
Chapter 1: The inheritance

Mia Thompson walked off the dusty road towards the elegant path that led to her family's apiary. The sweet scent of honey and beeswax filled her and took her back to a time when life was simpler. The rustic wooden sign creaked in the wind, reading in faded letters: "Thompson Honey Farm - Established 1952." He had mixed feelings when he arrived at the old farmhouse. It had been five years since she walked here, escaping the pain and suffering of her mother's death. Now his father's sudden death forces her to confront the past and take back her life. The thought sent shivers down her spine. The door opened, the curtain creaked when she pushed it, and the familiar creak of wood under her feet echoed in the empty room. Her father's presence was still there, from the dressing table to the smell of smoke. Mia walked through a silent, painful place, memories flowing into her heart like a swarm of bees. She stopped in the kitchen, where the old wooden table still bore the scars of countless family gatherings. Her mother's smile was on her mind, and she could almost smell the freshly baked cookies that once filled the air. The pain of loss still lingered, but Mia pushed it aside and focused on the task at hand. A note on the table in the kitchen caught her attention. Her father's hand was uncomfortable but firm: "Mia, honey, I'm so proud of the strong woman you've become. Take care of the bees, the earth, and yourself. Don't trust anyone. -Dad." When she wondered how her father had abandoned her, a shiver ran down her spine when she found out what secret it was. She felt it coming down. She crumpled the paper into a ball, her mind full of questions. Why is he so confused in his last days? What is he hiding? Mia's eyes shifted out the window and looked at the beehive in the distance. Rows of white boxes decorated with family crests hummed in eerie silence. She felt a strange pull, as if the bees were calling her back. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the bright sunlight, the warmth of her skin harmonizing with the cold inside. The air was filled with the sound of bees, a soothing music that always gave her peace. As she walks towards the beehive, the smell of honey and beeswax increases, transporting her to a time when life was simpler. She stood in front of the shoulder and ran her fingers over the familiar grooves in the wood. This is its history, its mission. The weight of his father's legacy settled on her shoulders and she felt a burning determination within her. As Mia stood there, the wind blowing through her hair, she knew she had a lot to learn. Her father has always been the keeper of secrets, the guardian of the beehive. Now it's her turn. She began to walk over the itchy lines, examining each one with a critical eye. The bees appear to be thriving, but she knows the results can be deceiving. Her father always said that bees are like mirrors, reflecting the health of the land and the people who care for them. While she was working, the sound of an approaching car broke the silence. Mia's heart started beating faster when she saw a stylish black car parked next to her. The door opened and a man in a clean shirt came out; Her eyes stared at him with disturbing intensity. "Mia Thompson," he said, his voice low and firm. "I'm Victor Blackwood of Blackwood Industries. Your father and I... have some business to do. I'm here to discuss the future of the beehive." Mia's mind screamed a warning, but she stood on the ground, her eyes closed. She knew her father was wary of Blackwood Industries and wanted to know what secrets he left behind. Mia felt pressured to clean herself up when Victor Blackwood approached her. She had heard rumors about Blackwood Industries' poor business practices and disrespect for the environment. She had always thought that her father's behavior towards them was innocent, but now she was not sure. "What do you want, Mr. Blackwood?" She asked, trying to keep her voice steady. "I want to talk about the future of apiculture," he repeated with a look of triumph in his eyes. "Your father and I… have an understanding. I believe it is time for us to make a new agreement." She knew she had to be careful.