
The flashes op twin brother.

SUPREME GODDESS :What do you desire? Money and wealth? Glory? Honour and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends all of them? Whatever you desire I CAN GIVE. Now mortal what do you wish for. Mc:can you give me a drill. SUPREME GODDESS :???????,IM SORRY I DONT THINK YOU HEARD CORECTLY LET ME REAPEAT MY SLE.... mc:I heard you the first time and I said I want a my drill. SUPRRME GODDESS :'what's wrong with this stupid mortal.'"wh,why do you want a drill." mc looks at the supreme being and then at his transparent self.The mc was looking at something that the supreme being couldn't.In the middle of his chest there was the tiniest of swirls tho negliable to some it wasent to the him. The mc smiles And looks to the supreme godess with a smile so genuine even the supreme godess can't help but be mesmerized. Mc:ah ha ha hehe hahahaha,why I chose a drill over all others things I could have. well it's pretty simple really, it's because...it's because...I believe ... ........................MY DRILL IS MY SOUL..................... (AN"will anyone get the reference to what sort of powers he will have.")

Etiger789 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Earth-38 here we go...

The entrance of star central police station

Kai" When we were 8, our family and I were visiting Edinburgh and we decided to go to the botanical gardens. While there, me and barry were drawn to these giant lily pads. I suddenly had memories of watching frogs jump on smaller sized lily pads and thought it would be an excellent idea to try and hop onto one to see if it would hold my weight.

Safe to say it did not and it was a long, wet walk back to the car after an embarrassing explanation to the managers asking why one of their giant lily pads had a child-shaped hole in it."

Iris " Hahahhaha seriously what were you thinking hahaha, hold on a second let catch my breath."

After iris stopped laughing we both continued our talk about myself and Barry's childhood. Safe to say that me and sis in law hit it pretty well. Tho she did get really embarrassed every time I called her that so I started calling her RiRi instead. she was still embarrassed but accepted the nickname.

Right now I and she were about to visit barry as I wanted to see my brother after a year and also drop of iris as she and Barry were about to go to star labs to go see the particle accelerator turn on.

walking 5 minutes we finally get to where barry is at. Not even bothering to knock I open the door and yell.

Kai "BAZZY."

Barry " kai, iris your here. when did you get here why didn't you tell me you were coming." Barry says as he gets up to hug his brother. They both give each other a long embrace before letting go and start talking to each other about the past year.

Its only 30 minutes later that barry and iris talk about the particle accelerator launching tonight. It's funny really. how they still have the same conversation and the same things even tho the timeline changed a bit.

And as they are talking I'm secretly recording for the future wedding and to show Nora how their mum and dad were like before they got together.

looking at the time I tell my brother that I have business to take care of and that I won't be going with them to third wheel on there first date.

kai" See you later Riri have fun on your date bazz hahaha."

Barry" It's not a date it's." barry didn't continue as his brother had already left sprinting out the door."

Iris" Haha seriously your brothers to funny. And you don't need to get so flustered like that."

Barry" Sigh, anyway we'll be leaving at 8 to see it turn on at around 9.30, Is that alright with you."

iris" Sure"

Time skip December 11, 2013, 9.33 pm


Suddenly a loud explosion hits central city from star labs creating a huge storm throughout the city.

After this event people would go back to there normal daily lives. But for 2600 metahuman that was just born that's a different story all on its own.

star labs 1 month after.

Iris was there on a bench crying while thinking what she was going to do if Barry didn't wake up. That's all she could think about. Until suddenly, she heard a familiar voice right next to her and before she noticed she was already in his embrace.

Kai" When life gets tough, the tough get going. This timeless proverb may be true for some, but for others, hardship can be too much to overcome. When the going gets tough, their life simply falls apart.

What is it exactly that separates those who thrive regardless of adversity and those who don't. Is it genetics, luck, or pure willpower. Some People turn to alcohol and drugs, stealing, or physical violence. While others will turn to heroism and self-sacrifice."

Iris your a big strong girl now. The one thing I know barry would regret when he wakes up is to see the people he loves. The friends the family the woman he loves to shed countless tears."

kai could feel Iris shaking when he mentioned the woman he loves. Which made kai smile like a Cheshire cat.

Kai" When barry wakes up the one thing I know he will want to see isn't your upset faces but ones that greet him with a smile. This is all I can say, but I hope you take things to heart. And be the iris I met at the airport who was strong, charismatic and beautiful."

Rubbing her back I see over her shoulder Joe as well as his new partner and a few others. I lift my hand indicating to not come yet before I whisper something in iris's ear before getting up and walking around the corner.

Kai" You can go meet her now. she should be better in a few days maximum a week. Also thank you Mr wells, Cisco and catlin for taking care of my brother."

Kai" I would love to stay and chat but sadly I have a plane to catch. so I'll see all of you later."

joe" mhh thanks I'll text you if anything happens to your brother."

Cisco" No problem man, you can visit anytime, just make sure to call first." Cisco then nudges catlin besides him to wake her up from her daze.

Snow" We will take care of him so don't worry and Have a safe trip." catlin says before looking down again. Harrison also does the same and wishes him a safe travel

kai" Thank you again, everyone."

He then looks at Eddie that wanted to say something, but I walked right past him like he didn't even exist.

Eddie can only scratch his head in awkwardness while everyone else chuckles at the two's interactions. Which has repeated itself for over a month? The reasoning behind the attitude is quite funny but that's a story for another time.

10.59 pm random abandoned building

Looks like everything is ready and I've got all that I need. Barrys under supervision of April and star labs. Iris should be able to straighten out her mind a bit more now. next would be hehe looks like it's time.

Kai" Clone 279, I'll be going now. By the time I'm back I hope everything will be ok. well, ok enough that the whole city isn't destroyed." kai commands as a human figure walks out the shadows looking exactly like kai.

Clone 279 " Everything will be fine. you don't have to worry so much. Also, should we commence operation embarrassing wedding and Christmas footage."

kai " Hehehe yes do that make sure to get every love triangle, kiss, embarrassing moment of barry and his friends. Sigh don't blame me little brother, but this is for the good of seeing your embarrassed self. Plus I'm sure mum will not want to miss a second of what happened over the years."

Kai'well, I guess it's time. Earth 38 here I come again. Ahh, let's go visit little Carter first as he's probably really lonely right now. Sigh, the least anunt cat could do was spend a little more time instead of always working at that catco she's so fond of.'

And with those thoughts in mind kai disappears from his place where he once stood not to be seen for probably the next year or so In central city.

Please tell me if there are any spelling mistakes or parts/paragraphs that don't quite make sense even after reading twice. And do you think the pace of the storey is too quick or is it fine as it is?

Thanks for reading.

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