
Chapter 34 : The Reunion at Merlin's Lair

As I held Merlin in my arms, I could feel his weak heartbeat and see the strain on his face. It was clear that the past ten years had taken a great toll on him. I helped him inside the base and laid him down on a bed. Arthur and Okita followed closely behind, their expressions filled with relief to see me alive.

Merlin explained to us that he had been sustaining the force field around the base using his own life force, and that it had taken a tremendous amount of energy to keep it up for ten years straight. He looked up at me with a weak smile and said, "But now that you're back, we won't have to worry about it anymore."

I nodded, grateful to be reunited with my friends and mentor. We spent the next few hours catching up on everything that had happened while I was in my choma-like state. I told them about my time in the Fortress of Solitude and how I had regained my strength and powers. Arthur and Okita updated me on their failed attempts to find the artifact and defeat Genghis Khan.

Merlin interrupted our conversation to explain that he had a plan to defeat Genghis Khan once and for all. He revealed that he had been working on a spell that would weaken Genghis and give us a fighting chance. However, the spell required a powerful energy source to work, and Merlin's life force was no longer enough.

I knew what I had to do. I offered to supply the energy source needed for the spell, knowing that it would drain me of a significant amount of my own life force. Arthur and Okita protested, but I reassured them that it was the only way to save the world from Genghis Khan's tyranny.

Merlin began casting the spell, and I could feel my life force being pulled from my body. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. It was as if my very essence was being drained away, leaving me weak and vulnerable. But I knew that it was worth it if it meant defeating Genghis Khan and saving the world.

The spell was successful. Genghis Khan's power was weakened, and we were finally able to defeat him. It was a long and grueling battle, but in the end, we emerged victorious. As we stood over his defeated body, I could feel a sense of relief and accomplishment wash over me. We had saved the world.

But the victory came at a cost. I was left drained and weak, my life force nearly depleted. Merlin and the others helped me back to the base, where I collapsed onto a bed, exhausted. Merlin cast a spell to help me recover, and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, I felt renewed and rejuvenated. Merlin explained that the spell had helped me to recover from the energy drain, and that I was now back to full strength. I was grateful for Merlin's help, but I knew that it was time for me to leave. My duty as a protector of the world was never done, and I knew that there were other threats out there that needed to be stopped.

I said my goodbyes to Merlin, Arthur, and Okita, promising to return one day. As I took off into the sky, I felt a sense of purpose and determination. I was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that I had the strength and courage to face them head-on.

As I flew off into the distance, I couldn't help but think back on everything that had led me to this moment. From the death of Vespera, to my time in the Fortress of Solitude, to my battles with Genghis Khan, it had been a long and difficult journey. But I knew that it was all worth it in the end.