
The Cultivating Seductress System

Sarah, a commoner girl from the slums meets a mysterious blue light in the forest. The girl ran from the blue light in fear and hesitation. Trying to find a way out before she made a choice she didn't understand. She didn't want to make her choice. But soon the blue light forced her to make the choice. Her only choice. She pressed [Yes]... [Welcome to the Cultivating Seductress System host!] The Cultivating Seductress System? Sarah had used her lustful nature to have control all over the slums and the mortal world. Using men and women, both, to get the things she desired while indulging in the bodies of those she seduced. But with this new mysterious system, will she be able to take the fruits of those cultivators as well? Will she be able to seduce those arrogant cultivators into doing her bidding? If she could... 'Now that would be interesting.' /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Author here! This is my first book ever! I’m hoping to write a very sexy story that will give the boys, and the girls something to enjoy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). ( Even though the story isn't centred around its hentai aspect, there are a lot of sex scenes in it. So, look forward to yuri, futanari, straight, monsters, incest, etc.) (Story gets a bit dark in some chapters, so read with caution.) The art on the cover isn't mine so if you want me to get rid of it just tell me and I'll happily do it. I constantly edit my previous chapters to at least have readable grammar and a good story, so expect a lot of changes in chapters while reading. Feedback on how to improve is highly appreciated! I’m trying to make the best book I possibly can for my first time, and I'm also trying my best to improve my writing so I can write a new book in the future. Hope you enjoy the story!

Spartan_Wolf · Fantaisie
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95 Chs

Finally Reaching Alron!

The grey-haired cultivator was standing on top of the corpse of the previously flaming bear. His robe was grey coloured with a sword emblem on his breast pocket.

The cultivator swiped his hair up to straighten it from the debris and flesh chunks that he had gotten on himself.

He had a greedy smile as he looked at the bear's corpse. Thinking about all of the benefits the upcoming tides were going to give to him.

The man brought his hand to the bear's head and opened it's eyelid, checking for it's worth.

"Hmm... it should bring me about 500 contribution points." The man said after analyzing his kill.

He brought his hand towards his hold gripping it tightly. For a few seconds his eyes darted in the sky trying to think of something.

An instant later he had a greedy grin on his face.

"That should be about 5 essense stones!" He said.

Sarah was looking at this man with a weird expression. The hell is this guy talking about?

Jonah finally got up from his spot and started limping slightly towards teh caravan where everybody else were situated.

Jonah limped a few steps before he looked at his leg with narrowed eyes.

He shook his leg violently for a second, before he started walking normally as if he hadn't been shot by a 10 meter tall flaming bear.

The cultivator finally looked up and saw the people he had just saved.

His smile immediately disappeared as it was replaced by a frown. He felt this was going to be very annoying.

"Thank you righteous cultivator!" The warriors shouted with reverence.

The warriors immediately started kow-towing in front of the beast's corpse, looking at the cultivator as if a god had decended to help in their plight.

The cultivator snorted 'Ignorant commoners...' The cultivator thought with arrogance and disdain.

He swept his eyes over everyone currently present and saw three mortals that didn't ask for his blessings.

A girl and two men.

He thought the girl was a bit pretty but that was only for commoner standards.

The only women he want are the once with the appropriate laws.

He was about to turn away but he remembered he was meant to help the survivors get to shelter.

'If you didn't want to die why even come outside in the first place. If these commoners wanted to die then they should at least be used as bait!' The cultivator thought with annoyance.

'Tch. Rightous this rightous that. Fools all of them!' The man vented.

He didn't want to help them, but he forced to help them according to the rightous path's rules.

He clicked his tongue as he led the group towards the gates.

"If you mortals want to survive then follow behind me. I'll lead you to the entrance gate. The soldiers over there will send you to your appropriate places." The man said while leaving a side-long glance behind him.

He started flying in the air moving towards Alron's gates.

