
The Devil Monarch

In a society where magical abilities exist, Drake Ryu, a 16-year-old teenager, is a boy from a poor family who who can't afford an ability so he tries living life without being sad he has no powers, he had been bullied but just endured and thought maybe the next day would be better. That was until a day came when he got robbed and almost killed. In his moment of near death, He heard a voice asking him if he wanted to live when he answered yes. he heard a female voice say Condition Cleared: 《Experience a moment near death》[You have unlocked The Devil Monarch System ] Now that Drake has acquired the power to change his life, he will grow stronger and take control of his life on his way to become a Powerful Demon.

Aceryu31 · Urban
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6 Chs

The Day

A few years have gone by since the war with the Chandler's ended and a peace treaty was signed but governmemt officials say that tension is rising once again which show that another war with the Chandler's might just break out. Adults were forced to volunteer in order to stand a chance at winning the war. Unfortunately, billions of people died during the war. This was about 8 percent of the world's population.

This left many families without a single or both parents and elderly ones. The government decided to pay for the living living expenses of families of those who participated in the war and the tuition fees of their kids until they had reached military school. The world government only provided the families with a house, small amount of many that was paid every month to keep the families going which still wasn't enough.

Drake Ryu is a boy from a poor background living in a traditional Japanese home with his family. His family is from a lineage ancient martial artists who had existed since before the time magical abilities were discovered. Drake grew up training with his father and Grand father in their home dojo.He was considered a genius because of him being able to learn skills after seeing his his grand father and father do them once.

They were poor but wanted to get their son a good ability to make his life better. So they were saving up money to get him one.

His family was poor but he didn't care, He was happy and content with his families financial condition. He was understanding and never asked for anything even if his family asked him what he wanted. He practiced his martial arts skills with his father and Grand father in order to polish his skills and get better. He had a promising future.

Until, the Chandler's came 6 years ago, they had the physique of humans apart from their body which had purple scales , a large reptilian tail, two horns on their fore head and a red x like vein on their chest. They came after they detected a large energy fluctuation on earth, they immediately asked the Humans to hand over their power source(mana stones), resources and wanted the humans as slaves. The humans decide to fight back. So the government forced adults to volunteer, His grand father was called back to the line of duty to fight the war since he was a retired military operative, his parents didn't go because his grandfather decided to take their place. A few years into the harsh war, a government agent official came to his family and informed them of the death of his grand father.

He cried alot when his grandfather died. He remembered all the happy moments he spent with his grand father which made him happy.

The war seemed like it wouldn't end until a group of people called the Originals who had magical abilities since before magical abilities were ever discovered came and helped humanity fight the war and taught them how to better use their magical abilities . Which ended in the war reaching a stalemate and the peace treaty was signed

When Drake was 12 years old a man came to visit his family. His dad was at the door when the man came and he asked if this was the Ryu residence when his father answered yes the man said,

" I am here to deliver a package to you. Your father told the military that if anything happened to in the line of duty we should give you this Wooden box. Sorry for the delayed delivery, we had so many items to deliver and yours was part of the final delivery items,"The man said and handed the wooden box to Drakes father Quinn Ryu.

He took the box and closed the door on the military official.

When Drakes dad opened the box a few emotions of sadness came up and a tear could be seen coming out of his eye. Drake father suddenly had a rush of emotion entering his body from all the memories he had with his father.

When he opened the box he saw a letter which read if you saw this letter it means I'm dead but I'm content with that and you shouldn't be sad my son but the item in this box is meant for drake so give him the box, He called drake and handed over the box to him and said here is something your grandfather wanted to give you. When Drake opened the box he saw a silver ring with darkblue crystals on it. And on the ring was an ancient word carving which meant

"The legacy never ends"

This was his families motto to never give up and to strive to surpass their limits.

When Drake wore the ring he felt a certain slight change like he felt empowered or he could not be scared no matter what but he just passed it off as a thought, When Drake returned to school. He was bullied every day. But , he would never fight back and just bear with the situation. He always tried to avoid any fight because he was a person that believed physical violence doesn't solve anything but cause more violence.

