
The Dao of Shamelessness

The earth suffered and earthquake due to a flaming saber that fell from heaven, resulting in almost half of the world's population being wiped out from the face of the earth. demonic beasts waged wars against humans, both on land and in the oceans. the sirens and mermaids governed the seas and attacked sailors at night. but everything change, when Charlie mistakenly opened a golden book that fell from the sky. [Ding! you have awakened the shameless system and you're on the first path of the Dao of Shamelessness!] Charlie fought with all kinds of creatures and saved humanity from the brinks of extinction with his shamelessness.

Aaanuoluwapo · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

unsung Villain

The forest became quiet, the battle stopped. one can even hear his own breathing.

There was suspense in the air, both the beasts and people were quietly waiting for the result. Once Charlie is dead, Walter and others wouldl be doomed, he is the commander that determines victory in this battle.

The same goes for the three headed demonic snake, once he's dead the beasts are bound to retreat.


The three headed demonic snake entered a place he's never been before, it was a vast empty space, all he could see was gold. Everything in that space is golden, the space was like a cubic box with no sky or Earth.

It was like being trapped in a giant golden box.

'All I did was bite that useless person to death, how did I get here?, What is this place?, How do I get out?.'

There are many questions going on in his mind but unfortunately there is no one to provide answers to these questions.

Mummy!!! I want to go home.

Then, when he thought that all hope was lost, a door was opened in that prison-like place and a very young boy entered through the golden door that magically appeared out of nowhere.

The boy's age should be around eleven years old, he is handsome and he wears a cute smile that will make any lady fall in love by merely glancing at him.

But something seems off about this boy's appearance, he's all blue from head to toe except for his silver eyes and azure hair; he is a blue skinned child.

Upon seeing this alien child, the cunning old snake became happy, his hope was reignited, he watched as the child approached. He walked slowly while his black robe fluttered in the invincible wind which gave him a heroic vibe.

With every step taken, charcoal dark lotus flowers will fall from the sky. He wore a golden mask on his face, and his azure hair was fluttering about in the invincible air.

'Finally my hero in shining armor…hmmm… shining colour is here' the three headed demonic snake thought.

"Where am I?Where is this place? How can I get out?" The three headed demonic snake asked "please tell me, I promise to give you all the sweetest candy in the world if you tell me."

"Hey kid, where are your parents" then he noticed a displeased look on the kid's face "poor kid, it must have been hard on you living all alone in this place. I can adopt you if you can…"


" Your grandpa is a kid, all your families would be adopted" the 'kid' finally lost it. "give those candies to your grandmother"

"Your ancestor over here is over two thousand years old" the kid shouted angrily while pulling off his mask, to reveal a pure and innocent face. If you look more closely, you'll notice a strand of azure hair on his face.

"and for your information, this place is a prison I created especially for you. Do you like it?" The kid wore a mischievous smile on his face, exposing his pure White teeth.

He doesn't even look like a villain he was trying to portray. he looked more like a naughty child trying to act cute.

"This is a prison?."

"You don't believe?, I think this will make you believe" the 'kid' snapped his finger. Then all sort of skulls began to drop from the ceiling. Those skulls were attached to a metal chain making it dangle in mid-air.

The space started to contrast, until it became the size of a small black room.

Many torture equipment magically appeared on the walls. Swords , pliers, needles, daggers and even shovels and rake.

Shovels?, Rakes?, What kind of torture will require those things. And how did those things magically appear out of thin air?

The snake was confused.

Then, a small bed made of nails appeared beside the three headed demonic snake which struck fear into his heart.

Even someone at the peak of foundation building can't do that, definitely this kid…cough…elder should be someone beyond the foundation building realm.

" who are you? And how did I get here? I don't think I have any enemity with you or any of your kind…greattt eld..elder" he stuttered

" You messed with who you shouldn't mess with, that kid is someone my master favours."

"and you distrupted my thousand years sleep, by barging into my house uninvited…now tell me how you wish to die""

Then the last torture equipment came, it was an eight metre long black coffin which opened on its own, the interior was covered in red clothes.

The 'kid' studied the expression on the three headed demonic beast's faces, but that idiot was beaming with a smile instead of begging for his dear life.

This elder still thought better of me, preparing a coffin for me, a mere fragmented soul that could be made to vanish by merely snapping his finger. Even if I die I'll die with dignity, buried in a black, shiny coffin I wouldn't face the humiliation of not being able to kill an ordinary human.

The elder is indeed very thoughtful.

"Thank you" he said

The 'elder' was on the verge of crying out loud.

Why? Why can't I be a successful villain?Even if it's just for one day. I wish to just look at the fear in people's eyes and the mess they make in their pants and laugh like the evil villain that I am.

Then…he changed his mind.

"killing you is like saving your face, I'll cripple your soul so you wouldn't be able to have the energy to trespass another man's property again" he said

" Anything you do is okay by me, just don't send me back there to that annoying demon" kneeled on the ground fiercely while begging for death.

" demon?Who's the demon, you or him? Cause you looked like one" the 'elder' stated the obvious.

" he's the one worthy of the title more than I am"

"Enough chit chat, I'll have to send you back as a cripple, with no memory of me or this place, hahahaha" an evil laughter roared in the "air", this laughter could have been evil if it was from an "adult", not with that child-like voice.

With a snap of his finger, the three headed demonic snake vanished from that space. Before he could vanish completely he muttered the word that kid hates the most.

"Thank you" he said, then he disappeared.

F--k, I should have killed that idiot, why?. Why can't I be a villain in peace?

I'm one of the deadliest villain

That once walked upon the Earth

The most feared emissary of death

To the young and old, I bring pain

But, wierd are these people that walked the Earth

I stole an elder's walking cane

People praised me for teaching him to walk-on his own

I took a candy from a child

I was once again honoured, for fighting against tooth decay

I stole the moon

I was celebrated for giving the people more chance to work

Stole the sun, and my statue was erected

For bringing peace into town

I once killed a man

"it was his time to die"

That's what I heard them say

I slept with my neighbor's wife

Yet, that idiot came to apologise…

For not bringing her on time

I laid under the bed, waiting for their kid to scream

But, those idiots even gave me snacks

And some fruits to keep

Without worrying about me strangling them in their sleep

Why can't I be a villain for crying out loud

Even if it's for a day, I'd truly be proud

I'd die happy, as a mighty villain

That controls everyone's fear

The sound of horror

The shriek from fear

I want strong men to piss their pants

By merely glancing at my shadow

I want people to know my might

To feel my vibe

hear the helpless cry of this lonely villain

And ease my pain

Of being mistaken as a hero

I want people to fiercely kneel before me

Begging for mercy

But, it's always the other way round

They always kneel, with tears in their eyes

With Gratitude shown on their face

They look at me, without the hint of fear

It makes my liver ache

Destiny is written in the book of Life

This villain is destined to live a fake life

The ' elder' laid down his pen, as he finished writing the last verse.

Infamy is all he wished for, yet he got famous for doing "good" all his life.

He must do all that must be done, to follow the footsteps of his master, the darklord. He was feared by both ghosts and humans alike. He entered into the depth of hell to wreak havoc, even the most vicious of all villains peed their pants when they saw him come near them.

This curse must be lifted, before things could get worse.