

REVELATION 1:8 "I am the Alpha & Omega" Hi, Thank you for taking the time to read this, wether you agree or argue doesn't matter. What matters is you picked up this piece of work. So rather you believe or not is entirely your journey. In piece of work, I narrow down life's most asked questions. I set the record straight on GOD and LUCIFER. I hope people can leave having more faith and understandin. GOD bless you All who hear or read this. -PASTOR J. FREEMAN

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Where do we go from here

Find GOD.

I would rather be Dead Right (Worship GOD)

Then be Dead Wrong (Not worship God and GOD be real)

Don't love GOD for sake of doing it. LOVE GOD with all your heart and soul

Remember the Great Commandment.

Meaning of Life.

GOD. your life is revolving around GOD. Might not be. So change it.

Put GOD into everything. Walking. Running. Sleeping. Everything.

GOD wants to be in the mundane to everything!

If people deny Him. Rebuke it and try and change there minds.

GOD wants people to love him. He weeps for us.

"We are made in his image"

And our bodies belong to him

It's foolish to think we can live without him. Jesus is our bread and living water. Jesus is the way, the life.

Please. Just think about your life. Why is jesus so bad?

Is it cos you will be picked on or bullied?

Jesus will never forsake you nor leave you. So why would you forsake and leave him?

If you are a born again Christian or just interested in this.

Please pick up a bible and follow Jesus Christ (King Jesus)

Because Jesus loves you.

Don't waste time on movies, Gaming, Secular music.

What has this world offered you?

Money, likes, tiktok, music?

You can't take that to heaven.

You can't but your way to heaven.

Jesus is the only way to get into heaven.

If you go to Hell (Sheol) you will NOT have a good time.

Any part of Hell will be an eternity (Forever) OF PAIN and suffering.

In hell you will be punished, Tormented, cut off from GOD.

Lucifer will be talking to you like this

" Don't Cry, Save your Tears for the Suffering"

Think of HELLRAISER and imagine the Cenobites is talking to you.

That's your Damnation.

GOD is an awesome GOD. He doesn't want us to Drink, Smoke or get Tattoos. And yet we act like he is bad?

GOD has NEVER failed us. Some people say he is this and that...blah blah.

GOD has never lead us wrong.

Yes there was "SLAVES" in the bible. But. Back then money was tight ti mention and you were retired at 33 and "Slavery" is a job security and you were looked after.

So no different from your 9-5.

Defending Lucifer.

Don't. Lucifer is PURE EVIL. He hates PEOPLE (You and me)

Lucifer considers us as Cattle.

We mean nothing to HIM.

He wants us to destroy GODs kingdom by violating GODS work.

Like example (Lying, Cheating, Stealing and other things that go against god)


Let's talk about why he is evil.

Being A beautiful Angel. LUCIFER knew Music. (that's why Metal music is tool of the Devil)

Music is one of Lucifers speciallty.

So Lucifer wants to SEEK, KILL, DESTROY.

Did GOD know Lucifer was going to turn evil.


Did GOD prevent it.


GOD made Angel's and existed.

GOD wanted to make PEOPLE but Lucifer wanted to be worshipped as a GOD. But people were to have authority over angels.

Lucifer didn't like that and decided to attack Heaven?

(Really not smart)

So massive war Michael casted out Lucifer from heaven and set Lucifer to Hell.

GOD can't be attacked, Hurt and all that pain stuff. Because he is perfect and Pure. Jesus was hurt because he was 'Man' I don't like referring to Jesus as a man (Cos he is my Lord and saviour)

So all that happened. And now we are here. Everyone abandoned GOD. Which is what the enemy wants.

Either way GOD is above all.