
The Beekeeper

Auteur: Indigo_Grey
Fantasy Romance
Actuel · 4.2K Affichage
  • 15 Shc
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What is The Beekeeper

Lisez le roman The Beekeeper écrit par l'auteur Indigo_Grey publié sur WebNovel. Synopsis Emilia (Mia) Thompson returns to her hometown of Willow Creek, nestled in the heart of the apiary region, to inherit her family's beloved beekeeping business. Her father's sudden passing leav...


Synopsis Emilia (Mia) Thompson returns to her hometown of Willow Creek, nestled in the heart of the apiary region, to inherit her family's beloved beekeeping business. Her father's sudden passing leaves her with a mysterious warning: " Trust no one. " As Mia Hunts into the world of beekeeping, she discovers a sinister threat to the bees, the town's ecosystem, and her own life. A corporation, led by the ruthless Victor Blackwood, is secretly poisoning the bees to exploit the lucrative honey industry. Mia's investigation puts her in the crosshairs of rival beekeepers, corrupt officials, and the corporation's henchmen. She finds solace in her friendship with Ruby, a local botanist, and Liam, a charming entomologist who helps her unravel the mysteries of bees. As she uncovers dark secrets, ancient myths, and hidden agendas, Mia must confront her troubled past and learn to trust others. With bees on the brink of extinction, Mia must muster all her courage and determination to save her apiary, her village, and herself. Can she uncover the truth and protect her bees? Or will her forces of greed and corruption silence her forever?

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