Due to the harsh martial arts training he does everyday his strength eclipsed a non ability user and barely enterd the reach of a person whose power level just entered 1200 and was at the strength of a beginner E rank ability user. However, that doesn't mean much. Because a level E ability user with a higher power level could easily defeat him and that was his limit, for with all his training he couldn't surpass his Power level of beginner rank E .

His last year's of highschool had come to an end with him still intact. Since it was the last day of school no one cared to bully him

students having conversations among themselves - Some were happy while others were sad, thinking that it was the last time they would ever meet However, Drake didn't care about any of that and he didn't want to be.


♤Current Day♤

Friday 31st January,2132

Drake just turned 16 years of age. This means that he must attend 3 years of military school and The first day of military school begins tomorrow.

He has been training during the summer to get ready for military school and to try and make himself able to fight a level 2 magical ability user but he still wasn't able to. Through his training, he was able to learn 2 of his families secret techniques from father. It was during the summer he was able to master those moves. This is was a large growth because by learning this moves he might be capable of taking an advanced level 1 magical ability user without the person using their ability.

Drakes family martial arts taught the manipulation of an unknown energy called "Devil Energy", in order to perform different techniques. These techniques are weaker than a magical ability and cannot substitute it.

The special martial arts techniques he was able to master were

"Devil Claw ♤"

A technique that gathers devil energy into the users fingers then he uses his fingers like a tigers claw and generates a downward slash dealing large damage.

Consumes low stamina and high devil energy

< Phantom Step>

A technique that gathers Devil energy into the users legs to perform a short and fast movement enabling the user to do a short dash at immense speed. Can be done multiple times .

Consumes medium stamina and medium devil energy

These techniques require a lot of stamina and Devil energy so they cannot be done alot or they will wear down the user. This means that Drake must me careful in fights not to use them alot or he will become exerted.

Drake had just finished having dinner with his family and his mom had already packed his belonging neatly to get him ready for his first day of military school, he decided to head to bed early so he could wake up early and refreshed the next day. He went to his room and laid on his bed while holding his ring he was looking at the ceiling and thinking, while holding the ring, he cut his finger on the crystals then he saw the blood being absorbed by the crystal, the once dark blue crystal started glowing a bright blue colour he could see dark veins growing from his wrist and went to all parts of his body then suddenly he heard a robotic voice say" congratulations you have unlocked the incomplete Devil Monarch System" After hearing that Drakes eye lids began to feel heavy like all his energy was drained then he slept off.


The Next Day♧

Drake woke up feeling rejuvenated after having a good night's sleep. He slept for over 8 whole hours.

His father would escort him to military school by 8:45am.

When Drake woke up he was thinking about what happened and he said "What was that voice"? It was liked it said I unlocked a system.

The moment Drake said those words a status screen appeared infront of his eyes.

◇User Name:??◇

◇Race: Human◇


◇XP to next level :??◇

◇Devil Energy: ??◇

◇Energy Regeneration:?◇

◇Strength: ?◇

◇Intelligence: ?◇

◇Agility: ?◇

◇Endurance: ?◇


"Woah"This is like those RPG games people play But why are my stat and names not written maybe it has to do with it not being completely unlocked.

Drake noticed a small bar which read Skills, when he thought about it, it enlarged then he saw


♤0 skill points available♤











Afte Drake finished observing the skills tab and saw every thing unknown then he noticed another one called quest and decided to go there


No. Of Quests available:1

Conditions to complete: 48 hours

Experience a moment of intense rage

Rewards: Fully Unlocks Devil Monarch System

time remaining

Time left: 45 hours

He had breakfast brushed his teeth, and did his 100 push-ups,100 sit-ups, and 100 squats after that he got himself ready and headed with his father to a military warp pad to go to the military school.

"How the hall am I going to experience a moment of intense rage this system must be insane or may be I'm just hallucinating" he said.