
Chapter 13: Hidden Secret

Emilia's heart pounded as she finished the explanation. The company's true intentions are worse than you think. They don't just use bees to make money; They control entire ecosystems. Max's voice broke the silence. "Emilia, I know this is a lot to do. But we need to act quickly. We cannot allow them to continue this destruction. Emilia nodded, determination flowing through her veins. "We must collect the evidence and present it. But we must be careful. The company has eyes and ears everywhere. "Emilia, this is Verona. I was researching the company's records. I think I saw something big. . And come alone. He hung up the phone, his heart pounding with the possibilities. "Max, I have to go," she said and was already heading towards the door. Max followed, looking around. "Please be careful, Emilia. We don't know what we're dealing with." He knew she was walking into the unknown, but she was ready to face whatever lay ahead. As she walked into the night, the darkness seemed to swallow her whole. She knew it was a risk, but she was determined to uncover the truth at all costs. Emilia walked quickly through the empty streets, her heart full of excitement. The old warehouse looks grand, its shabby appearance contrasting with the sleek modern buildings around it. She pushed open the creaking door and stepped inside into the darkness. Verona's voice called from the shadows: "Emilia, here." Emilia obeyed the voice, her eyes turning into a bright light. Verona stood next to the office, surrounded by piles of papers, documents, and broken papers chapter What did you see? Emilia asked curiously. Verona gives her a book with information. "This is definitive proof. Proof of the company's crimes, their control of ecosystems and their true intentions towards bees." This is the proof they need to bring down the company. While she was going through the archives, the loud sound echoing from the warehouse caused her heart to pound. Heavy, deliberate footsteps came from the corner of the room. "Verona, we have company." Emilia whispered, her eyes closed in the darkness. Verona had a determined expression on her face. "We have to get this evidence out of here Now." Emilia nodded, tucked the file under her arm, and they set off immediately. The footsteps were getting closer and Emilia could feel the weight of the crowd watching her. They walked through the door and out into the cold night air and didn't stop until they reached the safety of Max's car. Panting and trembling, Emilia returned to Verona. "We did it. We have proof." Verona's smile is cruel. "Now we need to make this public. Before they silence us forever.