
The Entity of Fear

Entity000 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Departure 2

" Ok everyone, are you ready to depart? " Raven asked the team.

" Hai!! " It was Natsu and his Mother, who shouted.

" Yes! " and the normal ones responded with a normal response.

" Ok then, I taught you guys how to read a map and a compass, Airlines are no longer available here so this is our only guide. " the group nodded. " Check for your items. " then everybody did so.

' Now I'm worried about this people. '

Then Hannah summoned a Wyvern and after that, Rea, Hannah and Ace got up with their equipment and flew to the north. Then it is Natsu's turn, he flew with his wings, heading Northeast. Then Ashley just went East to the Pacific Ocean on her cloud as fast as the wind.

' If I'm going to collect fear then I'm gonna go with the country with highest population in the world first. ' As he read the description in the Message Window floating in front of him.

[[ Fear Stimulation: Active Skill:

The user can stimulate and identify the fear of a Target. ]]

[[ Fear Collector: Passive Skill:

The user can collect fear from beings around you. Can also record the specific fear of the beings]]

[[ Fear Creation: Active Skill:

The user can use the collected fear to create inanimate objects and animate objects. The user can also manifest the fear collected into reality. ]]

' So this is the power of the Entity of Fear. ' as he was thinking he stared at a collected fear in the list.

[[ Death of the User: Active Skill:

The user dies. ]]

' At least they feared that I might die. ' he smiled and looked at the sky, and used a skill.

' Fear Creation ' he activated the skill.

[[ What do you want to create? ]]

' Angel Wings ' then suddenly the black symbiote like liquid formed a pair of Angel Wings. ' So this is fear ' so he thought and then after that he was shocked then felt stupid.

[[ Angel Wings are created, fear has been consumed. ]]

He stared at the pair Angels wings lying on the street.

' So it can really create, but why not on me though, maybe I should wear them? ' As he picked up the pair of Angel wings and put it on his back, but to his disappointment it just fell again.

' Maybe I should be specific on what I wanted to create, Skill Cancel. ' as he thought of this the pair of Angel wings melted and the fear evaporated. Then he tried again.

' I should've tried it first yesterday. Fear Creation '

[[ What do you want to Create? ]] then the message window popped up again.

' Create a pair of working Angel Wings on my back ' then as he finished his instructions, fear sprouted on his back and formed a pair of white wings.

[[ Angel Wings are created. Fear has been consumed. ]]

' Now this is what I'm talking about. ' as he tried to fly, he suddenly went up to the air and spiralling out of control.

' Sh*t I can't control it? ' then he practiced on the spot, then after a few minutes he got it under control.

' I might be OP but this skills has many conditions and its kinda complicated. ' he complained as he flew through the sky.

' Ok China, I'm on my way. ' and he looked back at his old City, the city he grew up in was now ruined.


Raven landed on China's soil and he saw he was in the middle of no where, in front of him is a forest.

' Well that didn't take too long. ' then Raven massage his shoulders as he entered the forest, he then arrived at a creak. ' I should take a break here first. Fear Creation. '

[[ What do you want to create? ]]

When he told the skill what to create, a Cottage suddenly emerged, complete with a bed and sheets inside.

' This skill is so convenient. '

He slept for the night.

When he woke up the next morning he was surprised at the sight he saw. A person was lying on the floor covered in blood. He went near at it, then it was a girl, she was covered in bruises and scars.

' This came from a whip. ' He narrowed his brows. He carried the girl to his bed.

' Fear Creation. ' then bandages appeared, he cleaned her first and tried to do first aid at the girl. Then he thought as he looked at the injured girl ' She's either a middle schooler or a dwarf, if it's the former then the FBI will come for me. ' then he laid the girl after he treated her.

He went outside, created a stone stove, put firewood in it and and lit it up, he then created a pan and cooking utensils.

' I could ask the girl for information after she woke up, so first I should eat. I won't ask why she was in that state, and I don't care, I don't have time to get involved with her problem. ' he then chopped the orc meat, season it and then fried it.

When Raven finished cooking, he then prepare the plates and utensils.

' So sad there is no rice. ' as he was about to eat then all of a sudden a Fireball appeared and hit the table and the dish fell on the ground. He turned to his side and saw two elves glaring at him, they were shouting at him but he couldn't understand them.

