



When she got back to her cubicle, her colleague Ossy was surprised why Candice didn't come back with anything.

"Where is the package?" Ossy said.

"Oh... My friend sent me food and since I haven't eaten anything yet this morning, I decided to eat it in the rest area before coming back" Candice said forcing a smile on her face to mask her fear.

"So tingy!" Ossy said and went back to what she was doing.

Candice tried so hard to hide her fear from her colleagues. Some noticed that something was bordering her and asked her about it and some even offered to help but she denied it and they left her alone.

Candice could not wait still the end of work and she took three days off with the excuse that she was sick and would need to stay at home to recuperate.


Some certain people knows that she is not exactly sick at all.



On the second day of Candice's sick leave, she received another threat telling her to confess what she did or else she would die.

At JK corporation~~~~~

"How is what I told you to do is going?" Charlie is on the phone with Sazuki, asking for the progress mission assigned to him.

"It is going well boss. By tomorrow I am sure she would come forward to confess" Sazuki said.

"Okay, keep it up" Charlie said.

"Yes boss!" Sazuki said.

"Ken!" Charlie called for the head of bodyguards.

"Yes boss" ken immediately came into the office, bowed as he asked his boss "you sent for me, sir" ken asked.

"Yes I did. Have you noticed any usual movement around my wife?" Charlie asked.

"None for now sir" ken said.

"Okay you can go and continue to guard my wife. Nothing should happen to her" Charlie said.

"Yes boss" ken said. Charlie's phone rings and he gestured ken to leave his office so he can answer the call. Charlie answered the call immediately kan goes out of the office.

"Hello little bunny" Charlie said with a smile on his face.

"Hello Hun! Whatever your plan is, it is really really working!😄" Eve said excited.

"What would have happened to make you this excited little bunny?" Charlie asked chuckling.

"Yes something happened!" Eve said with obvious excitement in her voice.

"What?" Charlie asked. Of course he can already guess what made Eve happy but he decided to play along.

"Did you know that Candice called me and told me that she has something to confess to me? Isn't that great news?" Eve said. She was almost shouting.

Charlie moved the phone away from his ears because of how loud Eve shouted.

"That is great news" Charlie said.

"Yes! Make sure you come home early because I am making dinner for both of us" Eve said.

"Okay I will... Hmm... Bye" Charlie said and he ends the call.



The next day~~~~~

Al's coffee shop~~~~~

Eve arrived at the coffee shop where Candice told her they should meet. She entered the coffee shop and scanned around and she found Candice at one corner of the restaurant. She looked like she has not slept for days. She has very obvious dark cycles under her eyes and also a pale face that made her look sick, maybe she has actually become sick.

Eve walked towards her direction and as she gets closer to where Candice sat, Candice looked up and saw her and Eve saw agony and sadness in her eyes which made Eve begin to have pity on her.

"Miss Eve please have mercy on me!" Candice immediately said not even waiting for Eve to sit down.

"For what Candice? Did you do anything wrong to me that you are apologizing" Eve acted as if she does not know what Candice is talking about.

"I... I... I" Candice began to stammer. "I am a spy sent to spy on you and report whatever I get about your schedule, I am really sorry" Candice said apologetically.

"What! You are what? A spy... Hahaha" Eve acted as if she was affected by what Candice just told her.

"I am deeply sorry miss Eve" Candice said.

"Why did you decide to confess to me? I am sure that whoever sent you will not be happy about your decision to tell me the truth" Eve said.

"I don't know if you would believe me but I have been receiving death threats for the past one week. That is the main reason I decided to take three days off and the only plausible reason I could use to get the days off was that I was sick" Candice said.

"I guess I have been a fool to have believed and trusted you even when Sue and Nars said that they suspected you of being a spy that leaked my clients causing us to lose the contract with Mr Honor.

To make matters worse you even pretended to be friendly with me" Eve said her anger increased. Candice began to cry bitterly.

"I am sorry miss Eve" Candice took out a pen recorder and placed in front of Eve and said "all you need to know is recorded in this pen recorder. From the reason I did what I did to who told me to do it everything is there. I am really sorry Eve" this time Candice addressed her with her name.

"I forgive you Candice" Eve said. "What are you going to do now that you have confessed" Eve asked Candice who is wiping her tears.

"Well I will go back from where I came from" Candice said shrugging her shoulders.

"Which is?" Eve asked.

"America" Candice said.

"Oh... I will help you just create an excuse to tell whoever told you to spy on me because I am very sure that he or she would be angry and might try to kill you" Eve said.

"I know how to take care of them. I will just threaten them" Candice said.

"How?" Eve asked.

"I will tell them that I will tell everything to your husband, Mr Charles" Candice said.

"Hmm... You sure clever" Eve said.

"I will be going now before someone sees both of us" Candice said.

Both women bade goodbye to each other and departed.



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Random question for the day 😊:

Chinese cuisine


French cuisine

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