
the dark system

THIS BOOK IS ON A HIATUS until May 2023 (10 chapters), September 29th (15) chapters, and December or October 30th, 2023 (30+ chapters). See you then! Sound-minded Author synopsis The book follows a man whose soul drifted from earth to another body in a different world upon his death. He becomes a Demi-god with a system. He journeys out to become stronger while helping his father (a god) take revenge on those that nearly killed him. Unhinged Author Abstract It's about a human who becomes a Demi-god and has a system. The characters are evil, at least by human standards; you would rarely find a goody-to-shoe sub-character. The major character is a bipolar sociopath and still will be anywhere he goes. He has a few principles, but that depends on his mood (bipolar). This book will have a lot of action, action, and action, and killings, especially assassinations. I hate the slow pace, there will be slow chapters to create the setting but I will limit them as much as possible. If this book was a drug, then I would be a drug dealer getting high off my supply. I also hate cliffhangers, sometimes there is a need for them but damn do these authors even have a heart, messing with my emotions. I will limit this too. It sounds stupid, but I created this book for myself. Sometimes it's best to put crazy on paper. There is comedy here, too, not the forced kind. If I write and it shows up, it shows up. I admit I Am the type that loves a satisfying kill. I will give you a good kill once a week. So far in every chapter, someone dies. This book will go all over Greek mythology, Chinese mythology, crazy powers and abilities, religion, gods, Demi-gods, different universes, different planes, badass weapons, and more. THE PHOTO Isn't MINE. FOUND ON PINTEREST! I WILL POST 1 CHAPTER a week! Minimum 4 chapters a month! (working 2 jobs))

farmer_with_dimple · Fantaisie
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44 Chs

Chapter 43: Alex and the Condemned Priest Part 3

The Condemned Priest Point of View

Morgan started running downhill, with full momentum to catch his prey. At this point, he was beyond excited. Morgan loved facing opponents that were weaker than him; he relished toying with them until their deaths. Just the sight of his prey struggling to survive was an aphrodisiac. The unyielding longing in his prey's eyes to survive would make him scream 'yes yes yes yes' like a sexual lunatic as he chipped away at their hope of surviving, pursing them until their deaths.

Alex's orange eyes, brimming with life, were like a trigger for Morgan. It was then that Morgan made up his mind that he had to be the one to crush Alex's confidence and spirit. He had long forgotten that Alex was to be exchanged to the Marquess for favors and his loyalty.