


"If you give me the go ahead to deal with your uncle and his family, I would not hesitate to destroy them" Charlie said.

"They are not worth dirtying your hands Hun. We should talk our time, let us not rush and destroy them just like that, it won't be any fun if it is rushed" Eve said.

"Okay dear, I believe you" Charlie said.

"Now I need to go back to the company before the employees would think that their boss is lazy" Eve said smiling.

"Okay" Charlie joined in and laughed with her. He escorted her to his private elevator. He insisted to follow her to the parking lot but Eve insisted that he should go back to his office. He could only obey his beautiful wife and stop at the elevator. He pressed the button and waited still the door closed before he went back to his office.



Devan corporation~~~~~

Eve's office~~~~~

"How did your meeting with Candice go?" Eve heard a familiar voice and raises her head to see Sue walk towards her.

"It went well" Eve said.

"What did she tell you?" Sue asked.

"Well nothing much. She just told me that she is sorry for everything she has done to me and she also gave me a pen recorder" Eve said.

"Pen recorder?" Sue said surprised.

"Yes. She said it contained the details of everything she has done including who sent her and why she did it" Eve said.

"Really?" Sue asked wide eyed.

"Umm..." Eve hummed her answer while nodding her head.

"But wait... Won't the person who sent her be angry with her and try to hurt her when he or she find out that she told you everything?" Sue asked.

"Yes I thought about that also but she said if it eventually came to that she would take care of them by threatening them to tell my husband. And I told her not to tell  the person who sent her but lie that something urgent came up so she has to go back to America and I would help her with that" Eve said.

"Oh Eve! You are still helping the person who helped and tried to bring you down" Sue said and sighed.

"What do you expect me to do when I can't help it" Eve said raising her two hands up.

"Oh yeah right" Sue said agreeing with Eve.

"You still haven't told me who sent her" Sue said.

"Who else if not my uncle and his family especially my cousin, Adriana" Eve said sarcastically.

"And what did your husband say about it?" Sue asked.

"He wanted to wipe them off the face of the earth!" Eve said and both Sue and her laughed.

While they were laughing, Nars walked into the office. "What's so funny that you both are laughing?" Nars asked.

"Oh... The person who sent Candice to spy on the company and bring it down is Adriana. Apparently her uncle and his family are still targeting her" Sue said.

"Is that why you both are laughing?" Nars asked. He was confused because there was nothing funny in what Sue just explained to him.

"No, that wasn't why we were laughing" Eve said.

"Then tell me why you both were laughing and stop keeping me in suspense!" Nars said impatiently.

"We were laughing because Charlie wanted to wipe them off the face of the earth" Eve said and this made Nars begin to laugh also.

"But isn't that what they deserve for everything they have done to you. For goodness sake Eve, they tried to kill you!" Nars emphasized on the word 'kill'.

"And what did you tell him? Did you agree to it?" Nars asked.

"Hell no! Doing that to them would be just too easy for them. I suggested we deal with them and make them pay little by little, no need to rush" Eve said resting her back on the back of her chair adorning a cold and calm demeanor.

"Way to go girl!" Sue said.

The trio discussed for some while before Sue and Nars went back to their office to continue their work.



The day went by with Eve attending business meetings here and there, signing contracts and so on and because of that Eve was very tired and only wanted to lie down and rest her head when she entered the mansion.

"Hello dear" Charlie greeted Eve when she came home.

"Hello hun" Eve said tiredly.

"Seems work today was stressful?" Charlie asked.

"Yes very tiring and I just want to go freshen up and sleep now" Eve said.

"Are you not hungry?" Charlie asked.

"Don't worry about that, I ate something at work" Eve said and started going upstairs.

"Okay. Make sure you freshen up!" Charlie yelled to Eve who was already going to their room.

"Okay" Eve made a hand gesture👌.


Inside the bathroom~~~~

Eve just finished taking her bath and she was applying her daily essentials on her face when she remembered something!

She hasn't seen her period for the month!

"What's happening? I am was supposed to start my period for the month three days ago! Why is that?

Does it mean that...." Eve shakes her head and removed her thought away from thinking about that scenerio.

"That can't be true. Maybe I am having an irregular menstruation cycle this month and it will come later... Yes! That's it! That's it!" She came to the conclusion that she was having an irregular menstrual cycle. She hurried up with her daily routine and went to bed.

Charlie's study in the mansion~~~~~

Charlie's father, Mark called him and asked for the process of dealing with Eve's relatives. Charlie told him about everything that had happened recently and even told him about the pen recorder.

His father told him to be careful and talk things slowly like his wife advised him. After that his father brought up the topic he doesn't like.

"When will you give me grandchild?" Mark asked.

"Soon dad... Soon" Charlie said. 'As soon as Eve agrees' Charlie thought.

"Okay I will be waiting for the good news" mark said and cuts the call. Charlie tidied up his desk and goes back to the bedroom.



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Random question for the day 😊:

Carrot cake


Victoria sandwich

Drop your answers in the comment section ☺