
Chapter 20: The First General.

As we set on to defeat the four generals and their leader Hitler, we knew that the task ahead of us was not going to be easy. The first general we were to face was Mao Zedong, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party. He was notorious for his brutal tactics and his disregard for human life.

As we approached the outskirts of Beijing, we saw his army in the distance. They were marching towards us, ready to engage in battle. We prepared ourselves, knowing that this was just the beginning of a long and difficult fight.

The battle was intense. The enemy soldiers were well-trained and disciplined, but we had the advantage of our superhuman abilities. We fought with all our strength, using our powers to take down as many soldiers as possible.

Eventually, we managed to defeat the soldiers and make our way towards Mao's stronghold. We knew that he was waiting for us, and we could feel his presence looming over us.

As we entered the building, we were immediately met with a barrage of gunfire. Mao's soldiers were waiting for us, and they were ready to defend their leader at all costs.

But we were not deterred. We fought our way through the building, taking out each soldier one by one. We could hear Mao's voice in the distance, taunting us and telling us that we were no match for him.

But we kept pushing forward, determined to defeat him and put an end to his reign of terror. Finally, we reached the room where Mao was waiting for us.

He was sitting at a large desk, surrounded by his most loyal soldiers. As soon as we entered the room, he stood up and pulled out a gun.

"I knew you would come," he said with a smirk. "But you will never defeat me. I am too powerful."

But we were not afraid. We stood our ground, ready to face him head-on. We could feel the power of our combined abilities coursing through our veins, and we knew that we could defeat him if we worked together.

The battle was intense, with Mao using every trick in the book to try and defeat us. But we were too powerful, and eventually, we managed to overpower him.

As he lay on the ground, defeated, we knew that we had just won our first victory against the generals. But we also knew that the fight was far from over. We had three more battles to fight, and we were running out of time.

We had to defeat the generals and put an end to their reign of terror before it was too late. We had to save the world from their evil grasp, no matter what the cost.

This is the end of Volume 1. The next post is the start of Volume 2. I'm still trying to figure this web novel out. Please bare with me. also, please comment on my writing and what you are enjoying the most.

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