Everyone saw him leave and realised that if they didn't follow him they would probably die.

They already met a flaming bear here. They might meet a freezing wolf or a rock crocodile next!

Everyone had their imaginations running wild as they jogged after the flying cultivator.

Sarah and everyone else looked ahead with hope shining in their eyes.

This man can fly!

He also killed that bear in one shot!

He is a cultivator!!

Damian watched the man as he followed, wondering what his future would be like.

Would he be able to do that one day?

Maybe. He wasn't sure.

For now he'll try and build his influence in Alron before he went for the cultivation path.

Damian turned around to see if Sarah was following behind him, along with looking for Jonah as well.

Damian saw Sarah running alongside a slightly toasted Jonah. Easily keeping up with the group.

Damian had a new look as he glanced at Jonah.

He was magnificent in that previous fight.

Sure Jonah didn't kill it, but his immense survivability when fighting that bear was amazing to look at.

His battle instincts were surely honed to a high degree!

Jonah's image had risen by a new level in Damian's mind.

The group followed behind the cultivator as they peered at their surroundings.

At first they didn't find anything strange. It just looked like a normal forest.

But after some time they started hearing roars every few steps.

As they got closer towards Alron, they started hearing shouts of defense while there were growls of invasion.

Both beasts and man fighting on two sides.

Man defending their ingenious creations and civilization, while mother nature was hurling her children at the gates to allow for her forest to take it's place again.

Sarah started seeing many beast groups fighting against warriors on their way to Alron.

They even saw some cultivators fighting the weird looking beasts.

Those beasts were abnormally strong.

Some could use ice under their feet to speed up while some used flames as a shield. Burning any foe that dared to attack it.

The cultivator leading the group saw his free contribution points disappear while he was leading these pathetic mortals.

He clicked his tongue and swiped his sword against the ground.


Instantly the approaching beast groups were dispatched as they were sliced in two halves. Their top halves rolled forward and stopped at Sarah and her group's feet.

Nobody said anything as they walked past the corpses.

They were utterly shell-shocked.

What was happening?

Damian and Jonah were not any different. They were also shocked at everything happening around them.

Was this even real?

Why can a turtle be faster then a wolf? Why can a bird shoot rocks out of it's mouth while a monkey was flying in the air alongside it?

Everything was going to hell!

They were just commoners.

No, they were even less then that, they were slum dwellers!

They barely knew cultivator's existed. And the only reason they knew was through their parents telling them fairy tales involving these supreme beings.

They talked about the heroic cultivators fighting the heavens and ascending to godhood so they could have their own rule over the mortal worlds.

The fact Jonah could become a cultivator was a thing of miracles!

And Sarah getting a Divine Inheritence was even more so!

Becoming a cultivator was like becoming a royal from the slums.

For commoners it was extremely difficult to become a cultivator.

For slum dwellers it was almost impossible for them to become a cultivator.

While for the nobles and royalties it was possible but still a bit difficult. But if they used enough money they could easily get a cultivator in their family.

For Sarah and Damian it as if they were suddenly transported from a barren wasteland with some occasional vultures scouring the desert, to an abundant country where monsters and things of horror lived.

The shift was too big!

Going to a more bountiful place always brought more dangers.

Sarah and Damian were finally realising that.

Jonah and the warriors already knew about the outside world.

Their commoner status didn't leave them without common knowledge about the world, but it was still shocking to be so close to magic and cultivation all of a sudden.

Their guilds usually had a few cultivators coming from here and there, but they were mostly Law Tempering Realm cultivators taking some risky missions to earn some quick bucks.

Either way while the group was getting closer to the gate, their saviour was mowing down beasts left and right, leaving a safe path for them to walk on.

It was starting to get more chaotic as they got closer to the gates, but the cultivator didn't show any strain on his expression except for annoyance.

He couldn't believe he had to babysit these commoners.

It was humiliating!

