


"I forgive you Candice" Eve said. "What are you going to do now that you have confessed" Eve asked Candice who is wiping her tears.

"Well I will go back from where I came from" Candice said shrugging her shoulders.

"Which is?" Eve asked.

"America" Candice said.

"Oh... I will help you just create an excuse to tell whoever told you to spy on me because I am very sure that he or she would be angry and might try to kill you" Eve said.

"I know how to take care of them. I will just threaten them" Candice said.

"How?" Eve asked.

"I will tell them that I will tell everything to your husband, Mr Charles" Candice said.

"Hmm... You sure clever" Eve said.

"I will be going now before someone sees both of us" Candice said.

"Okay, bye" Eve said.

Both women bade goodbye to each other and departed. Eve got into her car but didn't drive immediately instead she brought out the pen recorder and stared at it for some while before she put it back in her bag and drove off going to Charlie's office to tell him how her meeting with Candice went and also show him the pen recorder Candice gave her and they might even listen to it together.



JK corporation~~~~

Eve arrived at JK corporation and went up to Charlie's office without anyone stopping her.

Charlie heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" Charlie said.

"Hi Hun" Eve said.

"You know you don't have to knock before coming in. This is my office and you are my wife meaning you have unlimited access to it anytime" Charlie said. He stood up from his leather chair and went to hug Eve.

"Stop teasing me Charlie. What if you had guests and I just walked in like that, won't the guests think poorly of me?" Eve asked rhetorically pouting and licked her lips.

"No one dares look down on my wife and if you continue to pout and lick your lips like that I can't guarantee you that I will be able to control myself little bunny" Charlie said. His voice already sounding a little hoarse.

Eve face immediately turns deep shades of red like a tomato. "Stop that" she slaps her hand playfully on Charlie's chest.

"Right! Why are you here? Are you not supposed to be at work by now?" Charlie asked. Although he liked that Eve visited him at his company but he could not help but ask why she was here.

"Oh that is true! I almost forgot why I came to you before going to my company and that is all because of you and your teasing!" Eve said.

"I am sorry dear" Charlie said and he kissed Eve on her forehead.

"No problem... Now back to why I came. I came because I wanted to give you what Candice gave me when I meet her early this morning" Eve said dipping her hand inside her bag and brought out the pen recorder and gave it to Charlie.

"A pen recorder?" Charlie asked confused and curious. He paused and continued, "what is the content?" Charlie asked Eve while he was crutinizing the pen recorder.

"No, I have not listened to it. I said I should come to your company so we can listen to it together. She said it contained who sent her, why she accepted the offer to be a spy and other things" Eve said.

"Okay, but did she say anything after giving you this?" Charlie asked.

"Yes. She said she was going back to America where she was staying before she was asked to be a spy and I promised here that I would help her in going back safely" Eve said.

Charlie lifts one of his eyebrow before he spoke, "why did you promise her that you would help her go back to America?"

"I just feel pity for her and besides if Adriana finds out that she ratted them out to us they would for sure want to harm her and that is why you have to help me help her" Eve said looking at Charlie expectantly with lovey dover eyes.

Charlie face palmed his himself. He can never reject his wife whenever she looks at him like that, "okay" Eve throws herself on Charlie, hugging and kissing 😘 him all over his face and neck.

"Are you ready to listen to the recording or do you want us to enjoy ourselves a little bit before that? Of course I would definitely not object to the second option if that is what you want" Charlie said chuckling at his wife's reaction to what he said. Eve was surprised of what Charlie said and her eyes was wide open.

"Le... Let us listen to recording first" Eve said releasing Charlie.

"Okay" Charlie played the recording and put it on the coffee table in front of them.

Five minutes later, Charlie and Eve was left stunned, especially Eve. She could feel the hatred her uncle and his family has for her. Still now she could not believe she has such people as relatives and also still now they are still trying to bring her down no matter what.

Charlie saw his wife's gloomy expression and he was becoming angry and if not because of his wife he would have made them disappear from the face of the earth. His wife even requested him to help talk to the judge in charge of her uncle's bail request to grant the bail thinking that they would change but it is obvious they did not and even plan to ruin her father's company.

This made Charlie furious but he kept his cool because of his little bunny. He goes close to Eve, hugged her and comforted her.

"If you give me the go ahead to deal with your uncle and his family, I would not hesitate to destroy them" Charlie said.

"They are not worth dirtying your hands Hun. We should talk our time, let us not rush and destroy them just like that, it won't be any fun if it is rushed" Eve said.

"Okay dear, I believe you" Charlie said.

"Now I need to go back to the company before the employees would think that their boss is lazy" Eve said smiling.

"Okay" Charlie joined in and laughed with her. He escorted her to his private elevator. He insisted to follow her to the parking lot but Eve insisted that he should go back to his office. He could only obey his beautiful wife and stop at the elevator. He pressed the button and waited still the door closed before he went back to his office.



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African cuisine


Italian cuisine

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