
The Entity of Fear

Entity000 · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

The Departure

" Is that all you have to say?" Ashley said to him as she tilted her head.

He smiled wryly and replied, " Ok, ok. My skill is called ' Wrath of Apocalypse '. " the group was silent and just stared at him, waiting for him to showcase his skill and give an explanation. He look at them and smiled again.

" You guys have already seen it. It was during the selection. " he explained it to them.

" Oh so that's your skill, but what does it do?" Natsu replied and ask him.

" It's just a buff skill that doubles my agility and strength."

As he replied and then he thought.

' It was indeed a buff skill, but it fills me with resentment towards everything, if I hadn't cancelled the skill, I would've gone berserk and killed everyone, including my companions. '

Raven just smiled and added. " Ok guys as you can see outside, the countdown is now half a year. " As everybody reflexively looked outside. " Tomorrow train your newly acquired skills and combat abilities. So rest for now. " Everybody stood up and went to their own rooms, including Raven.

When Raven was lying down on his bed he spoke.

" Hey Guide, are you there?" He tried to communicate with The Guide, but there was no reply.

Then he tried communicating with his thoughts.

' Hey Guide, you there?' but there was still no reply, as he continued thinking ' Maybe I cannot communicate with it while being conscious? ' he then close his eyes and he fell asleep.

In his unconscious world, he could hear a voice.

| You called? | he then opened his eyes, it was the same dark space as before his Mind Palace.

" Yes, I want to try and ask you something. " he ask the guide.

| Ok you may ask |

" Is it possible to .... " as he told the Guide about what he wanted to try, and a few moments later the Guide replied.

| Yes it is possible, but in exchange it will consume all the fears you have collected, it may also take some time to do. |

" It's ok, so based on your calculations, how much time will it take?"

| 12 - 14 days. Also I will use your past knowledge as reference. |

" No problem. Thank you for doing such a troublesome favour. "

| I do not mind. Then I will start now. |

Then his vision suddenly turned dark and after a few hours Raven woke up, sweating like he had a nightmare. Then somebody knocked on the door,

" Raven it's time to eat breakfast." it was his mother.

" Ok I'm just gonna change and I'll be down right away." He replied.

" Ok then. " and then she left.

' Now I'll just have to wait. ' then he went down and sat on the dining table. The group ate and chatted like usual, then went to the living room.

" Ok guys it is now time to train." the group nodded with determination.

" I want to suggest your training regime, if it is okay with you guys. " His companions was left with a puzzled face, except for Ashley. Then Natsu spoke.

" Why are you asking if it's okay with us? Of course we'll agree with you, after all, your training regime really is efficient. " Then the rest nodded, then his Mother was the next one to speak.

" Also we got this powerful, thanks to you. " When Ashley heard Rea, she was surprised, then talk next.

" Well then coach if it's going to make us powerful, suggest all the way. " She patted his back with a smile on her face.

" Ok then Natsu ..... Hannah and Ace ... Mother .... and lastly Ashley ... " As he told the group their training they went outside and started their training.


| It is finished, when you wake up it will start right away. | The guide told him as it continue,

| I will be the source of this favour you ask for. So in this world I will no longer exist. |

" Thank you once again. So after you become one, I can talk to you casually now? "

| Yes, but in a different kind of conversation. |

Raven just smiled and then darkness covered his view. Then he woke up, then spoke.

" Status Window. " Then a floating message window was in front of him, and he smiled wryly and thought.

' If we're gonna live in a fantasy world, might as well do a Game System. '

" Skill Window " Then he can see his skills.

[[ Skills:

Active Skills:

Apocalypse Dragon Transformation : Locked

Fear Creation

Wrath of the Apocalypse

Fear Stimulation

Passive Skills:

Fear Collector ]]

' What is this Fear Creation?' then he used it and a Message Window popped out stating

[[ What do you want to create? ]]

' Hmm so this is what the guide said that time, I can create inanimate and animate objects. Ok then let's try it.'

Then he said.

" A sword. " then a Notification Window popped out.

[[ Insufficient Fear ]]

' Oh I forgot, it said that it will consume all the fear I collected. I shouldn't use my own fear to replenish it, or else. ' He shrugged it off and went downstairs, there was no one at the dining table so he went outside and saw them training already.

" Son, Good morning sorry we've eaten already, and started training. " It was his mother who greeted him.