No more importantly it was getting into his hunting time and his contribution points!

Sure he would be rewarded for saving these fodders, but it wasn't worth as much as actually fighting those magical beasts!

The only reason he cared about saving them was so he could lure in more magical beasts, but clearly they had all been stolen by the cultivators of the other clans.

The cultivator sighed before he finally brought the Sarah and her group to the gates of Alron.

Sarah and Damian gazed at the gate in shock.

It was massive!

It seemed to be about 100 meters high while there was archers shooting down on the floor, aiming for the beasts ramming themselves against the wall.

The concentration of beasts wasn't necessarliy too big but it was still enough to allow for the city military to take affect.

"Stop don't shoot! A cultivator is coming to our gate!" Someone shouted from the top of the gate.

Everyone immediately silenced their warcrys and the gate had become pin drop silence.

An atmosphere of fear and respect was created through this silence. Showcasing the might of the cultivators in Alron.

Sarah and Damian looked at the gate with exhausted looks.

They were finally here...

One of the warriors from Sarah's group wanted to thank the cultivator, so she came forward and bowed towards him.

"Thank you lord for saving our lives! We wish to know our benefactor's name so we could one day repay this favour." The female warrior said with a little twinkle in her eyes at this innocent question.

The cultivator snorted before he waved his sword.

No sound was made.

The girl got up from her bowing position to see the cultivators face, ingraining his countenence into her memories. Hoping to one day see her prince charming again, some day.

But as soon as she stood up a red line was sliding down her face. Starting from her forehead all the way to her chin and below.

The girl was esctatic from coming out of that hell hole alive. So she gripped her spear and decided to say something.

But as the girl was trying to say something she suddenly realised she couldn't speak properly.

She furrowed her brows at this and suddenly her body split into two pieces. Perfectly cut with no jagged lines in-between the two halves.

It seemed as if gravity took some time to realise that this girl was meant to fall before it resumed it's course.

The girl's corpse fell to the floor, while reality had seemed to come into affect again.

The man looked at the girl's corpse and spitted on it.

"You're not worth my name." The cultivator said before he kicked the rest of the group behind the gates.

While all of this happened not a single sound was made.

No gasps, no shouts.

No shifting of their feets in nervousness or fear.

No clapping, showing the signs of respect towards this powerful cultivator.

Nothing happened.

No on did anything.

No one cared...

It seemed like a normal occurence as everyone saw the cultivator leave the scene soon after, finally accomplishing this annoying chore.

Why should he care about some mere mortals. The were not even cultivators.

They were useless bait that didn't even lead any beasts towards.

Instead they led his previous prey away.

He was a bit pissed about that.

Thank god he left those wretches behind. Now he could go back and gather some more contribution points!

Sarah and Damian looked at the cultivator leave with dead eyes.

They had realised that this place wasn't any different to the slums.

Alright! I've got college coming up in about two weeks, so my release schedule would probably cut in half by then.

Also congrats to me! Volume 1 was finally done!

I've learned a lot over this past few weeks and my writing has seen major improvements during this time.

Now this might seem as if I'm making this up but I can see where all of my previous mistakes lie.

In the last few chapters I learned how to write dialogue much better then in the beginning. In fact I tried my best to avoid any dialogues in the first few chapters, I just couldn't figure it out.

But now I know how to structure dialogue better and also learnt how to pace out the paragraphs while writing.

I mostly used my favourite authors' works and tried to emulate their writing and presentation styles.

I've also realised that I've written a lot of jargon in the previous chapters as well, so I'm going to go back and also fix that. Especially for the 18+ chapters.

And I've also seen a lot of grammatical errors whenever I write. So I'm also going to fix that if I can.

So, I'm going to go back and fix all of the earlier chapters so I can at least make volume 1 a pleasant reading experience for old and new readers.

Hope you guys had fun and look forward to volume 2.


Spartan_Wolfcreators' thoughts