
The Dao of Shamelessness

The earth suffered and earthquake due to a flaming saber that fell from heaven, resulting in almost half of the world's population being wiped out from the face of the earth. demonic beasts waged wars against humans, both on land and in the oceans. the sirens and mermaids governed the seas and attacked sailors at night. but everything change, when Charlie mistakenly opened a golden book that fell from the sky. [Ding! you have awakened the shameless system and you're on the first path of the Dao of Shamelessness!] Charlie fought with all kinds of creatures and saved humanity from the brinks of extinction with his shamelessness.

Aaanuoluwapo · Fantasy
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12 Chs

seeking death

On their way to the forbidden Sea, they were ambushed by a group of demonic snakes, led by a 'three-headed demonic snake.

The humans were first noticed on their way towards the yellow mountain, once they reached the yellow mountain the demonic beasts sprang up from their hiding place and attacked the group of siblings.

The demonic beasts attacked ferociously, baring their teeth while attacking their God-sent food.

Francis, Kate, Walter, and Charlie fought with their lives on the line, suffering some minor injuries.

As for Charlie…

He's a mighty man, undefeated in battle.

For the two hours since the battle had begun, he fought with several chicken wings, he crushed them without even sparing the bones. He is indeed a hero all men dreamt to become. The most annoying one.

Walter and Francis fought with the beasts ferociously, they fought till their hands grew weary from wielding the sword.

If not for Kate's timely casting of healing spells on the group, they would have been defeated ten times over.

Charlie was not that useless. Without him, the group wouldn't even get past ten minutes before getting defeated.

"activate the 'pin drop' formation" Charlie shouted an order. "Prepare for battle, Walter, Francis you guys should take the first two angles"

" Kate, you should support them at the back with healing spells to support the formation" he barked out the order while battling with a chicken drumstick this time around.

The 'pin drop' formation was mostly used in a large-scale battle in an empire where the general, prince, or king is trapped in an encirclement by the enemies.

It can also be called a mobile formation, it is used to protect an important person on the battlefield and bring them to safety.

So, their formation formed a triangle. They pushed forward while fighting and killing the enemies, getting away from their encirclement.

While Charlie stayed in the middle, free of harm, fighting with words.

"Kill them all" he uttered "let them know who's the boss"

"Bastard" Walter cursed, but he didn't dare to go against his orders….the consequences were unimaginable.

Charlie may not have the talent for cultivation, but when it comes to formation and battle plans, setting traps, and running away from enemies, he's good at it.

He's always at the library looking for ways to solve his 'cultivation error' problem. So, he's read all kinds of books on subjects like formation, beast training, battle plans and formation, and all kinds of disguising arts and escape techniques.

He has even read a book on " how to flirt with a powerful female cultivator ".

Then he renamed the book "how to seek death from a powerful female cultivator" because every time he practiced that 'art' he barely escaped with his life.

But that wouldn't stop him from seeking death like he's doing right now.

While his brothers were putting their lives on the line to fight, he was busy picking up and eating demonic beast core.

This time, he was actively seeking his own death.

No one has ever lived to tell the tale of what happens after they eat a demonic beast core, especially the ones that belong to snakes and wild dogs…it's either they go mad for a day before committing suicide or they die due to poisoning.

He didn't want to seek death but his mind kept telling him that those things are good for him.

The feelings came especially from his heart.

After eating, he'll feel some special energy entering his body and then channelled into his heart.

His heart started turning gold without him knowing…the golden energy kept spreading until it covered his whole heart.

He could feel the strange things happening in his body but he can't explain it.

He was still exasperated by his talent, after eating almost fifty demonic beast cores, he's still yet to feel any power in him, all he could feel was his full stomach.

"Kill that beast in the middle, drop what you're doing, and face him" the three-headed demonic snakes cried "make sure you attack him, anyone who kills him will be given a thousand divine coins!"

The beasts attacked the formation fiercely as if their lives depended on opening the formation.

He has pulled enough aggro already from both his teammates and the enemies.

