
Chapter 3: Uncovering the Truth

Mia's thoughts were racing as she read the letter and the hardback. She didn't believe everything she learned about her father's past. He is a member of a secret society that protects bees and beehives from those who try to harm them. As Mia delved deeper into the book, she discovered that the Hive Sect was an ancient sect dating back hundreds of years. Its members are beekeepers and beekeepers who swear to protect bees and the natural world from those who seek them out or harm them. Mia's father is an important member of the Order who works to spread the plan to destroy the beehives and replace them with large farms. The text shows that he was close to the truth and that's why he was killed. Determined to uncover the truth and seek justice for her father, Mia decides to investigate further. She first visited the local library and met Miss Wendy there. Jenkins, urban historian. Miss Mia showed him documents and books and asked him to help her find more information. Ms. Jenkins' eyes widened as she read the document. "I didn't know your father was involved in something like this," he said. "But I remember hearing rumors that a big company was trying to buy land in the area." Mia's ears perked up. "Do you know the name of the company?" Mrs. Jenkins nodded. "Yes, it's called Blackwood Industries. It is a large company operating in every field from agriculture to medicine. Victor Blackwood visited her at her apiary. Secretly buy land and negotiate with local farmers to sell their products. He couldn't let Blackwood Industries destroy the beehives and the beauty of the area. He decides to confront Victor Blackwood and demand answers. Mia is determined and determined when she goes to Blackwood Industries' office. She is no longer a beekeeper's daughter; Like his father, she is the guardian of this world. When Mia arrived at the office, she was greeted by Victor Blackwood himself. Tall, imposing, his eyes are cold and calculating. "So you are the beekeeper's daughter," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "I've heard a lot about you, Mia. You're a little worker, aren't you?" Mia stood upright, her eyes fixed on him. "I just want to protect beehives and the natural world. What are your plans for the region? Victor Blackwood smiled a cold, knowing smile. "We will develop this land, Mia. We will build a big farm so we can make a lot of money. "Success always comes with a price, Mia. Sometimes that price is the destruction of some old people and their precious beehives. Mia knew she had to act immediately." She couldn't let Blackwood Industries destroy her beehives and the natural world. She decided to take matters into her own hands and she knew where to start.