' Sh*t I don't understand them? I thought the Game System had a translator in it. ' as he pondered in his thought one of the elves shoot another fireball, he then dodged it. ' Argh I forgot, the Guide said, the system is based on my knowledge, and in my knowledge I don't speak Chinese. ' then he spoke to them.

" I don't speak Chinese. " then the two Elves paused and shoot again. ' This Motherf*ckers! ' then he activated his skill.

' Fear Stimulation ' then the two Elves trembled, they couldn't move. As fear is being replenish the Fear Collector showed a list.

[[ Fears Collected:

Spiders, Death, Boss, Troll, Ogre, Dragon .... ]]

The list goes on but this are the top fears.

' Fear Creation ' then the message window popped out and asked what to create, ' Troll and Ogre. ' He stared at the two trembling Elves and wore a sinister smile.

Fear took the shape of a Troll and Ogre then it roared and charged towards the Elves. The Elves cannot move an inch so they got bashed by the monsters to death.

Raven just stared at the two corpses and ordered the monsters to devour them, and they did.

' This is my first time killing consciously, but I don't even feel guilty. ' he just sighed as he stared at the orc meat on the ground. So he cooked again, after he finished cooking the door on the cottage opened.

The girl from earlier was shouting at him with a worried face, but like earlier he doesn't understand Chinese. So he explained.

" I don't speak Chinese. " then just like the elves from earlier she paused then continued to speak in English.

" You should run away, it is dangerous here. " she warned Raven, then he replied.

" Why? "

" I am being chased by bad people, if you want to live run away now. " she then limp towards him and was pushing him to go. Then Raven said to the girl.

" Are the two people chasing you, Elves? " she was surprised at his words and nodded in reply, then Raven pointed at the two corpses being devoured by a monster. She then gasped and told him.

" A Troll and an Ogre, this is bad, they will kill us, hide before they spotted us. "

' Jeez this girl has no chill. ' He then snapped his fingers and thought ' Skill Cancel ' then the two monsters melted and the fear evaporated. The girl was shocked as she stared at the place where the monsters used to be.

" Who are you? " as she slowly backed away, he noticed her and just told her.

" It doesn't matter who I am, all that matters is that I mean you no harm, but can you tell me where this place is? " she just nodded in fear and replied,

" You are in XiaoJu a place near Macau. " She said so as she was having signs of struggling to stay upright.

' Fear Creation ' then a couch appeared behind her,

" Sit down, you should rest, your injuries are not a joke. " she then sit down.

" In which direction is Beijing? Can you also tell me the route I need to take? "

She then pointed North.

" Go north of this place and you will find the Changlong Avenue then go west until you reach the Huandao Road and just follow the road heading to the North, it is over 2,000 km away, it will take you about 21 days to walk over there. " she replied to him.

" Ok thank you, I'll head over there after eating, I prepared you a portion too. " as she look at the foods prepared on the table, when she tried to stand up,

" No just sit there." Then he carried the table near her and they both eat. They were just quiet all through out the meal. Then she suddenly spoke.

" I don't recommend going to Beijing. " he looked at her and ask.

" Why is that? "

" I heard that it is in utter chaos, Turf Wars are happening, people lost there sense of humanity, the weak are either killed or become slaves, while the strong become tyrants. "

He expected as such and thought, ' Well this is cliche development in every apocalypse. '

" It's ok, I already expected it. " she was shocked at his words, and said.

" Aren't you afraid that they might kill you? "

He just smile as he replied,

" If they can. " he then shifted his gaze to the sky and ask her. " Do you fear your fellow countrymen? Do you fear somebody speaking your language? " her eyes trembled, as she remembered all her fellow countrymen whipped her for entertainment, people who spoke her same language, as she replied.

" Yes. "

[[ Fear Collected:

Chinese Brethren ]]

Then he smiled and looked at the girl, then he activated the skill and spoke in Chinese.

" Want me to kill those who tortured you? "

Her eyes and body trembled in fear,

' He said earlier he doesn't speak Chinese.'

The anger and vengeance fulled her eyes

'But it doesn't matter, I can get my revenge. I will make a deal with a Devil if I have to.' so she slowly replied.

" Yes. "