Please tell me if there are any spelling mistakes.

The chapter is over 2000 words so the biggest chapter yet I think.

Thx for reading.

And the reference link for the tailed beast valley will be in the comment section.

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