
The Entity of Fear

Entity000 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Selection 2

As he got to the end of the line, he chuckled and said.

" Well isn't this a surprise? We met again after you wished for us not too see each other again."

" I know you're not stupid, you know what I mean." She replied coldly.

" Why so serious?" the silence befell them. Then she broke the silence

" Earlier when that bastard was pressuring us with his bloodlust," He already knew what she was going to ask. " How can you be so calm? You didn't falter one bit."

" It is because I couldn't feel fear." She was about to rebuke his words when she saw that he was serious.

" Everyone can feel fear."

" Yeah I know, before this ever happened I'm just a coward that uses his mind to get out of trouble." She turn around and saw his serene eyes.

" I was afraid of getting in trouble, I always tried to be this perfect child, even though mother never asked for it, I did all that to return my gratitude towards her, she may be childish, but she made my childhood complete. The least I could do is take care of her. " He chuckled as he remembered the past.

" You're being weird, you aren't this talkative before. And I wasn't even asking about your past. " He smiled at her words. and replied

" I know." with calm eyes, he stared at hers as he say, " After the end of this program, we will now experience true hell."

" So the tutorial is now over?" He just nodded at her.

*Tsk* She suddenly clicked her tounge and said " Don't you dare die, I still have to kill you." As she got up the stage.

' Telling me to not die so that she can kill me.' He chuckled at her words. then suddenly

[[ Mana: 18,873

Title: The God's Sealer

Power Level: White - Heavenly ]]

As she talked to the air inside, he stared at his group.

' Will all of us survived?'

Then she got down and they stared at each other and nodded, as if saying goodbye.

[ Ok Everyone gather round here we have our last Actor.] as Alexander was talking Raven was getting on the stage when he heard Alexander say to him [ Survived because I'll also be watching you. ] Then the Message Window Floated in the Air.

Everyone gathered look at the Window Message, his companions, the surviving thugs and Carla. When the first Message popped out.

[[ Mana : 0 ]]

Someone scoffs at him, while his companions were surprised, even Carla was surprised. Then somebody was heard saying.

" He was just a Trash who was acting Brave."

" Even the weakest person has Mana, and this guy has none, pathetic."

The majority ridiculed him, while his Companions are talking to themselves.

" Was it because he recently got his powers? Then how did he transformed?" Natsu was the first to speak.

" I'm getting confused, so he doesn't possess any mana?" Then Ashley.

" How is that possible?!" Ace shouted and quickly closed his mouth.

While the group was talking to themselves, only Rea was anticipating the next Window Message.

[[ Title: ??? ]]

More ridiculing words are being spoken.

" He was so weak that he doesn't even have a Title."

" He was just lucky to get strong companions. And he has the nerves to reject us?"

Raven's companions was glaring at the crowd. Even Carla glared at them.

' What is happening?' Carla thought of this as she looked at Alexander. She saw him, he was still anticipating the next Messages, it was like he knew this will happen.

Then suddenly the Barrier turned black, the ground shook, the crowd panicked, as they looked at the source of the earthquake, they can see the stage shaking vigorously. Cracks formed in the Barrier, Alexander formed an exciting smile. Then the Window Message was shown.

[[ Power Level: Black - Apocalypse ]]

Then after a few seconds the Barrier was shattered and fell on the ground, the stage was broken. Black smoke gusts out and an individual slowly walked out the smoke, he was emitting Black Aura.

" You think I couldn't hear what you people are saying?" He spoke in an Abyssal like voice. He spoke so softly but the crowd can hear him. They Trembled at his voice. Then he let out his Bloodlust, the crowd fell on their knees.

' I collected a large amount of fear again. ' then he cancelled the pressure, as he walk towards his companions and ask Alexander.

" What's next?" Alexander smiled wryly, with his nonexisting mouth

[ Ok please Managers, give your Actors their gifts. ]

All of a sudden light surrounded the Majority, there are people who didn't manage to get any Managers.

[ Ok looks like we're finish here ] he snapped his fingers and a new countdown appeared [ We will meet again when this countdown hits zero. ] And he just vanished, leaving the the broken stage behind.


The group is in the Mansion's living room having a meeting.

" Ok Everyone who did you choose and what skills do you have? " Raven ask the group members.

Natsu was the first to talk.

" I chose Typhon, I acquired the ' 100 Dragon Heads ' so basically I can summon 100 dragon heads in the air, but sadly my proficiency isn't enough, the heads add to my vision and can also breathe out fire." Then he summoned a Dragon head, it looks like a wooden dragon mask, then Natsu focused as he close his eyes and the dragon head floating in the air moved.

' It's gonna be a hard skill to fully master, he has to command every single head, I'm sure he can do it though. '

" My turn! " Hannah raised her hand and spoke

" I chose ' The Beast ', I acquired the skill of ' The Beast's Call ' , well I can use a part of The Beast's power." Then she activated the skill, and then a Tattoo of a Lion appeared on her forehead and she roared outside. Then she activated it again, a tattoo of a Mammoth replaced the lion and she lifted the sofa with people on it with one hand." These two are the only ones available right now."

' Hmm, borrowing a part of the beast's power? What kind of Beast is this? Is it multiple beast fused in one? ' Then she patted the little girl's head, he can see her smile.

" My Turn." Then Ace stood up.

" I chose Fenrir, the skill I acquired is ' The Chained Wolf's Transformation ' , but when I tested it earlier I can just transform my limbs. It also adds me strength and agility." Then his hands and feet became wolf-like, as he leaped through out the room. " But it has a time limit. "

' So he can basically transform into Fenrir himself. With the defense and strength of Fenrir and also when he can finally transform to a full wolf, he can add his Enlargement ability. A being that has size, defense, speed and power. A Terror.'

Ashley stood up as if saying my turn. She summoned a small dark cloud and covered the ceiling.

" I chose Susanoo, and this is my skill ' Storm Summoning ' " as she said that lighting fell down and hit her, as she added, " Also due to my low proficiency I cannot fully control the the strength of the storm, so it can get out of hand. I tried it earlier and fortunately I cancelled it before anything bad happens. " and she cancelled the skill.

' An unpredictable skill, but maybe someday she can summon a storm at a catastrophic level.'

" Ok let this aunty tell you about herself." It was his Mother's turn.

" I chose Boreas, and my skill is ' Snow Deity ' " she then activated it and purple wings appeared behind her, as she floated in the air. " it has a time limit too, and it also boosts my ice power, when I tried it earlier, my ice is colder and harder." then she cancelled her skill.

' So it is a buff, she made a good choice. '

" How about you Raven? who did you choose?" Natsu asked Raven.

" I chose the Apocalypse Dragon."