" It's ok." he replied with a smile and looked at his companions training. He first observed Natsu. He was dodging and blocking the fireballs shoot by 8 floating Dragon heads, while wearing a blindfold.

' Looks like he is doing great, he heeded my advice.'

* Earlier *

" Natsu for your training, use the vision of your dragon head at your advantage. You will control the heads and shoot yourself with the fireballs, and try to dodge or blocked them. " Natsu nodded as his reply.

* Present *

' At first he either got hit or failed to control the Dragon Head, now it was different, there are 8 Dragon heads shooting at him, sadly he still can't control them to move around while it's shooting at him and for him to dodge and block it at the same time. ' Raven went to Natsu.

" Natsu how's your training going?" He ask Natsu and Natsu stopped his movements and 8 Dragon heads look at Raven.

" It's doing great, and I learned something new, if the Dragon Head had its eyes closed, I cannot share its vision, also if they are group together, the fire they shoot out becomes fused together." He then grouped the Dragon Heads and a large fireball aimed and shoot at an Ice Wall.

" See? Am I awesome or what?" As he smiled as wide as possible.

" Yeah yeah, but you still have a long way to go for a hundred heads, also test it if the Dragon Head have a sign of intelligence, so that you can just command them telepathically. Also later I have an announcement to make. " Natsu nodded and continued with his training.

' Maybe if his proficiency in it increases. From what I learned this past week is that the skills have proficiency rate, sadly I cannot train my acquired skill, but with the Game System, I can train it now. ' Then he went to the kids.

He observed the two sparring. The two are just standing and facing each other when suddenly Ace's limbs transformed into a wolf's and his eyes turned yellow. He enlarge his right arm and threw a punch at Hannah. Hannah on the other hand had a Leopard Tattoo on her forehead and jump, then the Tattoo changed into an Eagle, she flew towards Ace. Ace reverted his arm and leaped towards Hannah. Hannah dodge to the side and the tattoo change into a mammoth as she kicked him in the stomach. Ace was sent flying into an Ice wall, then he quickly charged again at Hannah's fall trajectory, then punched Hannah, then it was Hannah's turn to be sent flying in an Ice wall.

' Good thing mother surrounded each of their training area with an Ice wall, without it the Mansion might be destroyed.' When he had a thought of relief, he continued his observation.

Ace jumped and enlarged his arms and clenched it both together and was about to hit Hannah, then Hannah stood up, as she raised both her arms to block the giant arms, then her Tattoo changed into a turtle. As she was about to get hit Raven shouted.

" Hey guys STOP! Remember to take a break, come over here for a second. " Then Ace stopped.

*Tsk* Ace clicked his tongue and said

" You're lucky because Big Brother stopped me. " He then smiled triumphantly. Then Raven said

" Ace look behind you. " As Ace turned he saw a mouth that was about to bite his neck, it was a Bear. Then Hannah spoke next with a triumphant smile.

" It was you who got lucky. " Then they both glared at each other. They cancelled their skills and made their way to Raven.

" Both of you became so much stronger, great job. " He smiled at both of them, then patted their heads.

' At first this kid's battle sense are at an amateur level, now they can somehow judge the battle flow and used the correct approach. Also what if I didn't stopped them? Who would have won? ' Then he added.

" Aren't you two progressing too fast? " as he remembered the first time they heard their training regime.

* Earlier *

" Hannah and Ace both of you will be sparring, use your abilities at your advantage, ok? and also don't get too carried away at your sparring. "

" Don't cry when I beat you. " Ace told Hannah.

" Don't be embarrassed when you got beaten up by a girl. " then Hannah spoke next.

* Present *

Even though they said that, they still hesitated to hit each other. Then now sparring is their way to vent out their anger at each other.

' I shouldn't let kids fight amongst themselves, but I have no choice, we aren't always there for them. ' when he was thinking Hannah spoke and ask him.

" Big Brother, why is there a half a year countdown?" he then looked at the countdown in the air and replied.

" It is to prepare for the show." He replied with a reassured face and continued his words " Well then both of you rest for now, I have an announcement to make later. " and he patted their heads and after that he made his way to his mother.

" Mom, how about you? How's training. " He can see his mother meditating in the air, she's in her Snow Deity form as ice and snow spun around her, and cold air can be felt near her.

