
The Devil Inside(mha)[dropped]

Follow the Mc on his journey to find himself in a world with super powers(quirks), Will he become a hero or villain. *this is for fun, I’m super bored during this quarantine. * don’t own MHA ****MY IMAGE IS FROM DANGAN RONPA I DO NOT OWN IT. IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN AND CHANGE IT COMMENT. *the anime for the photo is https://***.crunchyroll.com/danganronpa-the-animation If you enjoy the story, review it and drop some stones. Don’t write hateful comments or reviews. I do accept critical feed back and comments that can help make this story better. If you don’t like it give reasons why and how I can improve.

Damz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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57 Chs

Internship 1

When Damien arrived in his class he saw his usual group. He walked to them and greeted them. They talked for a bit until the bell rung.

Everyone then sat down as they waited to for their teacher. After waiting for another two or so minutes, Aizawa showed up.

"Okay everyone, I know you guys are excited for the internships so I'll make this quick. As you know heroes are always in the spot light. Meaning there are always cameras, so be careful how you act. These internships can determine how others will see you when you debut as a pro. With that said, enjoy your internships, and good luck. Dismissed" Aizawa said pressing a button on the wall and walking out of the class.

Damien and everyone in the class walked towards the front of the class and got their suitcases from the secret compartment of the wall.

Damien then said good bye to his friends and walked towards Nemuri's office.

After walking for a good five minutes, Damien reached her office and knocked on the door. Nemuri opened the door and showed him loving smile before dragging him inside the room.

Nemuri locked the door and suddenly kissed him. After a tender kiss Damien asked with a confused smile "What was that for".

"I just felt like it" Was Nemuri's reply.

Damien shrugged as he started taking off his clothes. Nemuri seeing this blushed as she closed her eyes.

"What are you doing. I-I-I'm not ready for that yet" Nemuri said stuttering.

"I'm changing into my costume. What'd did you think I was doing. Wait don't tell me, you wanted my body. Nemuri no ecchiiiii" Damien joked as he covered his body making Nemuri's blush even darker.

Damien then chuckled before putting on his black Yukata which had red accents. He then put on his sandals and took out his katana from his shadow dimension(Imma call it now then. sounds cool).

After finishing getting dressed he said "You can stop closing your eyes". Nemuri did just that as she finally opened her eyes and looked at Damien.

"Wow" Nemuri said as she stared at Damien in his Yukata, and his sword sheathed on his side.

"I know, I know. You're lucky to have a boy friend as sexy as me" Damien said twirling around.

"I really am" Nemuri agreed as she walked closer to him and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Well shall we do some hero work" Nemri said opening the door and walking out.

As she was walking she swayed her butt making Damien think 'sigh* She never learns form the teasing. Butt damn does she have a nice ass'.

He then followed her as they walked out of the school and started walking around the streets. While they were walking they talked about many things, such as the new show that was supposed to premier that night.

During their walks they would get many of Nemuri's fans walk up to them and ask for Nemuri's autograph. Though there were girls among her fans, most of them were males.

Seeing this, Damien tried hard not to get jealous but it definitely was not easy. Though he did not know it, he was not the only one jealous. When women would go up to ask for an autograph from Nemuri, they would also ask one from Damien.

Many knew Damien since he won the sports festival so obviously they would want his auto graph as the next possible hero in the top 10. But after countless girls drooling over him and asking for his number, Nemuri was bound to eventually get jealous.

After walking around and patrolling for hours they decided to take a small break. They walked to a supermarket to grab a quick snack as there weren't any convenience store nearby, and they were hungry.

After walking inside they walked to the isle were the chips were. Damien grabbed a bag of ruffles, sour cream and onion flavor, while Nemuri grabbed a bag of hot Cheetos.

When they were about to walk to the cashier they heard the front doors open and a man with a deep voice scream "Everybody get down or else we blow this shit up"

Damien and Nemuri hearing this started talking as they were still in the isle, and the criminals couldn't see them.

"Nemuri grab on to me, we'll hide in the shadows and get them from behind" Damien said getting a nod from Nemuri.

Nemuri grabbed on Damien and they dived into the shadows. Damien then used the shadows to move behind the group of found and used his shadows to bind them.

"What the fuck" The four men screamed simultaneously.

Damien and Nemuri came out of the shadows and before Damien could unsheathe his blade and cripple them Nemuri released used her quirk and made them pass out.(Yup nemuri doesn't need to wear special clothes. I made it so she can control it at will)

"Thank you Midnight and...." a middle aged woman asked Damien.

"Erebus" Damien said with a charming smile.

"Y-yes thank you too Erebus" the woman said.

Others then continued to thank them and finally when the paramedics and the news channels came they interviewed Nemuri and Damien.

After the day ended they went home and took showers. They then hopped on the couch and turned on the tv.

When they turned the tv on they heard "The student who placed first in the sports festival stopped a crime. Damien also now known as Erebus is the talk of the town as the possible number one hero".

"What the fuck. I literally only assisted you and they call me the future number one hero" Damien exclaimed.

"You should be happy, not many could do what you did without freezing up. I know I did the first time I faced a villain. Plus what's not to like about being the number one hero" Nemuri said.

"I don't wanna. I don't feel like saving people all day, like fuck. I'm not that virgin All Might" Damien said.

"You are a virgin though aren't you" Nemuri said with a black aura coming off her.

"Not for long" Damien said with a smirk causing Nemuri to blush.

Hahahah I'm back. Man its good to be back.

So guys I wanna enteract more w you guys and a way to do that is w social media and discord.

sooo add my snap damz.webnovel if you want to ask questions. I'll be posting on my stories when chapters will come out.

I'll be using snap for a good minute until i make my discord server.

Damzcreators' thoughts