

REVELATION 1:8 "I am the Alpha & Omega" Hi, Thank you for taking the time to read this, wether you agree or argue doesn't matter. What matters is you picked up this piece of work. So rather you believe or not is entirely your journey. In piece of work, I narrow down life's most asked questions. I set the record straight on GOD and LUCIFER. I hope people can leave having more faith and understandin. GOD bless you All who hear or read this. -PASTOR J. FREEMAN

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OKAY. So let's just put it on the table.

NO. Lucifer is scared of Holy Trinity.

LUCIFER trembles before GOD.

GOD is Eternal. GOD CANT DIE.

besides. If you can get within 5 feet of Jesus or Holy Trinity you are a NINJA.

Seriously I had a dream/Vision that I went to heaven and I went to hug jesus and I was charged by Michael (Assumingly) because Arch Angel's have swords. (YES)

So...I asked GOD why he won't kill Lucifer and end it all.

GOD said this

"If I was to Kill Lucifer I would be no better than him."


I said why don't you end sin?

"If I was to Remove Free Will, There would be no temptation and I couldn't figure out who is worthy"


So yes. Till this day GOD will see if you are worthy if he wants to. (Refer to the book of JOB)

I asked GOD if the kingdom of heaven is at war he said this.

"Don't worry about me for I am GOD, I am the Alpha/Omega, The enemy flees in my presence."


So yeah, GOD is pretty powerful he is self sufficient and doesn't need people to be alive he will be alive forever.

So. Alot of people ask where did we come from? Are we alone. Aliens. Big bang so GOD said this when I asked him.

"I have always been and always will be"


Meaning "I am the Beginning and the End, The Alpha & Omega"

- revelation 1:8

to get to where I am spiritually and connected on a deep level. Is really beautiful for me.

I also asked if he knew what was going to happen in the Garden of Eden.

Cos why did he let the Snake eat from Tree.

He said this.

"Humanity, Decided to disobey me."

So GOD knows all. So he knew all this would happen. So he knew everything would happen.

So why would he do what he does.


To understand GOD is to watch a movie. Then recreate the movie.

The movie never changes but you know every scene and word.

You say your line every know and then

But the movie plays out.

So. Yeah. Right now GOD is in the new Jerusalem and new heavens with the chosen Christians.

That's why GOD can see the future and all that stuff...

So yeah GOD is NOT something that's going to Go Away.

Repent, Go to Church.

Stay away from the enemy.

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

So, Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven.

Matthew 6. [33] "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

GOD has seen it ALL, He is the Ever knowing and Ever living.

Sounds familiar.

If anyone says


"I am the Ever living"

They are being blasphemous (Mocking GOD) and should not do that.

GOD is someone you should not make angry.

'Jesus said to him, "It is written again, 'You shall not tempt the LORD your God.' "

Matthew 4:7

That's when Jesus is being tempted by Lucifer.

So GOD...made the world in 7 days. Yes.

Makes things broken and makes them beautiful in the eyes of the lord. To what pleases him. Yes