
The Adventure of Cookieboy

In Canada, a young boy lives with his giga rich father. His mom and father separated, separating him from his sister. years later...... He gets lost in a forest and gets the power of the greatest magic user that has ever lived 'Cookieboy'. He must now learn how to use his magic and save the earth from eternal darkness by protecting the orb

Elijah_Eghosa · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The First Day!

Luther is filled with happiness and nervousness as he is entering them st prestigious academy on earth, so he wore his finest clothes and shoes.

"Go and get Luther we need to go now" Benoz Crestfallen orders a maid.

"Yes Sir" The maid replies

The maid uns to Luther's room and applies two gentle knocks on the door.

"Sir Luther Master Benoz sent for you"

"I will be there in a minute" Luther replies

Few minutes later...

Luther and Benoz Crestfallen gets to the academy at 7:30am, Luther is accompanied to the orientation theatre by one of the security officer.

"This is the orientation theatre" the security said before walking away

Luther is shocked after seeing 5 students in the special class he was expecting 30 student and then takes his seat in the front row.

Few minutes later....

All the students had arrived they were about (25) and they commenced with the orientation, A ladywoth a long blue hair and round with a fair complexion with a good figure (Mrs Stella) stepped forward. She talked The principal, the academies facilities, equipment and staffs then stated the rules and regulations one by one and explained them.

"Coden, Kristen, Stewart, Cox distribute the rule book and CRC bracelet" she ordered them.

After everyone had received their CRC brackets and the rule book, they were taught how to use their bracelets and were told to put all their things in the CRC bracelet

At the end of the orientation the woman said

" All student listen up, Science student go to the man on blue, Art to the man on Yellow, Combat to the man on green, TD to the on red and All Rounders to the man on a multi colored shirt" the woman said.

Since Luther was an All Rounder student he went to the man on a multi colored shirt.

Few hours later....

"Oh I am starving I should go to the diner"Luther said in a low tone holding his tommy like he has not eaten before. On getting to the diner Luther saw Bella so he picked a seat were he could see her face clearly then order a turducballizza ( a turkey in a duck inside a meat ball with pizza).

After the heart felt food .....

Luther made the first move by talking to Priscilla, at first she snobbed him but after a while Bella started talking to him and later they became close friends.