" Its going great, as you can see my Ice became harder, I can even took this form for much longer. " she said that as she descended to the ground. " You shouldn't worry about me, you did told me to just keep meditating. " he nodded and said to her that he has an announcement to make later in response then walk towards a place outside the Mansion's borders.

He looked at the sky and saw a Storm cloud, a person was floating in the air, strongs winds can be felt and leaves dance in the air. Rain is pouring and lightning and thunder can be seen and heard.

" Hey, how's training!" Raven shouted at the person floating in the air, she then descended on the ground, the storm cloud spun around her it was as if she was absorbing it. Then she replied.

" It was great, you were right when you said I can control the wind, now I can fly and also. " she then summoned a small cloud and she flopped herself on it, then she flipped and said as she was lying on the cloud. " I can also materialised it and used it like a bed, and I can control it to the direction I want using the wind. " she was satisfied with herself. He smiled at this Demon Girl and said.

" Maybe someday you can create hurricanes, tsunamis and make it flood. " she nodded her head with a smile.

" Don't worry, maybe someday I can control where the lightning hits and make the cloud bigger. " she said so in with a determined face then she continued, " This was all thanks to you. "

Raven just nodded and told her " Later I have an announcement to make, so take a break or continue with your training. "

" Okay, but I'll continue though. " as she said that the cloud she was lying in became bigger as it got darker and the cloud earlier can be seen again, rain poured down, strong winds came out and thunder and lightning can be seen. Ashley was now under the cloud and controlled the wind.

' Hmm I am already outside, might as well kill some monsters and collect some fear. ' he thought as he strolled outside.


He arrived at the Mansion as he went inside, he put the orc meat in the cooler. He then shouted.

" Guys can you come in the living room please?"

Then a few minutes later the group gathered in the living room, so he started talking,

" Ok I told you guys earlier that I have an announcement to make." The group nodded in response, so he continued. " I'll be leaving tomorrow. If you have questions ask now. " The group was shocked at his announcement, Natsu was the first to ask.

" Why are you leaving? Where are you going? Can we come with you? "

" I need to do something before the countdown ends. I'm gonna roam around the world. Sadly you cannot, I need to do this alone." He answered the questions then Hannah spoke next with teary eyes.

" Are you leaving us because we're weak, we can become stronger Big Brother, just don't leave us. " His heart sanked at her words and replied.

" I'm not leaving you because you're weak, don't worry Hannah, I'll comeback before the countdown finished. " as he patted her head, Ace then bit his arm. He knew why this kid bit his arm. " Ace like I said, I'll comeback, and you cannot come with me. " As he gently stroke his head, then Ace opened his mouth and just sat there while whimpering.

" Are you gonna train? " Ashley was now the one asking.

" Maybe along they way. "

" Then I'll also venture out and train, I cannot fully let out my powers because I might destroy everything here. " Raven was astonished at her words, then Natsu also said.

" Me too, also I'll go to Japan and see if my family is still alive. "

" How can you get to Japan? " Ashley ask Natsu pointed at his wings and said " And if I get tired I can do this", then he summoned the 8 Dragon Heads grouped them together as he sat on top of it.

" Oh crafty, as for me I'll just go to an inhabited Island and go all out." as Ashley said while wearing a determined face.

" Are you all determined to leave? " His mother was now the one asking, and they all nodded in reply then she continued " I'll be going on a snow mountain to train, I'll be taking the kids with me. It will also help with their training. " The kids were sad at the words of everyone, because they were the only people they could treat as family.

Natsu saw the kid's expression and said,

" Kids we'll be right back, when we meet each other I want you to be incredibly strong okay? "

Then Ashley,

" That's right, don't worry about us, we're incredibly strong too. We won't die. "

The kid's look at Ashkey then Natsu and lastly Raven, then it was Raven's turn to speak,

" Hannah and Ace, I need you to protect your aunty over there, " as he pointed at his mom " She can be a little childish you know that, but still be obedient, specially you Ace. " The kids nodded and Raven stroke both of their heads as he went to his mom.

" Mom, you're gonna be ok? "

" I maybe old, but I am still strong. " she smiled at his son and added " You won't change you mind right? " and he shook his head, " when did you get so brave and mature. " she chuckled and kiss her son's forehead.

" Mom, you do know that I'll be leaving tomorrow, right? " she nodded, and he just sighed then added " Well then let's eat and after that let's prepare for our departure. "