His siblings can't do anything to him, they'll have to protect him with their lives instead. The demonic beasts on the other hand wants to tear him to pieces and feed his body to their plants as fertilizer…

The three-headed demonic snake even thought of hanging his skull at the border of his territory as a warning to other beasts and humans eyeing his territory.

At the same time serve as a trophy for killing the most annoying human he had ever met on Earth.

The three-headed demonic snakes and his general, the "mad dog" were on the verge of losing their sanity.

Two peak-stage demonic beasts of the fourth level energy were on the verge of breaking down because of one useless human.

Francis, Kate, and Walter were fighting to kill, cutting and breaking the enemies bones and bodies but Charlie is breaking and killing the enemies's spirit without even raising his hands to fight.

Of course except for pointing at and mocking the enemies.

They were holding back their tears, even though they were famed for being cruel and ruthless they were not even close to holding up a candle to this useless human talkless of tying his shoelaces.

Charlie has eaten more than fifty demonic cores, thirty-six of which belong to the snake tribe while the rest are from the wild dog's tribe and they were all beasts of the third level and above.

"kill that bastard" the three-headed snake and mad dog cursed at the same time.

They were stopped by Walter and Francis from advancing, before they could get to Charlie they'll have to go through Walter and Francis.

Charlie even got the time to compose songs.

"I need to motivate you guys with music, so open your ears while I sing"

On our way to the forbidden ocean

A raging sea where no one treads

By the dark hours of the day

When the night has already drawn its curtain.

We walked the path

With no fear in our hearts

Ambushed by beasts

Surrounded by enemies

We lifted our swords and

Fought bravely by the yellow mountain

The green leaves were dyed red

The emerald sheen turned crimson

The forest was littered with our enemies' heads

We scared them till they end up

Hiding under their Mama's skirt

Set the firewood, make the fire

Light the beacon, call for friends

For we are to feast tonight

Dog meat is sweet

Snake's skin is good for bag

After this battle, we'll get home

And with a sigh

We'll tell this wonderful tale

Of how foods dropped down from the sky.

Francis was already panting from exhaustion, but when he heard the song, his strength was renewed. He thought of nothing else but the glory and honor it'll be for him when they got out of this battle alive and victorious.

Walter was also thinking of how to brag to their young master badly about his achievement in this battle. He'll surely not exaggerate anything but tell the truth about how he fought with two wild lions all by himself and won by slapping them to death

Walter faced the mad dog, and used all the strength he could muster to deal with the beast.

His sword left his hand and started spinning in mid-air, he then made some weird and complicated hand signs and the sword started multiplying, one became two, two became four...until it reached a terrifying number.

Then Walter waved his hands, urging the swords forward.

Xiu Xiu Xiu

The energy swords started moving rapidly toward the dog general.

Clang! Clang!

The dog general defended with all its might as it brandished its paw, to defend itself. He dodged, deflected, and took most of the attacks head-on relying solely on his hard, almost impenetrable body.

He suffered some minor wounds but still, he didn't manage to dodge the real sword buried in the sea of swords. Blood spurted out of his stomach as the sword plunged into it.

The mad dog quickly retreated to the rear end of the battlefield. He was dealt a lot of damage by that illusion swords technique

The three-headed demonic snakes have already reached their limit.

He broke down completely, he lost his sanity.

He used the vilest, evilest, and cruel technique on Earth "soul escape", the technique not only damages the enemy but also cuts short the life force of the user.

A technique cruel to both the user and his enemy, he might even get killed while casting the spell.

His soul will leave his body to possess and kill his opponent, leaving his body with nothing to protect.

The three-headed demonic snake's soul left its body and somehow reached Charlie, ignoring all defense.

He bit him as hard as he can, injecting all the poison left in his body and soul.

Elder brad who was in the bushes nearby didn't think that the damned snake will go to the extreme, he wasn't prepared.

Since it's a test from their father, he doesn't want to interfere unless necessary.

Through fighting in countless battles could a pig become a general, but now he must reveal his presence before things turn worse.