

REVELATION 1:8 "I am the Alpha & Omega" Hi, Thank you for taking the time to read this, wether you agree or argue doesn't matter. What matters is you picked up this piece of work. So rather you believe or not is entirely your journey. In piece of work, I narrow down life's most asked questions. I set the record straight on GOD and LUCIFER. I hope people can leave having more faith and understandin. GOD bless you All who hear or read this. -PASTOR J. FREEMAN

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The image of GOD

Explains how you should live

For example, live by Rembering this

"The Great Commandment"

"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."

- Matthew 22:37

Yes you do need to be baptised, do need faith the size of a mustard seed, do this, do that.

Look, I have seen The LORD, and he is the Judge, Jury, executioner.

I am not going to sell you a "get into heaven quick scheme"

I will say this.

Have a relationship with GOD, we'll Jesus. Because Jesus said "to get to the father you have to go through me"

Pre much so...

If you don't accept Jesus as your lord and saviour. And don't have a relationship with him.

If you're name isn't in the Lambs book of life and if Jesus says "I never knew you"


That might be a bad sign.

Jesus says you can't but your way into heaven. So don't bother saving heaps of money. (GOD doesn't need money)

So yeah.

Pick up the cross, follow Jesus

Go to Church,

Be born again with the Holy Spirit.

Deny yourself before god

Ask GOD what you want done in HIS NAME.


and Love Jesus with all your heart.

And give thanks to the LORD always.

Listen to Christian Music and

Have a relationship with Jesus.

(Can't stress that enough)

Jesus is one person you don't want to make mad (see Exodus)

From Flooding to Plagues (To attack Egypt GODS)

GOD has merci Yes. But He does punish the Wicked.

It's the Freewill that damned man.

GOD is Good.

He is the same since Old Testament and the same in NEW TESTAMENT.

GOD wants to have a relationship with us, he wants us to rejoice for Jesus set the Captives free! Amen.

GOD doesn't want us to hurt ourselves, kill, steal or hurt people sexually.

So why do we turn our backs on him?

I am a Pastor so I understand GOD as a whole but people lie, cheat, steal, smoke, drink and have promiscuous Sexual Intercourse. So what God are they following. Sounds like a terrible one. That will lead them down of Rocks.

MY GOD will lead me down the path of righteousness,

YOUR "God" will lead down a path that "Rocks"

- Taken from (Emporers new Groove)