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With what permits, has he had the trucks inspected, fitted, how are the machines still working, and how much is he selling items for. what's the menu, how does someone who barely ever cooked not think to hire a chef. So many things have been skipped. I don't know what to think, but if I read he forgives his family and wants his girlfriend back, I'm out.
Why would he want to help someone that's been nothing but Rude, distrusting basically down right racist to him. Really after helping his people he's still being like that.
Is this really all he does, he doesn't seem as badass as everyone tells me Jack reacher is. Not when he's in shootouts or anything. Besides the two times the historian was useless, and he's been hardly using Charlie puth to make himself money, or used his knowledge to potentially do anything with his knowledge of earth. Honestly besides his interactions with The captain which I like everthing else about it is boring.
thanks for the chapter
lu zhe: I fell a disturbance in the force. - Pocket hunting Dimension
Really he lost in strength. I don't think any of these guys are superhuman.
Yep confirmed Ped%£%e!!! I'm out.
This sounds really Ai man, especially the co stsnt repeat of shadows and you repeating every single thought but just tweaking it a bit. He doesn't sound human at all.
Curent Status : Chapter 14 Current Rating: 3.4 stars Stars: Wc - 5, Sd - 2, Cd - 2, Us - 5, Wb - 3 I think this is so stupid, not the vigilance but the live streaming...WHY WOULD You inform your enemies what you're doing. Do you want them to set traps for you. Another thing, Maya isn't being truthful but has the mc at any point even thought about telling his girlfriend about what he's doing now. I haven't seen him even think about it.(correct me if I'm wrong), not to mention at the beginning he talked about being the shadow yet shadows aren't meant to post their live location. Why not have him record his night, answer some questions he recived in the last post, and then he won't be risking his life like some dumba%#. Also he acts so oblivious sometimes, when the answer was right infront of him. An example being the system called the Harem streamer system, and it tells him that he's caught the eye of Mercury and he might encounter her...and what's his response...why the system is so cryptic...I'm sorry are we reading the same fuc%£# thing here??. Lastly, the mcs a bit of a dick. One, being rude to his teacher, and two complaining about his girlfriend ditching him to save people. Okay so you know she's a superhero, you know she's struggling to tell you, so I don't know confront her about it and communicate like a boyfriend should. You literally call yourself the love intrest that gets in the supergeros way that everyone hates. So don't be that then, actually fucking communicate. I've seen the comments and the author say it's her fault, she deserves what's coming to her and yet not one person as critisized the mc and his actions either.(Again correct me if I'm wrong). Besides that the writing quality is really good, world background isn't much as I'm only on chapter 14, and update stability is good. Will update my review if I find its gotten better. [Sorry for any grammar mistakes]
thanks for the chapter. this was a good one.