
The Dao of Shamelessness

The earth suffered and earthquake due to a flaming saber that fell from heaven, resulting in almost half of the world's population being wiped out from the face of the earth. demonic beasts waged wars against humans, both on land and in the oceans. the sirens and mermaids governed the seas and attacked sailors at night. but everything change, when Charlie mistakenly opened a golden book that fell from the sky. [Ding! you have awakened the shameless system and you're on the first path of the Dao of Shamelessness!] Charlie fought with all kinds of creatures and saved humanity from the brinks of extinction with his shamelessness.

Aaanuoluwapo · Fantasy
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12 Chs

sounds of death

the sound of death*

At the "battlefield", the three headed demonic snake's body was limp, not showing any signs of Life. Charlie was also not moving, like someone who just lost his soul.

He was still breathing, but in a state not more like a zombie. His head was bowed slightly, his hands seemed heavy to lift, he totally lost control of his whole body while still conscious.

He also lost the ability to talk. good thing the three headed demonic snake was intercepted before he could reach his soul, the poison transferred to his body by the three headed demonic snake was stopped before it could reach his vital organs it was packed in one place, before a powerful suction force acted on it, drawing it towards the golden heart.

It went through a complete cycle in his bloodstream before making its way to the golden heart.

After five minutes of circulation, the poison was gone and Silas regained his vitality, he was even healthier than before he was bitten by the venomous snake.

All the impurities hidden in his body was consumed by the golden heart.

At the same time, the three headed demonic snake was thrown back into his body, With no memory of what happened during the past five minutes of trespassing into Charlie's body.

He looked straight at Charlie's eyes with confusion written all over his face, then…he noticed that Charlie was also doing the same thing with the same kind of expression on his face. Then, he tried using his power, as he was about to enter the battlefield for the second time.

This is his only chance get get his revenge, to ease the souls of his fallen brothers whose cores were consumed by this guy.


He noticed that he can't gather any energy whatsoever, he tried all means, to no avail.

Then he noticed something that brought tears to his eyes…his demonic core was missing. By this time, he knew that he'd fu*ked up.

What sorcery is this? How did it happen? This brat surely couldn't have dug out the demonic core out of my body within that short period of time.

" BASTARD " he cursed, before commanding his troops to retreat " retreat! sound the horn!!, Back to base everyone!! "

Good thing he is still alive after losing his most precious demonic core. From now on, he is destined to live the hard life of mortals. The simple life of an animal he once was, is and will forever be.

" That brat sure is blessed with goodluck "

Elder brad heaved a long sigh of relief as he went back into the shadows.

He was getting ready to join the battlefield when the three headed demonic snake ordered to retreat.


" Charlie, hope you didn't get hurt in any way? " Kate asked while checking his body for any signs of internal injury or poisoning.

Waltee and Francis also waited by the side with worry written all over their faces.

" I'm okay " Charlie said "whoever dares to fight this mighty hero must have a death wish " he said while walking majesticaly towards the pathway without waiting for his siblings.

" bastard, wait for me and see if I wouldn't beat you to pulp" Walter cursed.

" Touch me, and I might forget some of the plans " Charlie threatened.

" I'll allow you to get beat up a few times before rendering my help. "

Then…silence ensued

They walked the forest for the next two hours without encountering any enemies, the demonic beasts on the way dared not find trouble with them, the three headed demonic snake is a living example of what will happen if they fight these group of people.

Especially, the " demon " in their midst, Charlie. That was how they created fears in the minds of these " innocent " demonic beasts.

The result of the battle was spread throughout the forest, every beasts have heard the story of how the three headed demonic snake lost his demonic core to that " core eating demon".


While nearing the deep sea, they began to hear a distant song, the voices were sonorous and sorrowful, bringing tears to the eyes of those who heard it, except for Charlie who knows how to appreciate good music.

He even praised them for their outstanding performance while trying his best to listen to the lyrics of the song, singing along with them.

" I guess from here onward, you're on your own Charlie " Francis said, while trying his best not to move any closer to that distant voice's calling.

The source of the music was still far from this place, yet they could hear the voices loud and clear.

The forbidden ocean has been abandoned for ages, no fisherman, sailor or pirates ever journeyed through this water for the fear of the sirens and their sound of death.

Charlie bade his brothers farewell, before entering a small abandoned boat. Then his siblings pushed him to sail.

According to their plans, his brother were there just to provide him with protection, the hard work of plucking the fruit is all his. He was immune to the sound of death, and that makes it automatically his job to get the fruit.

The fruit was located at an abandoned island at sea, and he must pass through the Rocky shore where the sirens resides.

The mermaids in the sea can easily be avoided by keeping your mouth shut, without uttering a sound you may pass freely by their waters without losing a hair.

Charlie decided not to seek death this time, even though the sirens voice was " compelling " him to sing along with them.

Their music was sorrowful, they sang as if someone who just lost a lover.

" come, my lover.

Let us revel in the luxury of lovemaking

Come, my love.. it's been long since your lips touched mine

I was sad for years, when the violent wind

Took you away from me

The string that binds our love

Has been cut short in the middle

Come my dear, let our love be rekindled

Look to the sky above

And see the paths laid out on the moon

Adjust your course

Follow the stars

It will lead you home to me.

The mighty wind

Has brought back my lover once more

Right to the front of my door

Follow my voice, and I'll lead you home

I'll shower you with kisses

Feed you with the ripe fruits at my chest

And let you taste the overflowing milk

That flows through the fountain between my thighs

Let the moon bear witness to our lovemaking

With the Earth as our bed,

The sky as our duvet,

These Rocky shores will be where we'll lay our head upon

As we revel in the joy of reunion

Hear my cry, o lover of mine

From wherever you may be

Swim to me

And let us be reunited as one

Hear the lonely cry of your siren lover.

The song was music to Charlie's perverted mind, he was trying his best not to sing along with the catchy song accompanied by the sorrowful sound of a lyre.

Then he passed by the Rocky shores where he saw the beigns with angelic voices, he saw their appearance from a far distance.

They were blessed with beautiful faces, with wings like that of an angel connected to their shoulder, while their skillful hands played the lyre with dexterity.

They're all gifted with two huge milk fountain at their chest area while blessed with a round milestone like " back seat "

They posses things that men would surely die for

Fear not, my lover

The sea will not create hindrance

To our sweet reunion

Neither will the wind

Stop us from meeting

Follow the sound of my voice

And swim to me my love.


The sirens sang sorrowfully, while waiting for him to fall into the trap.

But, unfortunately their dinner just gave them the middle finger.