
The Devil Monarch

In a society where magical abilities exist, Drake Ryu, a 16-year-old teenager, is a boy from a poor family who who can't afford an ability so he tries living life without being sad he has no powers, he had been bullied but just endured and thought maybe the next day would be better. That was until a day came when he got robbed and almost killed. In his moment of near death, He heard a voice asking him if he wanted to live when he answered yes. he heard a female voice say Condition Cleared: 《Experience a moment near death》[You have unlocked The Devil Monarch System ] Now that Drake has acquired the power to change his life, he will grow stronger and take control of his life on his way to become a Powerful Demon.

Aceryu31 · Urbain
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6 Chs


In the year 2023, a small time researcher Fredrick Morgan and a group of archeologists went to Egypt to study the pyramid of the pharaoh Tutinkhamun. While inside the pyramid, they saw some hieroglyphics on the sarcophagus of the pharoah and when Fredrick translated the writings they meant "Those who seek power shall rule the world" the instant he finished translating it a small passageway opened up at the wall behind the sarcophagus leading deep underground. After they walked down the stairs for a few long minutes , they finally arrived at a large spacious room.

Golden energy could be seen on the floor of the room which lit the room . The walls had two large statues on each side making them a total of 4.

Fredrick felt like the statues were guarding something.

He took a deep breath and advanced into the room.

As he had reached the centre of the room, he saw an alter with a blue crystal levitating on it.

Fredrick stood there admiring the beauty of what he just witnessed. The sight was something no person would have ever imagined. The crystal was levitating above the altar like some sort of mystical force was manipulating it. The crystal was small around the size of pingpong ball and shined brightly giving off a blue mystical aura. One could not help but admire this incredible thing.

After observing the crystal for a over a minute, he noticed the golden energy emanating from the floor gathered under his feet, it immediately snapped Fredrick out of his daze as the other team mates where watching the room in awe.

What surprised him was that that the glowing energy made him feel more powerful than he ever felt before. It was like the glowing energy was charging him up. This made Fredrick wonder how this was happening and how stuff like this was scientifically possible.

He noticed that the golden energy was being spread from the alter and most likely the crystal was powering everything. He began to slowly approach the Alter. Until he was infront of it.

He was deciding whether or not to take the crystal from the alter. Pyramids usually had dangerous traps in order to protect the treasure kept there.

After a few minutes of deciding and his teammates pestering him to take it, he decided to take it. Fredrick began sweating buckets. As his shaky hands approached the crystal, they stopped directly infront of the crystal. He took a deep breath and quickly took the crystal.

as he quickly snatched it away from the alter it looked like everything was alright for a few minutes but after the crystal left it's position, it cracked and turned into sand. Not long after, the entire room started shaking vigorously like an earthquake was happening. The researchers thought the room was gonna collapse.

Fredrick started looking around in panic, trying to understand the situation at hand.

He noticed that all the golden energy in the alter was moving towards the four statues. Massive rocks started falling from the ceiling as the room started to collapse. Fredrick went into survival mode and dodged all the rocks swiftly like a ninja.

As he was about to give up, he noticed that all the energy finished gathering in the statues.

At that moment, the statues started glowing and it looked like they were gonna explode then golden beams of light suddenly emerged from the four statues. The beams pierced through the top of the pyramid and shot into the sky

Shortly after that, dimensional rifts opened up all over the world and large amounts of mana poured out.

Fredrick was standing there exhausted after barely surviving the ordeal. He looked up into the sky and noticed a dimensional rift open up and a large amount of blue substance (mana) was spreading across the entire area. Then his team asked him what was happening then he said"This is a new dawn for humanity" .

After the dimensional rifts closed, every individual on earth noticed that they started developing magical abilities, some were generic and others unique. Powers only seen in anime and manga were now real.

The areas where the rifts had opened were soon discovered to harbour large amounts of energy since the mana from the rifts spread around the area and was absorbed by both animal, plants and mineral ores . The energy coming from the mineral ores where the rifts had opened was capable of powering the earth for five hundred years.

This revelation brought in a new golden age for humanity.

In order to maximize the gains from the power source (mana stones), humanity decided on creating new cities that were similar to countries. Each of the cities was named after a deity of that region and were separated by energy barriers acting as the new borders and for military defence purposes.

Technology had advanced due to the availability of a new power source mana which made impossible phenomenon possible. Inventions like warp pads and flying vehicles were now a normal things in the world.

Humanity was also able to go to other planets like mars, jupiter due to the invention of portal technology. However, not many planets became colonized and they only made a few bases of operation.

An individual is only able to have one magical ability so once an ability is acquired it can't be changed. Some individual didn't have mana so humanity invented magical ability stones called power crystals that are able to contain magical powers.

These power crystals allow people with no magical ability and mana to get mana and learn the ability that was put in the crystal by absorbing it. The invention was very useful because it was found out that some new borns of the new generation had no mana because of the parents not having enough mana to pass down to their kids.

The power crystals allowed families to pass on their magical abilities to their children who didn't have and it allowed people with no magical ability to buy a new one from the military or the market.

Humanity made numerous advancements in the areas of magic and technology and the world's future looked bright

Until An unknown portal opened up and from it came magical beasts and a race of fire breathing alien called Chandler's who controlled the beasts .

In the year 2120, a portal opened up in Amaterasu city. What came out of that portal where beasts never seen before and the Chandler's.

The Chandler's were an advanced alien race who had been observing humans since the dawn of time. They were twice the height of a human had red skin, large wings and scaly skin like fire dragons and two menacing horns on their forehead, with glowing orange eyes.

They came to planet earth after they sensed a large energy fluctuation from earth that occurred in 2023 due to mana spreading around earth. The Chandler's waged war on humans because they refused to submit to the might of the aliens.

The war was waged for 3 years and the humans were winning due to them having abilities but the war was hard and there were multiple casualties.

In the end a peace treaty was signed between Chandler's and Humans on January 6th of 2123, which marked the supposed end of the war

The war left a big impact on humanity. Humans had a total of a billion deaths during the war with the Chandler's. Humans new the Chandler's signed a peace treaty inorder to strengthen their forces and attack humans once again. Humanity decided to strengthen their military forces.

The war made humanity create a single government to govern the world and a united military force in order to prepare for a second war when it came.

This created a new era. One's social standing depended on his or her own power level. Those with weak power levels were treated like trash and forced into working the worst jobs. They were seen as dispensable pawns in the eyes of the government

A society was created where the strong ruled the weak. Children were taught how to use their abilities from a very young age. This was to train the new generation in preparation for a war to come. Also, when they reached 16 years of age, it was compulsory for all students to attend military school for 3 years and after that they would either join the world government, guilds, military, work as beast cleaners or work for noble families.

Military school is the place where a person's future is decided. It is a place that determines who will be great and who will become trash.

Drake Ryu, a young boy with no abilities is about to leave his family and head for the military school.

Will he be broken down by the world?


Will he take control of his life?